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Δευτέρα 20 Απριλίου 2020


Guillain-Barre syndrome and posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome: a rare association
A 69-year-old woman presented with headaches and visual disturbance in the context of marked hypertension secondary to non-compliance with antihypertensive medications. She developed seizures and hyperreflexia, and MRI brain showed changes consistent with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES). She was treated with antihypertensives with the resolution of symptoms. Over the following week, she developed progressive distal sensory loss, weakness and areflexia. The cerebrospinal fluid...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
'Ring scotoma of ophthalmologists: a direct ophthalmoscopy view
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Microbial clues lead to a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in late adulthood
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common life-limiting autosomal recessive genetic disorder among Caucasian populations. The majority of CF cases are diagnosed in childhood; however, increasing numbers of adults are being diagnosed with the condition. We present the case of a 65-year-old Irish woman presenting with a chronic cough and a history of recurrent respiratory tract infections. Staphylococcus aureus, Scedosporium apiospermum and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were grown from bronchoalveolar...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Facial trauma aggravating paediatric orbital cellulitis
We describe a case of paediatric orbital cellulitis with subperiosteal abscess following blunt facial trauma. Clinical features of orbital cellulitis developed on day 1 post-trauma. A subperiosteal collection subsequently formed lateral to the globe, causing significant ocular compromise. Surgical drainage and sinus washout were performed via external incisions, with satisfactory outcome. This case highlights how trauma may represent a non-sinogenic aggravating factor in orbital cellulitis. We describe...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
The Promise and Peril of Antibody Testing for COVID-19
This Medical News article discusses how antibody tests should—and should not—be used during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
JAMA Online First
From Mitigation to Containment of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This Viewpoint discusses public health strategies necessary for the US to relax its mitigation strategies—most notably expanded testing, isolation, and contact-tracing in ways that avoid stigmatization of vulnerable populations—and proposes investing returns from a reopened economy to finance testing and public health infrastructure.
JAMA Online First
Masks and COVID-19
This JAMA Patient Page describes who should wear face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides suggestions for making masks at home and wearing them properly.
JAMA Online First
Symptoms at COVID-19 Onset Among Health Care Workers in Washington State
This study assessed the spectrum of initial symptoms at the onset of polymerase chain reaction–confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among health care personnel in King County, Washington.
JAMA Online First
COVID-19—Looking Beyond Tomorrow for Health Care and Society
Just 6 months ago, the novel coronavirus now known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19, the severe disease it causes, were unheard of. Today, this highly contagious and dangerous virus and the widespread virulent disease it causes have resulted in major disruptions of business, education, and transportation, and have permeated and interrupted virtually every aspect of daily life. Millions of people have been affected by COVID-19, hundreds of thousands have...
JAMA Online First
Mathematical Models Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic
This Viewpoint discusses the challenges of accurately modeling the COVID-19 pandemic and reviews principles that will make some models more useful than others, such as use of granular local data when available, regular updating and revision, and specification of uncertainty around estimates.
JAMA Online First
Ensuring Scientific Integrity and Public Confidence in the Search for Effective COVID-19 Treatment
This Viewpoint discusses the risks to patients and public health posed by the FDA’s politically pressured Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment, and proposes principles to follow to ensure new therapies are studied properly and quickly to maximize benefits and minimize risks to patients.
JAMA Online First
Delayed Antibiotic Prescriptions in Ambulatory Care—Reconsidering a Problematic Practice
This Viewpoint discusses the unintended adverse consequences of delayed antibiotic prescribing—provision of an antibiotic prescription to be filled at a later date if a patient’s condition has not improved—and calls on clinicians to avoid the practice in patients who have self-limited conditions with likely viral etiologies.
JAMA Online First
Finding Ways to Reduce Coronavirus Exposure During Dialysis
This Medical News Feature examines what hemodialysis centers are doing to protect their high-risk patients from COVID-19.
JAMA Online First
Hippocampal activation and connectivity in the aging brain
Abstract The hippocampus and underlying cortices are highly susceptible to pathologic change with increasing age. Using an associative face-scene (Face-Place) encoding task designed to target these regions, we investigated activation and connectivity patterns in cognitively normal older adults. Functional MRI scans were collected in 210 older participants (mean age = 76.4 yrs) in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Brain activation patterns were examined during encoding...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Altered white matter structural networks in drug-naïve patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Abstract White matter (WM) alteration is considered to be a vital neurological mechanism of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, little is known regarding the changes in topological organization of WM structural network in OCD. We acquired diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) datasets from 28 drug-naïve OCD patients and 28 well-matched healthy controls (HC). A deterministic fiber tracking approach was used to construct the whole-brain structural connectome. Group differences...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
APOE ε4 and cognitive reserve effects on the functional network in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum
Abstract The apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, whereas educational attainments have protective effects against cognitive decline in aging and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. We examined the possible effects of years of education and APOE genotype on the topological properties of the functional network in normal aging, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The years of education showed a significant, negative association...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Abnormalities in the thalamo-cortical network in patients with functional constipation
Abstract Functional constipation (FCon) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID); neuroimaging studies have shown brain functional abnormalities in thalamo-cortical regions in patients with FGID. However, association between FCon and topological characteristics of brain networks remains largely unknown. We employed resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI) and graph theory approach to investigate functional brain topological organization in 42...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Altered resting-state functional networks in patients with hemodialysis: a graph-theoretical based study
Abstract Recent studies have demonstrated that hemodialysis patients exhibit disruptions in functional networks with invisible cerebral alterations. We explored the alterations of functional connectivity in hemodialysis patients using the graph-theory method. A total of 46 hemodialysis patients (53.11 ± 1.58 years, 28 males) and 47 healthy controls (55.57 ± 0.86 years, 22 males) were scanned by using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. The brains of these patients...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
The changes of brain functional networks in young adult smokers based on independent component analysis
Abstract Intrinsic functional connectivity (FC) networks, including the default mode network (DMN), central executive network (CEN), and salience network (SN), have been implicated in nicotine addiction. However, litter evidence exists about the abnormalities in the three networks in young adult smokers. Forty-eight young adult smokers and 49 age- and gender-matched non-smokers were recruited in the present study. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Compromised resting cerebral metabolism after sport-related concussion: A calibrated MRI study
Abstract Altered resting cerebral blood flow (CBF0) in the acute phase post-concussion may contribute to neurobehavioral deficiencies, often reported weeks after the injury. However, in addition to changes in CBF0, little is known about other physiological mechanisms that may be disturbed within the cerebrovasculature. The aim of this study was to assess whether changes in baseline perfusion following sport-related concussion (SRC) were co-localized with changes in cerebral metabolic...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Structural and functional brain network alterations in prenatal alcohol exposed neonates
Abstract Prenatal alcohol exposure leads to alterations in cognition, behavior and underlying brain architecture. However, prior studies have not integrated structural and functional imaging data in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. The aim of this study was to characterize disruptions in both structural and functional brain network organization after prenatal alcohol exposure in very early life. A group of 11 neonates with prenatal alcohol exposure and 14 unexposed controls...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Functional and structural impairment of transcallosal motor fibres in ALS: a study using transcranial magnetic stimulation, diffusion tensor imaging, and diffusion weighted spectroscopy
Abstract Imaging studies showed that the structure of the corpus callosum (CC) is affected in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Some clinical studies also suggest that interhemispheric connectivity is altered, since mirror movements seem to occur in ALS. Finally, reduced interhemispheric inhibition (IHI), studied by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), has been reported. It is not known whether there is any association between these findings. Here, we studied the integrity...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Structural network performance for early diagnosis of spastic cerebral palsy in periventricular white matter injury
Abstract Periventricular white matter injury (PWMI) is a common cause of spastic cerebral palsy (SCP). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) shows high sensitivity but moderate specificity for predicting SCP. The limited specificity may be due to the diverse and extensive brain injuries seen in infants with PWMI. We enrolled 72 infants with corrected age from 6 to 18 months in 3 groups: PWMI with SCP (n = 20), non-CP PWMI (n = 19), and control (n = 33) groups. We compared DTI-based brain...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Functional connectivity dysfunction of insular subdivisions in cognitive impairment after acute mild traumatic brain injury
Abstract Purpose This study aimed to investigate the early functional connectivity alterations between insula subdivisions and other cortical regions in patients with acute mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and subsequently to explore the relationship between functional connectivity changes of insula subdivisions with other cortical regions and cognitive function. Methods...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Aberrant static and dynamic functional connectivity of the executive control network in lung cancer patients after chemotherapy: a longitudinal fMRI study
Abstract Objective The purpose of the current study was to investigate chemotherapy-related variations in the intrinsic static and dynamic functional connectivity (sFC and dFC, respectively) of the executive control network (ECN) in lung cancer patients. Materials and methods In this study, we evaluated 18 lung cancer patients scanned before and after...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Abberant inverted U-shaped brain pattern and trait-related retinal impairment in schizophrenia patients with combined auditory and visual hallucinations: a pilot study
Abstract Schizophrenic patients often experience auditory hallucinations (AHs) and visual hallucinations (VHs). However, brain and retinal alterations associated with combined AHs and VHs in schizophrenic patients are unknown. This study aimed o investigate brain and retinal alterations in first episode un-treated schizophrenic patients with combined AHs and VHs (FUSCHAV). FUSCHAV patients (n = 120), divided into four groups according to severity of AH and VH symptoms, were compared...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Gut dysbiosis-influence on amygdala-based functional activity in patients with end stage renal disease: a preliminary study
Abstract Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are notably accompanied by cognitive disorder and anxiety or depressive symptom. We aimed to explore the linkages of the amygdala-based MR parameters, cognitive and mood performance, systematic inflammation and gut microbiota in ESRD. This prospective study enrolled 28 ESRD patients (13 males and 15 females, mean age of 43.9 ± 13.8 years) and 19 age- and sex-matched healthy control (HC) (12 males and 7 females, mean age of...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Strategies to solve the reverse inference fallacy in future MRI studies of schizophrenia: a review
Abstract Few advances in schizophrenia research have been translated into clinical practice, despite 60 years of serum biomarkers studies and 50 years of genetic studies. During the last 30 years, neuroimaging studies on schizophrenia have gradually increased, partly due to the beautiful prospect that the pathophysiology of schizophrenia could be explained entirely by the Human Connectome Project (HCP). However, the fallacy of reverse inference has been a critical problem of the...
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Intravenous 5-fluoro-2′-deoxycytidine administered with tetrahydrouridine increases the proportion of p16-expressing circulating tumor cells in patients with advanced solid tumors
Abstract Purpose Following promising responses to the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor 5-fluoro-2′-deoxycytidine (FdCyd) combined with tetrahydrouridine (THU) in phase 1 testing, we initiated a non-randomized phase 2 study to assess response to this combination in patients with advanced solid tumor types for which tumor suppressor gene methylation is potentially prognostic. To obtain pharmacodynamic evidence for DNMT inhibition by...
Latest Results for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
The influence of PD-L1 genetic variation on the prognosis of R0 resection colorectal cancer patients received capecitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapy: a long-term follow-up, real-world retrospective study
Abstract Purpose This study investigated the influence of PD-L1 genetic variation on the prognosis of R0 resection colorectal cancer (CRC) patients who received capecitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapy in real world. Methods A total of 315 CRC patients underwent R0 surgical resection and received capecitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapy were included. Clinical...
Latest Results for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Cerebrospinal fluid penetration of the colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) inhibitor, pexidartinib
Abstract Purpose Pexidartinib (PLX3397) is a colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) inhibitor under clinical evaluation for potential CNS tumor treatment. This study aims to evaluate plasma pharmacokinetic parameters and estimate CNS penetrance of pexidartinib in a non-human primate (NHP) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) reservoir model. Methods Five male...
Latest Results for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Changes in Voice After Septoplasty: A Pilot Study
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in voice after septoplasty in adults using the Dr.Speech assessment module in conjunction with subjective evaluation using Voice Handicap Index (VHI). A total of 50 consecutive patients with symptomatic Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) undergoing septoplasty were included in the study. Patients fit for surgery underwent septoplasty by standard technique. Voice assessment was done by subjective voice evaluation and Acoustic voice...
Latest Results
Labyrinthine Fistula-Our Experience at a Tertiary Hospital
Abstract This study has aimed to determine the anatomical site of labyrinthine fistula in patients of chronic suppurative otitis media at our centre. Labyrinthine fistulae (LF) are caused by abnormal communications between the inner ear and surrounding structures resulting in perilymph leakage and hearing loss. Labyrinthine fistula represents as erosive loss of the enchondral bone overlying the semicircular canals without loss of perilymph. The manifestations of fistula like vertigo,...
Latest Results
Fraser Syndrome: A Stumbling Block for the Anaesthesiologist
Abstract Fraser syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with spectrum of malformations. Gamut of abnormal airway includes high arched palate, laryngeal atresia, hypoplasia, laryngeal stenosis etc. Laryngeal intubation difficulties have often been reported in literature. Airway management and decision process leading to emergency tracheostomy in these children has been discussed.
Latest Results
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Old Age Deafness
Abstract Hearing impairment is one of the most common sensory deficit affecting 466 million people globally and in majority of old age people it can not corrected. Since presbycusis is always associated with diminished cognition power resulting in two fold loss in understanding of speech. There is no treatment available till date to regenerate the hair cells but certainly we can augment hearing by preventing and regenerating (apoptosis) atrophy of stria vascularis, spiral neural...
Latest Results
Developing intercultural communicative competence by the means of telecollaboration
Abstract This paper presents the results of an eight-week quasi-experimental study of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners at the tertiary level in Turkey. The purpose of the study was to reveal the extent to which EFL learners’ intercultural communicative competence (ICC) was enhanced as a result of communication with native and non-native speakers of English with the means of a/synchronous communication tools as compared with the instruction given in a real classroom...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
To: -) or to ☺, that is the question: a study of students’ initial impressions of instructors’ paralinguistic cues
Abstract This paper explores the use of paralinguistics, defined as cues which facilitate interaction and communication without the use of specific words (e.g., emoticons, emojis) in instructor-student technologically-mediated out-of-class communication (TMOCC). Using an experiment manipulating cue use and instructor sex in initial emails, we examined how respondents’ (N = 236) impressions of instructors’ credibility and immediacy are influenced by these paralinguistics. Results...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Design framework of adaptive intelligent tutoring systems
Abstract The aim of this study is to examine adaptation elements and Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) elements used in Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring Systems (AITSs), using meta-synthesis methods to analyze the results of previous research. Toward this end, articles appearing in the Web of Science, Google Scholar, Eric and Science Direct databases in 2000 and later were identified with the keyphrase “adaptive intelligent tutoring system.” Application of exclusion and inclusion...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Evaluating YouTube videos for young children
Abstract YouTube has become a popular digital media platform used by young children. However, concerns have been raised around inappropriate video content and limited quality. A lack of research and theoretical discussion exists on how best to evaluate the quality of YouTube videos made for children. In this study, we reviewed research and developed a set of design principles that informed the production of a YouTube video rubric used to evaluate the quality of YouTube videos targeted...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies

Students’ perception and acceptance of web-based τechnologies: a multi-group pls analysis in romania and spain
Abstract The study is conducted on 558 under-graduate students in Romania and Spain to examine potential differences in perception and acceptance items towards using web-based technologies. The research model is based on the Internet Attitude Scale (IAS) and measures Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Anxiety, Perceived Usefulness and Computer Self-Efficacy. Results from country-based group comparisons reveal significant differences in all four constructs, while gender does not seem...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Relationship between motivations, personality traits and intention to continue using MOOCs
Abstract MOOCs represent an emerging model for delivering education services. Notwithstanding their potential, they suffer significant dropout rates, which have been attributed to the low motivation of the registered students. This research seeks to understand the variance in the levels of intention to continue using MOOCs (ICM) in relation to motivation (internal and external) and personality traits (agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness). In this study, Structural...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies

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