Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2020

Hearing Deterioration Reported by Discharged COVID-19 Patients
A significant number of patients reported a deterioration in their hearing when questioned eight weeks after discharge from a hospital admission for COVID-19, according to University of Manchester audiologists, in a study supported by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Center (BRC).One hundred and twenty one of the adults admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, took part in the survey by telephone. When asked about changes to their hearing sixteen...
Mon Aug 03, 2020 18:18
Hearing Deterioration Reported by Discharged COVID-19 Patients
A significant number of patients reported a deterioration in their hearing when questioned eight weeks after discharge from a hospital admission for COVID-19, according to University of Manchester audiologists, in a study supported by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Center (BRC).One hundred and twenty one of the adults admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, took part in the survey by telephone. When asked about changes to their hearing sixteen...
Mon Aug 03, 2020 18:18
Noise Exposure May Cause Even More Hearing Loss Than Doctors Thought
By Nala RogersResearchers have long debated why so many people lose their hearing as they age. Some have argued that the problem lies mainly with the stria vascularis, a sort of battery in the inner ear that powers the transformation of sound energy into nerve impulses. But a new study places the blame largely with hair cells -- the same sensory organs that are damaged by loud noises.Most details of the inner ear are impossible to examine while people are alive. To really see what’s going on, researchers...
Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:17

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