Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2020

90Y Radioembolization: Telemedicine During COVID-19 Outbreak, Opportunity for Prime Time
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Diagnostic Value of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT for Detection of Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Expression in Prostate Cancer: A Pilot Study
Our purpose was to explore the value of 68Ga-prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET/CT for detection of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN)–loss prostate cancer. Methods: We retrospectively enrolled 75 patients who underwent multiparametric MRI and 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT before radical prostatectomy. Lesions were outlined on pathologic images, and regions of interest were drawn on matched multiparametric MRI and PET/CT images. Imaging parameters, including average apparent diffusion coefficient...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
The Role of Nuclear Medicine for COVID-19: Time to Act Now
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
64Cu-DOTATATE PET/CT for Imaging Patients with Known or Suspected Somatostatin Receptor-Positive Neuroendocrine Tumors: Results of the First U.S. Prospective, Reader-Masked Clinical Trial
Studies demonstrate that the investigational 64Cu-DOTATATE radiopharmaceutical may provide diagnostic and logistical benefits over available imaging agents for patients with somatostatin receptor (SSTR)–positive neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Accordingly, we aimed to prospectively determine the lowest dose of 64Cu-DOTATATE that facilitates diagnostic-quality scans and evaluated the diagnostic performance and safety in a phase III study of patients with SSTR-expressing NETs. Methods: A dose-ranging...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Who Was the First Doctor to Report the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China?
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Differential Expression of Glucose Transporters and Hexokinases in Prostate Cancer with a Neuroendocrine Gene Signature: A Mechanistic Perspective for 18F-FDG Imaging of PSMA-Suppressed Tumors
Although the incidence of de novo neuroendocrine prostate cancer (PC) is rare, recent data suggest that low expression of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is associated with a spectrum of neuroendocrine hallmarks and androgen receptor (AR) suppression in PC. Previous clinical reports indicate that PCs with a phenotype similar to neuroendocrine tumors can be more amenable to imaging by 18F-FDG than by PSMA-targeting radioligands. In this study, we evaluated the association between neuroendocrine...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Guidance and best practices for nuclear cardiology laboratories during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: An Information Statement from ASNC and SNMMI
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Evaluation of Dosimetry, Quantitative Methods, and Test-Retest Variability of 18F-PI-2620 PET for the Assessment of Tau Deposits in the Human Brain
18F-PI-2620 is a next-generation tau PET tracer that has demonstrated ability to image the spatial distribution of suspected tau pathology. The objective of this study was to assess the tracer biodistribution, dosimetry, and quantitative methods of 18F-PI-2620 in the human brain. Full kinetic modeling to quantify tau load was investigated. Noninvasive kinetic modeling and semiquantitative methods were evaluated against the full tracer kinetics. Finally, the reproducibility of PET measurements from...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Imaging the Distribution of Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptors in Cancer
Targeting tumor-expressed receptors using selective molecules for diagnostic, therapeutic, or both diagnostic and therapeutic (theragnostic) purposes is a promising approach in oncologic applications. Such approaches have increased significantly over the past decade. Peptides such as gastrin-releasing peptide receptors targeting radiopharmaceuticals are small molecules with fast blood clearance and urinary excretion. They demonstrate good tissue diffusion, low immunogenicity, and highly selective...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Does 2-FDG PET Accurately Reflect Quantitative In Vivo Glucose Utilization?
2-Deoxy-2-18F-fluoro-d-glucose (2-FDG) with PET is undeniably useful in the clinic, being able, among other uses, to monitor change over time using the 2-FDG SUV metric. This report suggests some potentially serious caveats for this and related roles for 2-FDG PET. Most critical is the assumption that there is an exact proportionality between glucose metabolism and 2-FDG metabolism, called the lumped constant, or LC. This report describes that LC is not constant for a specific tissue and may be variable...
JNM Current Issue
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:05
Evaluation of bond strength of molar orthodontic tubes subjected to reinforcement with flowable and bonding resins
Abstract Objective The goal was to evaluate the adhesive shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic tubes bonded to molar teeth and reinforced with Transbond XT (3M Science, St. Paul, MN, USA) and flowable resin. Materials and methods In all, 120 molar teeth, previously extracted from patients with a mean age of 30 were included. Orthodontic molar tubes...
Latest Results for Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie
Thu Jun 04, 2020 03:00
Assessment of RBE-weighted dose models for carbon ion therapy towards modernization of clinical practice at HIT: <em>in vitro</em>, <em>in vivo</em> and in patients
Publication date: Available online 3 June 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Stewart Mein, Carmen Klein, Benedikt Kopp, Giuseppe Magro, Semi Harrabi, Christian P. Karger, Thomas Haberer, Jürgen Debus, Amir Abdollahi, Ivana Dokic, Andrea Mairani
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:43
Effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on reach-to-grasp performance in individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a preliminary study
Abstract Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have deficits in reach-to-grasp (RTG) execution and visuospatial processing which may be a result of dopamine deficiency in two brain regions: primary motor cortex (M1) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). We hypothesized that improvement following M1 stimulation would be the result of a direct impact on motor execution; whereas, DLPFC stimulation would improve the role of DLPFC in visuospatial processing. The aim of pilot...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Jun 04, 2020 03:00
The role of perception and action on the use of allocentric information in a large-scale virtual environment
Abstract In everyday life, our brain constantly builds spatial representations of the objects surrounding us. Many studies have investigated the nature of these spatial representations. It is well established that we use allocentric information in real-time and memory-guided movements. Most studies relied on small-scale and static experiments, leaving it unclear whether similar paradigms yield the same results on a larger scale using dynamic objects. We created a virtual reality...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Jun 04, 2020 03:00
[Case report of contact allergy to filtering facepiece class 2 mask of a medical worker during Covid-19 pandemic].
Related Articles[Case report of contact allergy to filtering facepiece class 2 mask of a medical worker during Covid-19 pandemic]. Laryngorhinootologie. 2020 Jun 03;: Authors: Klimek L, Spielhaupter M, Alali A, Freudelsperger L, Cichy M, Huppertz T, Hagemann J PMID: 32492726 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:32
Study of Larotinib in Unresectable Advanced or Recurrent Esophageal Cancer
Condition:   Esophageal CancerInterventions:   Drug: Lerotinib;   Drug: Irinotecan/TegafurSponsor:   Sunshine Lake Pharma Co., Ltd.Not yet recruiting
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:26
Combining Pembrolizumab and Metformin in Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Condition:   Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaInterventions:   Drug: Metformin Extended Release Oral Tablet;   Drug: PembrolizumabSponsors:   Trisha Wise-Draper;   American Cancer Society, Inc.Not yet recruiting
Wed Jun 03, 2020 19:00
Induction Chemotherapy Plus Radiotherapy Alone in Patients With Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Condition:   Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaInterventions:   Drug: gemcitabine and cisplatin; docetaxel, cisplatin and fluorouracil;   Radiation: IMRT;   Radiation: IMRT and concurrent cisplatinSponsor:   West China HospitalNot yet recruiting
Wed Jun 03, 2020 19:00
Safety evaluation of the food enzyme endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase from the genetically modified Trichoderma reesei strain RF5427
Abstract The food enzyme endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase (4‐β‐D‐xylan xylanohydrolase; EC is produced with the genetically modified Trichoderma reesei strain RF 5427 by AB Enzymes GmbH. The genetic modifications do not give rise to safety concerns. The food enzyme is free from viable cells of the production organism and recombinant DNA . It is intended to be used in baking, brewing and cereal‐based processes, distilled alcohol production and grain treatment for the production of starch and gluten...
Wiley: EFSA Journal: Table of Contents
Wed Jun 03, 2020 19:48
Impression materials: does water affect the performance of alginates?
Related ArticlesImpression materials: does water affect the performance of alginates? Minerva Stomatol. 2020 Apr;69(2):106-111 Authors: Cervino G Abstract Alginic acid is a polysaccharide widely present in the cellular walls of brown algae. Alginate is widely used as a mold material in dentistry, in the production of prostheses and in the production of positives for small-scale casting. It is also used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries...
Minerva stomatologica
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:16
Correlations between dental assistance/oral health and clinical intercurrences in an end-stage kidney disease patients: a historical cohort study.
Related ArticlesCorrelations between dental assistance/oral health and clinical intercurrences in an end-stage kidney disease patients: a historical cohort study. Minerva Stomatol. 2020 Apr;69(2):100-105 Authors: Assante SM, Morimoto S, Tedesco TK, Gimenez T, Ramalho KM Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to correlate the self-report oral health, oral hygiene and dental assistance with clinic intercurrences with hospitalization in adults in...
Minerva stomatologica
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:16
Self-perception and physician's awareness on early detection of tongue cancer: experience of the Oral Medicine Unit of Trieste.
Related ArticlesSelf-perception and physician's awareness on early detection of tongue cancer: experience of the Oral Medicine Unit of Trieste. Minerva Stomatol. 2020 Apr;69(2):95-99 Authors: Gobbo M, Ottaviani G, Rupel K, Zoi V, Di Lenarda R, Biasotto M, Poropat A Abstract BACKGROUND: The objective of this retrospective study was to characterize the outpatient oral medicine referral pattern for tongue lesions with particular emphasis on cancer. ...
Minerva stomatologica
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:16
Simplified basic periodontal examination in adolescents before and after a tailored treatment dental program.
Related ArticlesSimplified basic periodontal examination in adolescents before and after a tailored treatment dental program. Minerva Stomatol. 2020 Apr;69(2):72-78 Authors: Miceli M, Cosseddu G, Pasini M, Semeraro S, Lardani L, Giuca MR Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a tailored treatment dental program in adolescents in combination with a professional oral hygiene. METHODS: Ninety-three adolescents...
Minerva stomatologica
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:16
Effects of lingual exercises on oral muscle strength and salivary flow rate in elderly adults: a randomized clinical trial.
Related ArticlesEffects of lingual exercises on oral muscle strength and salivary flow rate in elderly adults: a randomized clinical trial. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Lee KH, Jung ES, Choi YY Abstract AIM: The present study investigated the effects of two types of lingual exercise (tongue-hold swallowing and tongue-pressure resistance training) on oral muscle strength, salivary flow rate and subjective oral health of the elderly....
swallowing exercises
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:14
The Safety and Efficacy of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Rehabilitation After Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy: A Pilot Investigation.
Related ArticlesThe Safety and Efficacy of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Rehabilitation After Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy: A Pilot Investigation. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019 Mar;128(3):169-176 Authors: Palmer AD, Bolognone RK, Thomsen S, Britton D, Schindler J, Graville DJ Abstract OBJECTIVES: Expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) is a safe, effective intervention that can be performed at home and may be beneficial for individuals...
swallowing exercises
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:14
Alopezien – kühlen Kopf bewahren!
Zusammenfassung Kopfhautbiopsien mit der Fragestellung Alopezie rufen nicht selten beim Befunder Unbehagen hervor, nicht zuletzt durch die ungewöhnliche, horizontale Schnittführung der Präparate, die v. a. bei nicht vernarbenden Prozessen der typischen vertikalen Schnittebene vorzuziehen ist. Neben einer profunden Kenntnis der Haarfollikelanatomie ist auch eine Auseinandersetzung mit den klinischen Erscheinungsformen der Krankheitsbilder unablässig. Die nachfolgende Arbeit vermittelt...
Der Pathologe
Thu Jun 04, 2020 03:00
מילון עברי–עברי ודף המילה
מילון עברי–עברי האקדמיה ללשון העברית מעמידה לרשות הגולשים באתר מידע מילוני על המילים העבריות על יסוד מילון ההווה: הגדרה מילונית. פרטים דקדוקיים (חלק דיבור, שורש, נטיית הפועל). הערות תקן וניסוח במידת הצורך. צירופים שבהם המילה נתונה ופירושיהם. המילון נמצא בתהליך פיתוח ומתעדכן מעת לעת. דף המילה "דף המילה" הוא דף התוצאות שתקבלו מכל מאגרי האקדמיה כאשר תבחרו מילה או צירוף באמצעות חלונית החיפוש: מידע מילוני על המילה העברית – מן המילון. קישורים למידע נרחב באתר האקדמיה – הסברים דקדוקיים, גלגולי...
האקדמיה ללשון העברית
Thu Jun 04, 2020 14:45
The green-brown polymorphism of the club-legged grasshopper Gomphocerus sibiricus is heritable and appears genetically simple
Local coexistence of distinct, genetically determined color morphs can be unstable and transitional. Stable, long-term coexistence requires some form of balancing selection to protect morphs from getting lost ...
Most Recent Articles: BMC Evolutionary Biology
Mon Jun 01, 2020 03:00
Computed tomography sheds new light on the affinities of the enigmatic euarthropod Jianshania furcatus from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota
The Chengjiang biota is one of the most species-rich Cambrian Konservat-Lagerstätten, and preserves a community dominated by non-biomineralized euarthropods. However, several Chengjiang euarthropods have an un...
Most Recent Articles: BMC Evolutionary Biology
Mon Jun 01, 2020 03:00
medical science; +3849 new citations
3849 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: medical science These pubmed results were generated on 2020/06/04PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Medical Science
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:03
medical science; +3849 new citations
3849 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: medical science These pubmed results were generated on 2020/06/04PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Medical Science
Thu Jun 04, 2020 13:06
Five-year change of prevalence and risk factors for infection and mortality of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae bloodstream infection in a tertiary hospital in North China
There are few studies focused on carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) bloodstream infection (BSI). The aim of this study is to identify the prevalence and risk factors for infection and mortality of ...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Mon Jun 01, 2020 03:00
One Health in hospitals: how understanding the dynamics of people, animals, and the hospital built-environment can be used to better inform interventions for antimicrobial-resistant gram-positive infections
Despite improvements in hospital infection prevention and control, healthcare associated infections (HAIs) remain a challenge with significant patient morbidity, mortality, and cost for the healthcare system. ...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Mon Jun 01, 2020 03:00
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of human iris color: A comprehensive review.
Related ArticlesMolecular and biochemical mechanisms of human iris color: A comprehensive review. J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Dorgaleleh S, Naghipoor K, Barahouie A, Dastaviz F, Oladnabi M Abstract Eye color is determined as a polymorphism and polygenic trait. Brown is the most common eye color in the world, accounting for about 79%, blue eye color for about 8-10%, hazel for 5%, and green for 2%. Rare-colored eyes include gray and red/violet....
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Jun 04, 2020 16:55
Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist attenuates atherosclerosis development by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome.
Related ArticlesInterleukin-36 receptor antagonist attenuates atherosclerosis development by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome. J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Tian Y, Ling XY, Chen DL, Zhang XQ, Qiu CM Abstract Atherosclerosis is characterized, as an inflammatory disorder in the circulatory system, with increasing tendency toward mortality and morbidity. Thus, developing novel therapeutic targeting inflammation is necessary. Here, we investigated...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Jun 04, 2020 16:55
Impacts of epidural electrical stimulation on Wnt signaling, FAAH, and BDNF following thoracic spinal cord injury in rat.
Related ArticlesImpacts of epidural electrical stimulation on Wnt signaling, FAAH, and BDNF following thoracic spinal cord injury in rat. J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Ghorbani M, Shahabi P, Karimi P, Soltani-Zangbar H, Morshedi M, Bani S, Jafarzadehgharehziaaddin M, Sadeghzadeh-Oskouei B, Ahmadalipour A Abstract Electrical stimulation (ES) has been shown to improve some of impairments after spinal cord injury (SCI), but the underlying mechanisms...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Jun 04, 2020 16:55
Selenium deficiency induced necroptosis, Th1/Th2 imbalance, and inflammatory responses in swine ileum.
Related ArticlesSelenium deficiency induced necroptosis, Th1/Th2 imbalance, and inflammatory responses in swine ileum. J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Zhang Y, Zhang J, Bao J, Tang C, Zhang Z Abstract Selenium (Se) deficiency has a significant impact on the swine breeding industry by inducing digestive system damage and diarrhea. However, the molecular mechanism remains unclear. Our objectives were to investigate if different amounts of necroptosis,...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Jun 04, 2020 16:55
Concomitant blockade of A2AR and CTLA-4 by siRNA-loaded polyethylene glycol-chitosan-alginate nanoparticles synergistically enhances antitumor T-cell responses.
Related ArticlesConcomitant blockade of A2AR and CTLA-4 by siRNA-loaded polyethylene glycol-chitosan-alginate nanoparticles synergistically enhances antitumor T-cell responses. J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jun 02;: Authors: Ghasemi-Chaleshtari M, Kiaie SH, Irandoust M, Karami H, Nabi Afjadi M, Ghani S, Aghaei Vanda N, Ghaderi Sede MJ, Ahmadi A, Masjedi A, Hassannia H, Atyabi F, Hojjat-Farsangi M, Namdar A, Ghalamfarsa G, Jadidi-Niaragh F Abstract Inhibitory...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Jun 04, 2020 16:55
The impact of immunotherapy on the survival of pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients who received definitive surgery of the pancreatic tumor: a retrospective analysis of the National Cancer Database
Immunotherapy has paved the way for new therapeutic opportunities in cancer but has failed to show any efficacy in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (PDAC), and its therapeutic role remains unclear. The objective of t...
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Wed Jun 03, 2020 03:00

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