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Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

A Message from the Front Lines of the Pandemic
I don’t want talk. I don’t want assurances. I want action. I want boxes of N95 masks and other safety gear piling up in hospitals -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
Scientific American Blog Posts
Feast Your Eyes on Australia's Newly Explored Depths [Video]
Take a few moments to enjoy stalked barnacles, googly-eyed glass squid and other oddities of the deep, where it is cold, dark and 100 percent coronavirus free -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
Scientific American Blog Posts
A Quest for the Genetic Fountain of Youth
The study of long-lived mammals can help scientists understand why humans age -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
Scientific American Blog Posts
Voice Care from the Student Teachers' Perspective
Voice is an essential working tool in the teaching profession and thus needs to be acknowledged and cared for by student teachers. This study aimed to investigate the presence of vocal symptoms among fourth-year students of teacher education programs and whether students had received voice care advice during their education.
Journal of Voice
VideoEndocrinology™ Year in Surgical Thyroidology: Watch Now
VideoEndocrinology The Official Journal of: American Thyroid Association FREE ACCESS through April 6, 2020Watch now: Year in Surgical Thyroidology: Part 1 Michael W. Yeh Year in Surgical Thyroidology: Part 2Michael W. Yeh The post VideoEndocrinology™ Year in Surgical Thyroidology: Watch Now appeared first on American Thyroid Association.
American Thyroid Association
The role of eosinophils in chronic spontaneous urticaria
Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is considered to be primarily a mast cell-driven disease. However, recent evidence suggests that eosinophils may also have an axial role in symptomology. Histological studies have demonstrated the presence of both eosinophils and eosinophil granules, indicative of activation, in CSU lesions. While many allergic and inflammatory conditions are associated with a peripheral blood eosinophilia, the converse appears to be the case in CSU, a peripheral blood eosinopenia...
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
We read with much interest the letter by Elizur et al1 commenting on our article about coexistent allergy to nuts and sesame seed.2 A common behavior among doctors when they are faced with a child with allergy to nuts/sesame seed is to prohibit all nuts/sesame seed, on the basis of an assumption of almost total cross-reactivity between nuts and sesame seed. Studies such as Nut CRACKER and Pronuts have shown these assumptions to be unfounded and such behavior, in our opinion, does not take into consideration...
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Translating tree nut cross-reactivity into clinical practice
We read with interest the article by Brough et al1 titled “Defining challenge-proven coexistent nut and sesame seed allergy: A prospective multicenter European study,” in which the authors describe the coexistent rate of peanut, treenuts, or sesame allergy among patients diagnosed with at least 1 confirmed nut or sesame seed allergy. We would like to emphasize and extend several important conclusions that arise from this as well as from previous studies.
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
A comprehensive environmental scanning and strategic analysis of Iranian Public Hospitals: a prospective approach
This study was conducted to provide a strategic direction to public hospitals in Iran via environmental scanning in order to equip hospitals to plan and perform proactively and adapt with the everchanging envi...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
The experience of polyethylene glycol (PEG) bowel preparation in adolescents undergoing colonoscopy
The aim of this study was to describe the experience of polyethylene glycol (PEG) bowel preparation in adolescents undergoing colonoscopy.
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Oral Appliances for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition, caused primarily by narrowing of the nasal and pharyngeal airway, leading to partial or complete airway collapse during sleep. Treatment with positive airway pressure (PAP) is considered first-line therapy, due to an efficacy rate of approximately 95%, yet long-term compliance with PAP is less than 40%. The efficacy of a sleep oral appliance is lower than PAP, yet it may have similar effectiveness. A sleep oral appliance is a reasonable second-line therapy...
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Covid-19: weathering the storm
The UK is at last in near lockdown. While further measures may be needed, the government’s announcement on Monday 23 March has brought the country nearly into step with its European neighbours. If we...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990-2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
AbstractObjectiveTo use data from the Global Burden of Disease Study between 1990 and 2017 to report the rates and trends of point prevalence, annual incidence, and years lived with disability for...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: weathering the storm
The UK is at last in near lockdown. While further measures may be needed, the government’s announcement on Monday 23 March has brought the country nearly into step with its European neighbours. If we...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990-2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
AbstractObjectiveTo use data from the Global Burden of Disease Study between 1990 and 2017 to report the rates and trends of point prevalence, annual incidence, and years lived with disability for...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Unilateral bloodstained nasal discharge
A man in his 40s presented with six months of bloodstained nasal discharge from his right nostril. Nasal endoscopy showed purulent bloodstained nasal discharge in the right nasal cavity and a mass...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Don’t forget the impact on US family physicians
As covid-19 continues its exponential growth in parts of the United States, we have heard a great deal in the media about brave, exhausted emergency room doctors and staff.1 2 Very little that I have...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Unilateral bloodstained nasal discharge
A man in his 40s presented with six months of bloodstained nasal discharge from his right nostril. Nasal endoscopy showed purulent bloodstained nasal discharge in the right nasal cavity and a mass...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Don’t forget the impact on US family physicians
As covid-19 continues its exponential growth in parts of the United States, we have heard a great deal in the media about brave, exhausted emergency room doctors and staff.1 2 Very little that I have...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Gilead withdraws orphan drug designation from potential treatment after criticism
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has withdrawn orphan drug designation from a potential covid-19 treatment, after criticism that treating covid-19 as a rare disease was...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Europe’s migrant containment policies threaten the response to covid-19
The world has watched the growing global health crisis caused by covid-19 with alarm, fear, and desperation. One after another, governments, healthcare systems, and individuals are adopting...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: FDA approves use of convalescent plasma to treat critically ill patients
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of plasma from recovered patients to treat people who are critically ill with covid-19, provided that doctors get approval over the...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The world’s largest refugee camp prepares for covid-19
Bangladesh, with its 168 million inhabitants, is one of the poorest and most densely populated countries in the world. Millions live cheek by jowl in slums, where 10 or more households share a...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: doctors’ leaders warn that staff could quit and may die over lack of protective equipment
The BMA has called the shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE) across the NHS “totally unacceptable” and warned the government that without proper kits some doctors treating patients with...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Italian doctors call for protecting healthcare workers and boosting community surveillance during covid-19 outbreak
Italy is in a dramatic situation owing to the spread of covid-19,1 but we could do more to protect medical doctors and all hospital workers, including nurses, therapists, technicians, and support...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Gilead withdraws orphan drug designation from potential treatment after criticism
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has withdrawn orphan drug designation from a potential covid-19 treatment, after criticism that treating covid-19 as a rare disease was...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Europe’s migrant containment policies threaten the response to covid-19
The world has watched the growing global health crisis caused by covid-19 with alarm, fear, and desperation. One after another, governments, healthcare systems, and individuals are adopting...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: FDA approves use of convalescent plasma to treat critically ill patients
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of plasma from recovered patients to treat people who are critically ill with covid-19, provided that doctors get approval over the...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The world’s largest refugee camp prepares for covid-19
Bangladesh, with its 168 million inhabitants, is one of the poorest and most densely populated countries in the world. Millions live cheek by jowl in slums, where 10 or more households share a...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: doctors’ leaders warn that staff could quit and may die over lack of protective equipment
The BMA has called the shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE) across the NHS “totally unacceptable” and warned the government that without proper kits some doctors treating patients with...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Italian doctors call for protecting healthcare workers and boosting community surveillance during covid-19 outbreak
Italy is in a dramatic situation owing to the spread of covid-19,1 but we could do more to protect medical doctors and all hospital workers, including nurses, therapists, technicians, and support...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Fertility clinic must release records of dead man’s sperm to his brother, ȷudge rules
The top family court judge in England and Wales has ordered a fertility clinic to hand over medical records about its use of a dead patient’s sperm to the man’s brother.1Andrew McFarlane, president...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Medicine, so far from an exact science
McCormack and Holmes’s article clearly shows how far the practice of medicine is from an exact science, how much it is still an art dependent on the performer.1In medical school we are taught not to...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Seven days in medicine: 18-24 March
Covid-19NHS strikes major deal with private hospitals to boost capacityThe NHS in England will benefit from an extra 8000 beds, almost 1200 more ventilators, and nearly 20 000 extra healthcare staff...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: India imposes lockdown for 21 days and cases rise
The Indian government has announced a countrywide lockdown for three weeks starting at midnight on 24 March to slow the spread of covid-19 as the number of people testing positive in the country...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Nurses’ professional ȷudgment: appropriate care for people according to their stage of life
The loss of a valuable nurse because of an irrational decision by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is a shameful event. I agree with Oliver that this will damage nurses’ confidence in the NMC...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: what treatments are being investigated?
With no current specific treatment for covid-19, the race is on to develop or repurpose drugs to help end the epidemic. The World Health Organization has now launched the SOLIDARITY trial to...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: risk factors for severe disease and death
As the covid-19 pandemic accelerates, governments are warning people at high risk to be particularly stringent in observing social distancing measures because if they become ill they are more likely...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients with coronavirus disease 2019: retrospective study
AbstractObjectiveTo delineate the clinical characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) who died.DesignRetrospective case series.SettingTongji Hospital in Wuhan,...
Latest headlines from BMJ

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