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Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

Smartphones and Text Messaging are Associated With Higher Parent Quality of Life Scores and Enrollment in Early Intervention After NICU Discharge.
Related ArticlesSmartphones and Text Messaging are Associated With Higher Parent Quality of Life Scores and Enrollment in Early Intervention After NICU Discharge. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2019 07;58(8):903-911 Authors: Flores-Fenlon N, Song AY, Yeh A, Gateau K, Vanderbilt DL, Kipke M, Friedlich P, Lakshmanan A Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of access to communication technology on caregiver quality of life, neurodevelopmental,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The factors associated with community participation: Employment and education of people with disabilities in Turkey.
Related ArticlesThe factors associated with community participation: Employment and education of people with disabilities in Turkey. Scand J Occup Ther. 2020 Jan;27(1):28-38 Authors: Akyurek G, Bumin G, Crowe TK Abstract Background: People with disabilities are facing not just health problems; they also experience restriction of participation due to various barriers. However, there is limited knowledge of which factors can be important to their community...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Closing the Gap: Results of the Multicenter Canadian Randomized Controlled Trial of Structured Transition in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes.
Related ArticlesClosing the Gap: Results of the Multicenter Canadian Randomized Controlled Trial of Structured Transition in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2019 06;42(6):1018-1026 Authors: Spaic T, Robinson T, Goldbloom E, Gallego P, Hramiak I, Lawson ML, Malcolm J, Mahon J, Morrison D, Parikh A, Simone A, Stein R, Uvarov A, Clarson C, JDRF Canadian Clinical Trial CCTN1102 Study Group Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine if a structured...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Impact of adding a video to patient education on quality of life among adults with atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial.
Related ArticlesImpact of adding a video to patient education on quality of life among adults with atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial. Patient Educ Couns. 2019 08;102(8):1490-1498 Authors: Gagné M, Legault C, Boulet LP, Charbonneau L, Lemyre M, Giguere AMC, Poirier P Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess whether adding a video on atrial fibrillation (AF) to a face-to-face educational session improves quality of life (QoL), knowledge, and health...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
An unexpected preoperative conversation, a new perspective on palliative care research.
Related ArticlesAn unexpected preoperative conversation, a new perspective on palliative care research. Patient Educ Couns. 2019 08;102(8):1570-1572 Authors: Isenberg SR Abstract During the course of recruitment for a randomized control trial, the author encounters a patient who changes her perspective on research and who inspires her to continue work in the field of palliative care. The author describes this encounter and her reflections regarding...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Every doctor needs a wife: An old adage worth reexamining.
Related ArticlesEvery doctor needs a wife: An old adage worth reexamining. Perspect Med Educ. 2019 04;8(2):101-106 Authors: Winkel AF Abstract Half of medical school graduates are women, but female doctors experience significant professional tensions. Low numbers of women in leadership roles, high burnout and attrition, and continued harassment suggest a culture that undermines the contributions of women. This manuscript explores research from sociology,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Factors associated with scientific misconduct and questionable research practices in health professions education.
Related ArticlesFactors associated with scientific misconduct and questionable research practices in health professions education. Perspect Med Educ. 2019 04;8(2):74-82 Authors: Maggio L, Dong T, Driessen E, Artino A Abstract INTRODUCTION: Engaging in scientific misconduct and questionable research practices (QRPs) is a noted problem across fields, including health professions education (HPE). To mitigate these practices, other disciplines have enacted...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Medical Misinformation: Vet the Message!
Related ArticlesMedical Misinformation: Vet the Message! Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2019 06;33(3):275-276 Authors: Hill JA, Heart Group Signatories PMID: 30863902 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Impact of patient's health-related quality of life on physicians' therapy and perceived benefit in acute coronary syndromes: protocol for a systemic review of quantitative and qualitative studies.
Related ArticlesImpact of patient's health-related quality of life on physicians' therapy and perceived benefit in acute coronary syndromes: protocol for a systemic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. BMJ Open. 2019 02 27;9(2):e026595 Authors: Kaambwa B, Gesesew H, Horsfall M, Chew DP Abstract INTRODUCTION: Percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) and coronary angiography are two of the treatments administered to acute coronary syndrome...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Do doctors in dispensing practices with a financial conflict of interest prescribe more expensive drugs? A cross-sectional analysis of English primary care prescribing data.
Related ArticlesDo doctors in dispensing practices with a financial conflict of interest prescribe more expensive drugs? A cross-sectional analysis of English primary care prescribing data. BMJ Open. 2019 02 05;9(2):e026886 Authors: Goldacre B, Reynolds C, Powell-Smith A, Walker AJ, Yates TA, Croker R, Smeeth L Abstract OBJECTIVES: Approximately one in eight practices in primary care in England are 'dispensing practices' with an in-house dispensary...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The iPROMOS protocol: a stepped-wedge study to implement routine patient-reported outcomes in a medical oncology outpatient setting.
Related ArticlesThe iPROMOS protocol: a stepped-wedge study to implement routine patient-reported outcomes in a medical oncology outpatient setting. BMJ Open. 2019 02 24;9(2):e027046 Authors: Roberts NA, Mudge A, Alexander K, Wyld D, Janda M Abstract INTRODUCTION: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are data capture tools that collect information directly from patients. Several large research studies provide evidence that the use of PROMs in...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Cannabis Oil Use by Adolescents and Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Related ArticlesCannabis Oil Use by Adolescents and Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 03;68(3):348-352 Authors: Hoffenberg EJ, McWilliams S, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Murphy B, Hoffenberg A, Hopfer CJ Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to describe use of oral or sublingual cannabis oil (CO) by adolescent and young adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: A descriptive...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Symptom reduction and improved function in chronic CRPS type 1 after 12-week integrated, interdisciplinary therapy.
Related ArticlesSymptom reduction and improved function in chronic CRPS type 1 after 12-week integrated, interdisciplinary therapy. Scand J Pain. 2019 04 24;19(2):257-270 Authors: Elomaa M, Hotta J, de C Williams AC, Forss N, Äyräpää A, Kalso E, Harno H Abstract Background and aims Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) often recovers spontaneously within the first year, but when it becomes chronic, available rehabilitative therapies (pharmacological...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Minimal important differences for improvement in shoulder condition patient-reported outcomes: a systematic review to inform a BMJ Rapid Recommendation.
Related ArticlesMinimal important differences for improvement in shoulder condition patient-reported outcomes: a systematic review to inform a BMJ Rapid Recommendation. BMJ Open. 2019 02 20;9(2):e028777 Authors: Hao Q, Devji T, Zeraatkar D, Wang Y, Qasim A, Siemieniuk RAC, Vandvik PO, Lähdeoja T, Carrasco-Labra A, Agoritsas T, Guyatt G Abstract OBJECTIVES: To identify credible anchor-based minimal important differences (MIDs) for patient-reported outcome...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Symptom importance, patient expectations, and satisfaction in chronic rhinosinusitis.
Related ArticlesSymptom importance, patient expectations, and satisfaction in chronic rhinosinusitis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2019 06;9(6):593-600 Authors: Mattos JL, Rudmik L, Schlosser RJ, Smith TL, Mace JC, Alt J, Soler ZM Abstract BACKGROUND: Sinonasal symptoms and poor quality of life (QOL) prompt chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients to undergo sinus surgery (ESS). However, little is known regarding the symptoms most important to patients and...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The Invisible Burden of Chronic Fatigue in the Community: a Narrative Review.
Related ArticlesThe Invisible Burden of Chronic Fatigue in the Community: a Narrative Review. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2019 02 11;21(2):5 Authors: Fatt SJ, Cvejic E, Lloyd AR, Vollmer-Conna U, Beilharz JE Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Unexplained fatigue is commonly reported in the general population, with varying severity. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) sits at the extreme of the fatigue continuum, yet more individuals experience...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Physical Activity and Performance Impact Long-term Quality of Life in Older Adults at Risk for Major Mobility Disability.
Related ArticlesPhysical Activity and Performance Impact Long-term Quality of Life in Older Adults at Risk for Major Mobility Disability. Am J Prev Med. 2019 01;56(1):141-146 Authors: Groessl EJ, Kaplan RM, Rejeski WJ, Katula JA, Glynn NW, King AC, Anton SD, Walkup M, Lu CJ, Reid K, Spring B, Pahor M Abstract INTRODUCTION: Older adults are a rapidly growing segment of the U.S. POPULATION: Mobility problems that lead to further disability can...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Relationships Between Cognitive Dysfunction and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Older Persons in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Survey.
Related ArticlesRelationships Between Cognitive Dysfunction and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Older Persons in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Survey. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2019 02;34(1):41-48 Authors: Liu HY, Tsai WC, Chiu MJ, Tang LY, Lee HJ, Shyu YL, Wang WS Abstract BACKGROUND: To examine the relationships between cognitive dysfunction status and quality of life. METHODS: Secondary analysis of a nationwide population-based...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Eculizumab Is Safe and Effective as a Long-term Treatment for Protein-losing Enteropathy Due to CD55 Deficiency.
Related ArticlesEculizumab Is Safe and Effective as a Long-term Treatment for Protein-losing Enteropathy Due to CD55 Deficiency. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 03;68(3):325-333 Authors: Kurolap A, Eshach Adiv O, Hershkovitz T, Tabib A, Karbian N, Paperna T, Mory A, Vachyan A, Slijper N, Steinberg R, Zohar Y, Mevorach D, Baris Feldman H Abstract OBJECTIVES: Loss of the complement inhibitor CD55 leads to a syndrome of early-onset protein-losing enteropathy...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Evaluating the Benefits of the TimeSlips Creative Storytelling Program for Persons With Varying Degrees of Dementia Severity.
Related ArticlesEvaluating the Benefits of the TimeSlips Creative Storytelling Program for Persons With Varying Degrees of Dementia Severity. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2019 05;34(3):163-170 Authors: Vigliotti AA, Chinchilli VM, George DR Abstract OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits of TimeSlips, a group creative storytelling intervention used in residential care settings, on quality of life (QOL), interactions with caregivers, and Mini-Mental...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Percutaneous nephrostomy vs ureteral stent for hydronephrosis secondary to ureteric calculi: impact on spontaneous stone passage and health-related quality of life-a prospective study.
Related ArticlesPercutaneous nephrostomy vs ureteral stent for hydronephrosis secondary to ureteric calculi: impact on spontaneous stone passage and health-related quality of life-a prospective study. Urolithiasis. 2019 Dec;47(6):567-573 Authors: de Sousa Morais N, Pereira JP, Mota P, Carvalho-Dias E, Torres JN, Lima E Abstract Ureteral calculi can be associated with urinary drainage blockage, requiring urinary diversion with percutaneous nephrostomy...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Quality of Life Improvement Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease: Development of a Prognostic Model.
Related ArticlesQuality of Life Improvement Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease: Development of a Prognostic Model. Neurosurgery. 2019 09 01;85(3):343-349 Authors: Frizon LA, Hogue O, Achey R, Floden DP, Nagel S, Machado AG, Lobel DA Abstract BACKGROUND: There is a growing attention to determine the factors that predict quality of life (QoL) improvement after deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease. Prior literature has...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Is Bigger Really Better? Comparison of Ultraportable Handheld Ultrasound with Standard Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Evaluating Safe Site Identification and Image Quality prior to Pleurocentesis.
Related ArticlesIs Bigger Really Better? Comparison of Ultraportable Handheld Ultrasound with Standard Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Evaluating Safe Site Identification and Image Quality prior to Pleurocentesis. Respiration. 2020 Mar 24;:1-8 Authors: Newhouse SM, Effing TW, Dougherty BD, D Apos Costa JA, Rose AR Abstract BACKGROUND: Pleural effusions remain a common medical problem which often requires diagnostic pleurocentesis to determine the underlying...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep: The Balm of Hurt Minds.
Related ArticlesSleep: The Balm of Hurt Minds. Curr Biol. 2020 Mar 23;30(6):R263-R265 Authors: Gong NN, Kayser MS Abstract Two new studies use Drosophila to unravel the role of sleep in clearance of damaged neural processes.PMID: 32208148 [PubMed - in process]
pubmed: sleep
Sleep Disturbance in Pediatric Intracranial Hypertension.
Related ArticlesSleep Disturbance in Pediatric Intracranial Hypertension. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Kornbluh AB, Thompson K, Mcmahen G, Rogers DL, Jordan CO, Aylward SC, Lehwald LM Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: There is a well-established association between headache disorders and sleep disturbances in children, but it is unknown if sleep disturbance plays a role in pediatric intracranial hypertension. The objective of this study was to examine...
pubmed: sleep
Cotard's Parasomnia: Le Délire de Negation that occur during the Sleep-Wake Dissociation?
Related ArticlesCotard's Parasomnia: Le Délire de Negation that occur during the Sleep-Wake Dissociation? J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Mar 20;: Authors: Gnoni V, Higgins S, Nesbitt AD, Wasserman D, Duncan I, Birdseye A, Pérez-Carbonell L, Drakatos P, Koutramanidis M, Ferini-Strambi L, Leschziner GD, Rosenzweig I Abstract None: Unpleasant dreamlike mentation can occur during NREM parasomnias, leading to associated panic attacks. The mentations are rarely remembered,...
pubmed: sleep
Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Associated With Higher Risk of Mortality in Stage III and IV Lung Cancer.
Related ArticlesSevere Obstructive Sleep Apnea Associated With Higher Risk of Mortality in Stage III and IV Lung Cancer. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Huang HY, Shih-Wei L, Chuang LP, Wang CL, Sun MH, Li HY, Chang CJ, Chang SC, Yang CT, Chen NH Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been associated with increased cancer incidence and mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate cancer-related mortality, overall...
pubmed: sleep
Proton Hopping In Living Systems.
Related ArticlesProton Hopping In Living Systems. Curr Comput Aided Drug Des. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Kier L Abstract This review focuses on the two-century old concept of proton hopping. Introduced in 1806 by Grottus, it has evolved into an explanation of great diversity in describing many functions in living systems. It is a process involving water, which expands on the belief that life exists only in the presence of water. This review describes the...
pubmed: sleep
Diabetes mellitus is associated with high sleep-time systolic blood pressure and non-dipping pattern.
Related ArticlesDiabetes mellitus is associated with high sleep-time systolic blood pressure and non-dipping pattern. Postgrad Med. 2020 Mar 24;:1-6 Authors: Aung AT, Chan SP, Kyaing TT, Lee CH Abstract Introduction: Compared to clinic blood pressure (BP), sleep-time BP and non-dipping BP pattern are better predictors of target organ damage and cardiovascular sequalae.Aim: In a retrospective study, we determined whether diabetes mellitus (DM) status...
pubmed: sleep
Single Cell Flow Cytometry Profiling of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Children.
Related ArticlesSingle Cell Flow Cytometry Profiling of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Children. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Shanthikumar S, Burton M, Saffery R, Ranganathan SC, Neeland MR Abstract Childhood pulmonary diseases not only cause childhood morbidity and mortality, but can also cause long term pulmonary impairment. The clinical management of many childhood pulmonary diseases is hampered by a limited understanding of the underlying...
pubmed: sleep
A person before a PhD: understanding and combatting an academic identity crisis.
Related ArticlesA person before a PhD: understanding and combatting an academic identity crisis. Nature. 2020 02;578(7794):327-328 Authors: Seaborne R PMID: 32042089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: sleep
Empiric treatment of pulmonary TB in the Xpert era: Correspondence of sputum culture, Xpert MTB/RIF, and clinical diagnoses.
Related ArticlesEmpiric treatment of pulmonary TB in the Xpert era: Correspondence of sputum culture, Xpert MTB/RIF, and clinical diagnoses. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0220251 Authors: Kendall EA, Kamoga C, Kitonsa PJ, Nalutaaya A, Salvatore PP, Robsky K, Nakasolya O, Mukiibi J, Isooba D, Cattamanchi A, Kato-Maeda M, Katamba A, Dowdy DW Abstract BACKGROUND: Clinical tuberculosis diagnosis and empiric treatment have traditionally been common among patients...
pubmed: sleep
In search of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: A proteomics study.
Related ArticlesIn search of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: A proteomics study. J Sleep Res. 2019 06;28(3):e12721 Authors: Valko PO, Roschitzki B, Faigle W, Grossmann J, Panse C, Biro P, Dambach M, Spahn DR, Weller M, Martin R, Baumann CR Abstract Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is a very common and cumbersome symptom, but its aetiology is poorly understood. Proteomics is increasingly implemented in multiple sclerosis...
pubmed: sleep
Kleine-Levin syndrome is associated with LMOD3 variants.
Related ArticlesKleine-Levin syndrome is associated with LMOD3 variants. J Sleep Res. 2019 06;28(3):e12718 Authors: Al Shareef SM, Basit S, Li S, Pfister C, Pradervand S, Lecendreux M, Mayer G, Dauvilliers Y, Salpietro V, Houlden H, BaHammam AS, Tafti M Abstract Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS) is a rare periodic hypersomnia with associated behavioural abnormalities but with often favourable prognosis. There is excess risk of KLS in first-degree relatives,...
pubmed: sleep
Headache, comorbidities and lifestyle in an adolescent population (The TEENs Study).
Related ArticlesHeadache, comorbidities and lifestyle in an adolescent population (The TEENs Study). Cephalalgia. 2019 01;39(1):91-99 Authors: Torres-Ferrus M, Vila-Sala C, Quintana M, Ajanovic S, Gallardo VJ, Gomez JB, Alvarez-Sabin J, Macaya A, Pozo-Rosich P Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of headache and its relationship with comorbidities and lifestyle in a teenage population. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional...
pubmed: sleep
Decreased body mass index during treatment with sodium oxybate in narcolepsy type 1.
Related ArticlesDecreased body mass index during treatment with sodium oxybate in narcolepsy type 1. J Sleep Res. 2019 06;28(3):e12684 Authors: Schinkelshoek MS, Smolders IM, Donjacour CE, van der Meijden WP, van Zwet EW, Fronczek R, Lammers GJ Abstract Narcolepsy type 1 is characterised by an increase in body weight after disease onset, frequently leading to obesity. It was suggested that this weight gain may be counteracted by treatment with sodium...
pubmed: sleep
Acceptance of mobile phone by university students for their studies: an investigation applying UTAUT2 model
Abstract Mobile phone is increasingly widespread among University students, while different factors can affect students’ behavior towards the use and acceptance of mobile technology. One of the methods to measure these factors is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Behavioral Intention of University students for acceptance and use of mobile phone in their studies. The study employed the extended UTAUT2 model...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Effects of nonnutritive sweeteners on body weight and BMI in diverse clinical contexts: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
Summary There is an ongoing debate about the possible influences of nonnutritive sweeteners (NNS) on body weight. We conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with NNS to assess their impact on body weight. We systematically searched for RCTs at least 4 weeks in duration, evaluating the effect of NNS on body weight, both in subjects with healthy weight and in subjects with overweight/obesity at any age, and compared the effects of NNS vs caloric and...
Obesity Reviews
p75NTR−/− mice exhibit an alveolar bone loss phenotype and inhibited PI3K/Akt/β‐catenin pathway
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) in regulating the mouse alveolar bone development and the mineralization potential of murine ectomesenchymal stem cells (EMSCs). Moreover, we tried to explore the underlying mechanisms associated with the PI3K/Akt/β‐catenin pathway. Materials and methods p75NTR knockout (p75NTR−/−) mice and wild‐type (WT) littermates were used. E12.5d p75NTR−/− and WT EMSCs were isolated in...
Cell Proliferation

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