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Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

Covid-19: medical schools given powers to graduate final year students early to help NHS
Medical schools have been granted the power to graduate their students early to allow them to work for the NHS during the covid-19 pandemic, the BMA has said.1 This follows the surprise statement...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: What is the UK’s testing strategy?
What tests are currently available in the UK?The NHS is using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to determine which people currently have covid-19. This involves extracting RNA from a nose or...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The BMJ Awards 2020: Primary care team
Opioid reduction programme—Crimond Medical CentrePatients have gained a better understanding of chronic pain and cut drug useTo tackle a range of problems, the practice team took control of the list...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The BMJ Awards 2020: Respiratory team of the year
The respiratory infection team—University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation TrustBetter support for pneumonia patients shortened hospital stays and reduced antibiotic useCommunity acquired...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic
The covid-19 pandemic is likely to put healthcare professionals across the world in an unprecedented situation, having to make impossible decisions and work under extreme pressures. These decisions...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The hidden pupil: a unilateral congenital corectopia
This slit lamp photograph (fig 1) shows unilateral congenital corectopia in the left eye. The patient was a 5 month old boy who was referred for visual unresponsiveness and absence of a pupil in the...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Causes of lower GI bleeds . . . and other stories
Lower gastrointestinal bleedsIf a patient taking oral anticoagulants has a lower gastrointestinal bleed, it’s a mistake to think that the anticoagulant is to blame. A large Danish register study...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Organ donation: educating the public about the “opt-out” system is crucial
The switch to an “opt-out” system for organ donation is eagerly anticipated and represents a positive change.1 But it will not solve the organ donor deficit on its own. The policy change has been...
Latest headlines from BMJ
The Discriminative Efficacy of Retinal Characteristics on Two Traditional Chinese Syndromes in Association with Ischemic Stroke
We aimed to investigate the efficacy of an objective method using AI-based retinal characteristic analysis to automatically differentiate between two traditional Chinese syndromes that are associated with ischemic stroke. Inpatient clinical and retinal data were retrospectively retrieved from the archive of our hospital. Patients diagnosed with cerebral infarction in the department of acupuncture and moxibustion between 2014 and 2018 were examined. Of these, the patients with Qi deficiency blood...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Complement Activation in Association with Markers of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Acute Myocardial Infarction in Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Complement activation and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have both been suggested to drive atherosclerotic plaque progression. Although experimental studies suggest interplay between these two innate immunity components, the relevance in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess associations between complement activation and NETs in patients with stable CAD and examine the role of complement activation on clinical outcome. Blood samples from...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Sudden Onset of Severe Thrombocytopenia While Using Evolocumab
A 72-year-old man with a 10-year history of coronary heart disease started evolocumab treatment once a month after developing excess myalgia due to therapy with a 3-hydroxy-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor. No side effects such as myalgia symptoms had been reported during the first 14 months of evolocumab treatment; however, he suddenly presented with acute severe thrombocytopenia following the 14th treatment. His platelet count continued to decrease to a nadir of 1,000/μL. His platelet-associated...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Omega, Sadhana, and PI Polynomials of Quasi-Hexagonal Benzenoid Chain
Counting polynomials are important graph invariants whose coefficients and exponents are related to different properties of chemical graphs. Three closely related polynomials, i.e., Omega, Sadhana, and PI polynomials, dependent upon the equidistant edges and nonequidistant edges of graphs, are studied for quasi-hexagonal benzenoid chains. Analytical closed expressions for these polynomials are derived. Moreover, relation between Padmakar–Ivan (PI) index of quasi-hexagonal chain and that of corresponding...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Impact of Different Developmental Instars on Locusta migratoria Jumping Performance
Ontogenetic locomotion research focuses on the evolution of locomotion behavior in different developmental stages of a species. Unlike vertebrates, ontogenetic locomotion in invertebrates is poorly investigated. Locusts represent an outstanding biological model to study this issue. They are hemimetabolous insects and have similar aspects and behaviors in different instars. This research is aimed at studying the jumping performance of Locusta migratoria over different developmental instars. Jumps...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Electronic Medical Record Inaccuracies: Multicenter Analysis of Challenges with Modified Lung Cancer Screening Criteria
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network expanded their lung cancer screening (LCS) criteria to comprise one additional clinical risk factor, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The electronic medical record (EMR) is a source of clinical information that could identify high-risk populations for LCS, including a diagnosis of COPD; however, an unsubstantiated COPD diagnosis in the EMR may lead to inappropriate LCS referrals. We aimed to detect the prevalence of unsubstantiated...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Chemopreventive Effects and Antioxidant Capacity of Combined Leaf Extracts of Sesamum angustifolium (Oliv.) Engl. and Hibiscus articulatus on Rhabdomyosarcoma
Sesamum angustifolium (Oliv.) Engl. and Hibiscus articulatus contain compounds that have antimutagenic properties. The rise in rhabdomyosarcoma in paediatrics and prognosis of the disease in infants compared to adults calls for newer, less toxic alternatives in treatment of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the anticancer activity and antioxidant capacity of combined leaf extracts of Sesamum angustifolium (Oliv.) Engl. and Hibiscus articulatus (SAHA), against rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS)...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) as an Uncommon Extraintestinal Complication of Crohn’s Disease: Case Vignette and Systematic Literature Review
While the association of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been described in a few case reports, management of ITP as an extraintestinal manifestation of Crohn’s disease (CD) is less studied. There are approximately a dozen cases describing the management of patients dually diagnosed with CD/ITP. Previous reports postulated that the mechanism of ITP in CD was through the presence of circulating immune complexes in the serum and antigenic mimicry due to...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Axillary Lymph Node Dissection in Angiosarcomas of the Breast: An Asian Institutional Perspective
Angiosarcomas of the breast (ASB) are rare, making up to less than 8% of all angiosarcomas. The surgical management for this disease continues to vary throughout centres worldwide due to the current limited evidence. We aim to examine the necessity of axillary lymph node dissection in this pathology through a retrospective study of axillary metastasis and recurrence patterns in patients treated at our institution. A retrospective review of a prospectively-maintained database was performed. All adult...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Teenage Pregnancy: Obstetric and Perinatal Outcome in a Tertiary Centre in Indonesia
Background. The incidence of teenage pregnancy is increasing in the world. It is a high-risk condition leading to adverse perinatal and obstetric outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the obstetric and perinatal outcomes of teenage pregnancy in Indonesian population. Method. A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate obstetric and perinatal outcomes among teenagers and average maternal age (AMA) women. We assessed all singleton live pregnancies during the year period of 2013 in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Laser Treatment for Strengthening of Thin Sheet Steel
This paper presents the results of computer simulations and experimental studies, aiming to increase the mechanical strength of sheet metal parts manufactured from high-quality structural carbon steel by means of local laser processing. The effects of laser processing on the strength of steel sheet plates and their ability to resist bend load after laser treatment were studied. The results of bending experiments and computer simulations of elastoplastic deformation establish that local laser processing...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Natural Habitat, Housing, and Restraint of Six Selected Neotropical Animals in Trinidad and Tobago with the Potential for Domestication
This paper highlights the natural habitat, housing, and restraint needs of 6 Neotropical animals that are found in Trinidad and Tobago with the potential for domestication: agouti (Dasyprocta leporina), lappe/paca (Cuniculus paca/Agouti paca), capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), manicou/opossum (Didelphis marsupialis insularis), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu/Pecari tajacu), and red brocket deer (Mazama americana). The year of the earliest reference cited was 1950 and the most recent was 2018,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Update on the Management of Parkinson’s Disease for General Neurologists
Management of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is complicated due to its progressive nature, the individual patient heterogeneity, and the wide range of signs, symptoms, and daily activities that are increasingly affected over its course. The last 10–15 years have seen great progress in the identification, evaluation, and management of PD, particularly in the advanced stages. Highly specialized information can be found in the scientific literature, but updates do not always reach general neurologists in...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Associations between Aquaglyceroporin Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of Stroke among Patients with Hypertension
Background. Dysregulations of AQP7 and AQP9 were found to be related to lipid metabolism abnormality, which had been proven to be one of the mechanisms of stroke. However, limited epidemiological studies explore the associations between AQP7 and AQP9 and the risk of stroke among patients with hypertension in China. Aims. We aimed to investigate the associations between genetic variants in AQP7 and AQP9 and the risk of stroke among patients with hypertension, as well as to explore gene-gene and gene-environment...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Can Superabsorbent Polymers Improve Plants Production in Arid Regions?
Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) have shown to be quite effective and useful in acting as a reservoir for water and some nutrients in arid and semiarid regions. There are many studies in Iran that have been performed in relation to SAPs and their useful application in agriculture; however, there is still a lack of its applied definition in arid regions. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of doing a meta-analysis of the results of studies conducted in Iran and answering a general question...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Morphology, Volume, and Density Characteristics of the Parotid Glands before and after Chemoradiation Therapy in Patients with Head and Neck Tumors
The multimodal approach for patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) includes treatment with chemoradiation therapy (CRT). A common concern regarding CRT side effects is the occurrence of structural and physiological alterations of the salivary glands due to exposure to ionizing radiation. The aim of this study is to examine the morphology, volume, and density of the parotid glands before and after CRT in HNC patients. A total of 49 HNC patients treated exclusively with CRT were included in the study....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Temporal Arteritis and Vision Loss in Microscopic Polyangiitis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is an idiopathic autoimmune disease characterized by systemic vasculitis. While the lungs and kidneys are the major organs affected by MPA, it is known to involve multiple organ systems throughout the body. Temporal artery involvement is a very rare finding in MPA. This report presents a patient whose initial presentation was consistent with giant cell arteritis but was ultimately found to have microscopic polyangiitis. It highlights the importance of considering alternative...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Anesthesia Experience for Open Gastrostomy with Ultrasound-Guided Erector Spinae Plane Block: A Case Report
From the first description in 2016 till today, hundreds of studies have extensively presented Erector Spinae Plane block as an excellent perioperative analgesic technique especially in a multimodal pain management scenario. Only in few cases, this technique was used alone to provide surgical anesthesia.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Multiagent Task Allocation in Complementary Teams: A Hunter-and-Gatherer Approach
Consider a dynamic task allocation problem, where tasks are unknowingly distributed over an environment. This paper considers each task comprising two sequential subtasks: detection and completion, where each subtask can only be carried out by a certain type of agent. We address this problem using a novel nature-inspired approach called “hunter and gatherer.” The proposed method employs two complementary teams of agents: one agile in detecting (hunters) and another skillful in completing (gatherers)...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Five-Genes-Based Prognostic Signature for Cervical Cancer Overall Survival Prediction
Aims. This study is aimed at identifying a prognostic signature for cervical cancer. Main Methods. The gene expression data and clinical information of cervical cancer and normal cervical tissues were acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas and from three datasets of the Gene Expression Omnibus database. DESeq2 and Limma were employed to screen differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The overlapping DEGs among all datasets were considered the final DEGs. Then, the functional enrichment analysis was...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Mediate the Therapeutic Effect of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Acute Kidney Injury
Aims. Treatment for acute kidney injury (AKI) is challenging. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have great therapeutic potential. This study sought to determine whether iPSCs attenuate AKI and the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Results. We intravenously injected isogenic iPSCs into mice 2 h after renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). The cells were selectively trafficked to ischemia/reperfusion-injured kidney where they decreased kidney ROS and inflammatory cytokines and improved...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Isolated Jejunal Perforation and Mesentery Injury following a Kick on the Abdomen of a College Student: A Case Report from a District Hospital in Northern Ghana
Introduction. Isolated jejunal perforation from blunt abdominal trauma is an extremely rare intra-abdominal injury that poses a huge diagnostic challenge. Delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment often leads to significant morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis particularly in resource-poor settings may be extremely challenging and often relies on a high index of suspicion. This is due to lack of adequate diagnostic facilities and human resource to deal with the condition with resulting high occurrence...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Global Dynamics of the Chaotic Disk Dynamo System Driven by Noise
The disk dynamo system, which is capable of chaotic behaviours, is obtained experimentally from two disk dynamos connected together. It models the geomagnetic field and is used to explain the reversals in its polarity. Actually, the parameters of the chaotic systems exhibit random fluctuation to a greater or lesser extent, which can carefully describe the disturbance made by environmental noise. The global dynamics of the chaotic disk dynamo system with random fluctuating parameters are concerned,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Roles of Skin Fibroblasts at Local Acupoints in Chrono-Acupuncture
Objective. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the peripheral mechanisms of chrono-acupuncture by observing acupuncture at different time points affecting relative proteins to regulate the cytoskeleton of fibroblasts differently. Methods. A total of 108 male SD rats (180–220 g) that have basic pain threshold within 3–10 s were selected and randomly divided into group A (n = 72) and control group (n = 36). After the succession of modeling with CFA injection, the rats in group A were randomly...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Energy- and Resource-Aware Computation Offloading for Complex Tasks in Edge Environment
Mobile users typically have a series of complex tasks consisting of time-constrained workflows and concurrent workflows that need to be processed. However, these tasks cannot be performed directly locally due to resource limitations of the mobile terminal, especially for battery life. Fortunately, mobile edge computing (MEC) has been recognized as a promising technology which brings abundant resource at the edge of mobile network enabling mobile devices to overcome the resource and capacity constraints....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Isoflurane Regulates Proliferation, Apoptosis, and Inflammatory Response of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Human Astrocyte through the miR-206/BDNF Axis
Objective. To investigate the effect of isoflurane (ISO) on the proliferation, apoptosis, and inflammatory response of lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced normal human astrocytes (NHAs) by regulating the miR-206/BDNF axis. Methods. NHA proliferation activity was measured by MTT; NHA apoptotic rates were measured by Annexin V-FITC/PI; western blotting was used to measure the BDNF expression; ELISA was used to measure the IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α expression in NHAs; qPCR was used to measure the expressions...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Fiscal Decentralization and Environmental Pollution: A Spatial Analysis
Based on annual data over the period 2003 to 2017 covering 31 provinces in China, the environmental pollution index and environmental regulation index are constructed. Moran’s I, the widely used spatial autocorrelation index, is used to analyze the spatial distribution of environmental pollution, which provides a fairly high stability of the positive spatial correlation of environmental pollution. Then, the 0-1 matrix, distance weighting matrix, and economic distance mixed matrix are carried out...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Positive Solutions for a Class of Discrete Mixed Boundary Value Problems with the -Laplacian Operator
In this paper, we consider the existence of solutions for the discrete mixed boundary value problems involving -Laplacian operator. By using critical points theory, we obtain the existence of at least two positive solutions for the boundary value problem under appropriate assumptions on the nonlinearity.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
TiO2 Nanoparticles Decorated Graphene Nanoribbons for Voltammetric Determination of an Anti-HIV Drug Nevirapine
In the present study, electrochemical behavior of nevirapine on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) modified with TiO2 nanoparticles decorated graphene nanoribbons was investigated. Characterization of different components used for modifications was achieved using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrochemical behavior of nevirapine on the modified electrodes was examined using cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Optimization of Injection-Molding Process Parameters for Weight Control: Converting Optimization Problem to Classification Problem
Product weight is one of the most important properties for an injection-molded part. The determination of process parameters for obtaining an accurate weight is therefore essential. This study proposed a new optimization strategy for the injection-molding process in which the parameter optimization problem is converted to a weight classification problem. Injection-molded parts are produced under varying parameters and labeled as positive or negative compared with the standard weight, and the weight...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Microstructure, Tensile Property, and Surface Quality of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Parts Molded by Rapid Heat Cycle Molding
The microstructure of a molded product considerably influences its macroscopic properties. In this study, the influence of molding process on microstructure, tensile property, and surface quality was explored on the glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene (GFRPP) parts molded by rapid heat cycle molding (RHCM) and conversion injection molding (CIM). Tensile strength and surface gloss were chosen to measure macroscopic properties of the molded parts. The microstructure including multilayer, fiber orientation,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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