Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

Influence of Geometry and Architecture on the In Vivo Success of 3D-Printed Scaffolds for Spinal Fusion
Tissue Engineering Part A, Ahead of Print.
Tissue Engineering Part A - Table of Contents
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 20: Powder Coating for Healthcare Aluminum Packaging
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 20: Powder Coating for Healthcare Aluminum Packaging Cosmetics doi: 10.3390/cosmetics7020020 Authors: Stefano Rossi Massimo Calovi Matteo Tonelli Restrictive regulations concerning the toxicity of certain compounds and the use and disposal of solvents present in the liquid epoxy protection system have been analyzed in this work to evaluate powder coatings as an alternative in the protection of aerosol aluminum cans, which are employed in cosmetics...
Long non-coding RNA NEAT1-centric gene regulation
Abstract Nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (NEAT1) is a long non-coding RNA that is widely expressed in a variety of mammalian cell types. An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that NEAT1 plays key roles in various biological and pathological processes; therefore, it is important to understand how its expression is regulated and how it regulates the expression of its target genes. Recently, we found that NEAT1 expression could be regulated by signal transducer...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Migraine and risk of stroke
Migraine and stroke are two common and heterogeneous neurovascular disorders responsible for a significant burden for those affected and a great economic cost for the society. There is growing evidence that migraine increases the overall risk of cerebrovascular diseases. In this review, based on available literature through a PubMed search, we found that ischaemic stroke in people with migraine is strongly associated with migraine with aura, young age, female sex, use of oral contraceptives and smoking...
JNNP Online First
Clinical prognosis of FLAIR hyperintense arteries in ischaemic stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
ObjectiveWe performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the association of fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) hyperintense arteries (FLAIR-HAs) on brain MRI and prognosis after acute ischaemic stroke (AIS).MethodsWe searched Medline, Embase and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for studies reporting clinical or imaging outcomes with presence of FLAIR-HAs after AIS. Two researchers independently assessed eligibility of retrieved studies and extracted data, including...
JNNP Online First
CSF levels of glutamine synthetase and GFAP to explore astrocytic damage in seronegative NMOSD
ObjectiveTo explore levels of astrocytopathy in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) by measuring levels of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), an established astrocytic biomarker known to be associated with disease activity in multiple sclerosis.MethodsCerebrospinal fluid concentrations of GS and GFAP were measured by ELISA in patients with NMOSD (n=39, 28 aquaporin-4 (AQP4)-Ab-seropositive, 3 double-Ab-seronegative, 4 myelin oligodendrocyte...
JNNP Online First
Self-driving cars: a qualitative study into the opportunities, challenges and perceived acceptability for people with epilepsy
Driving restrictions faced by people with epilepsy (PWE) represent a crucial and modifiable factor that predicts their social participation. In the case of refractory epilepsy, a person may lose the ability to drive forever—a handicap associated with significant detrimental effects, including reduced employability and a lower income.1 Encouragingly, progress in self-driving car technology provides renewed hope for people restricted from driving. A self-driving car is any car in which steering or...
JNNP Online First
Kaempferol ameliorates Cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity by modulating oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis via ERK and NF-κB pathways
Anticancer drug like Cisplatin are associated with serious problem like nephrotoxicity. The effect of Kaempferol is a plant-derived flavonoid compound. The present work evaluated the effect of Kaempferol in mo...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Juristische Arbeiten erfolgreich schreiben und präsentieren. Wegweiser zu einer optimalen Arbeitstechnik
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Schweizerhochdeutsch. Wörterbuch der Standardsprache in der deutschen Schweiz
Das überarbeitete und erweiterte Nachschlagewerk bietet einen kompakten Überblick über rund 3500 Helvetismen. Herausgegeben vom Schweizerischen Verein für die deutsche Sprache umfasst es die Besonderheiten des schweizerischen Hochdeutsch und erläutert die wichtigsten Unterschiede zum Standarddeutsch in Deutschland. Neben dem Alltagswortschatz enthält das Werk Fachausdrücke aus Politik und Verwaltung sowie feste Wendungen. Informationen zu Wortbildung, Grammatik, Aussprache und Betonung runden den...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Stilus - modus - Usus. Regeln der Konflikt- und Verhandlungsführung am Papsthof des Mittelalters = Rules of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at the Papa Court in the Middle Ages
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Language planning and policy in Quebec: A comparative perspective with view from Singapore and Wales
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Arqueología de la Edad Moderna en el País Vasco y su entorno
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
When Conversation Lapses: The Public Accountability of Silent Copresence
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Are workplace health promotion programmes effective for all socioeconomic groups? A systematic review
Decreasing socioeconomic health inequalities is considered an important policy priority in many countries. Workplace health promotion programmes (WHPPs) have shown modest improvements in health behaviour. This systematic review aims to determine the presence and magnitude of socioeconomic differences in effectiveness and the influence of programme characteristics on differential effectiveness of WHPPs. Three electronic databases were searched for systematic reviews published from 2013 onwards and...
OEM Online First
Ethics of providing clinically assisted nutrition and hydration: current issues
The provision of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) often presents clinicians with ethical dilemmas. As the population grows there is increasing prevalence of patients with conditions such as stroke, dementia, advanced malignancy, cerebral palsy and eating disorders and a greater demand for CANH. It is important that healthcare professionals are familiar with the ethical and legal position for the provision of CANH. In addition, it is important to be aware of the clinical indications,...
BMJ Frontline Gastroenterology Online First
The role of community pharmacists and their position in the delivery of diabetes care: an update for medical professionals
Pharmacists are the third largest group of healthcare professionals worldwide, but are underused in the delivery of diabetes care. The aim of this narrative was to describe how integration of community pharmacy services into existing healthcare models may improve diabetes care. Relevant literature exploring pharmacy-led interventions for diabetes were identified from a search of Medline, Embase and Cinahl online databases. This review highlights that community pharmacists are accessible, experts...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Vitamin B12 deficiency presenting as acute febrile encephalopathy and retinopathy
IntroductionVitamin B12 deficiency causes macrocytic anaemia, peripheral neuropathy, myelin loss in posterior and lateral columns of spinal cord (subacute combined degeneration of cord) and a wide variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms in adults.1 In neonates and children, vitamin B12 deficiency manifests with developmental delay, regression of milestones, seizures, encephalopathy and involuntary movements.2 We report a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency who presented with acute febrile illness. Through...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
How to set up a clinical trial
Clinical trials are considered the gold-standard method for the evaluation of healthcare interventions. However, randomised control trials are complex to perform and many researchers, especially those in the early stages of their career, can find it challenging to know where to start set up, contribute to or lead a trial. This guide provides an introduction to trials and also practical advice to help potential investigators complete their clinical trial to time and to budget by signposting the pathway...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Crusted scabies
An otherwise healthy 71-year-old woman presented with generalised asymptomatic skin rash. The rash had begun as itchy eruptions over both hands 2 months previously and gradually progressed since. Initially, it had been diagnosed by her family physician as eczema and was treated with topical corticosteroids; the rash had worsened after 3 weeks of corticosteroid therapy. There were no other complaints suggestive of any systemic involvement. She did not suffer from any neuropsychiatric disorder. None...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Iterative approach to journal club
To identify, evaluate and refine a journal club (JC) format that increases faculty and resident engagement. An initial needs assessment followed by a trial of three JC formats: traditional single presenter, debate style and facilitated small group discussion was piloted over 6 months. Anonymous feedback was collected. The facilitated small group format was chosen. Narrative and quantitative feedback were collected from residents and faculty at 6-month intervals for the next 24 months. Changes to...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Designing ones life in medicine
IntroductionDesign thinking is both a mindset and a practice; it is a method for problem solving that uses specific approaches, including empathy and prototyping, to discover creative solutions via an iterative, human-centred process. These methods were originally applied to the designing of goods and services, and it has been lauded for inspiring creativity that emerges from a genuine understanding of the needs of the end user. Design thinking is now taught in many fields, including business, information...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions
This JAMA Insights Clinical Update discusses the need to better understand the dynamics of respiratory disease transmission by better characterizing transmission routes, the role of patient physiology in shaping them, and best approaches for source control in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak.
JAMA Online First
Possible Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 From an Infected Mother to Her Newborn
This case report describes birth of an infant with elevated anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibodies and cytokine levels to a mother with polymerase chain reaction–confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) despite no physical contact.
JAMA Online First
Can SARS-CoV-2 Infection Be Acquired In Utero?
Two articles reported in this issue of JAMA from separate research teams in China present details of 3 neonates who may have been infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in utero from mothers with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Evidence for such transmission is based on elevated IgM antibody values in blood drawn from the neonates following birth. All infants also had elevated IgG antibody values and cytokine levels, although these may have crossed the placenta...
JAMA Online First
Antibodies in Infants Born to Mothers With COVID-19
This study measured antibodies from infant throat swabs and sera samples.
JAMA Online First
Training and Fitting Health Care Personnel for Elastomeric Half-Mask vs N95 Respirators
This study examines the feasibility of rapidly training and fit testing health care workers to use elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs), widely used in construction and manufacturing, as an alternative to N95 respirators during periods of shortage.
JAMA Online First
Social emotion and patient safety: an important and understudied intersection
Until the late 1990s, models of decision making and behaviour in the psychological literature largely ignored the role of emotion. With the work of influential authors,1–3 among others, came the recognition and evidence that our decisions are not always rational. We rely on heuristics or rules of thumb that can accumulate with experience and exposure and that help us to be more efficient (most of the time) but also prone to bias.4 At the same time, social psychologists seeking to understand what...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
Evaluation of the impact of an augmented model of The Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care on staff and patient outcomes: a naturalistic stepped-wedge trial
BackgroundImproving the quality and efficiency of healthcare is an international priority. A range of complex ward based quality initiatives have been developed over recent years, perhaps the most influential programme has been Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care. The programme aims to improve work processes and team efficiency with the aim of ‘releasing time’, which would be used to increase time with patients ultimately improving patient care, although this does not form a specific part of...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
Costs and consequences of using average demand to plan baseline nurse staffing levels: a computer simulation study
BackgroundPlanning numbers of nursing staff allocated to each hospital ward (the ‘staffing establishment’) is challenging because both demand for and supply of staff vary. Having low numbers of registered nurses working on a shift is associated with worse quality of care and adverse patient outcomes, including higher risk of patient safety incidents. Most nurse staffing tools recommend setting staffing levels at the average needed but modelling studies suggest that this may not lead to optimal levels.ObjectiveUsing...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
A mixed-methods study of challenges experienced by clinical teams in measuring improvement
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
New remote worker? 7 ways to set yourself up for success
By: Karen Wilson The recent spread of Covid-19 has led many companies to shift quite suddenly to remote work. While I personally love working from home, it can be an adjustment if you’re used to going into an office all the time. So, I put together some advice for remote work newbies. But before we get into that, let’s talk about my favorite perks: Short commute time Control over coffee, snack, and beverage choices No more packed lunches or blowing your budget...
Conspire: A @Mindjet Publication
Text Messaging as a Screening Tool for Depression and Related Conditions in Underserved, Predominantly Minority Safety Net Primary Care Patients: Validity Study
*Journal* of *Medical Internet Research*
Risks and Benefits of Web-Based Patient Narratives: Systematic Review
*Journal* of *Medical Internet Research*
Brief Web-Based Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial on Behavioral Activation
*Journal* of *Medical Internet Research*
Bevacizumab (Avastin®) in cancer treatment: a review of 15 years of clinical experience and future outlook
Publication date: Available online 26 March 2020Source: Cancer Treatment ReviewsAuthor(s): Josep Garcia, Herbert I. Hurwitz, Alan B. Sandler, David Miles, Robert L Coleman, Regula Deurloo, Olivier L Chinot
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer: A 2020 update
Publication date: Available online 25 March 2020Source: Cancer Treatment ReviewsAuthor(s): Dimitrios Schizas, Nikolaos Charalampakis, Christo Kole, Panagiota Economopoulou, Evangelos Koustas, Efthymios Gkotsis, Dimitrios Ziogas, Amanda Psyrri, Michalis V. Karamouzis
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Imaging Features of Mucopolysaccharidoses in The Head and Neck
Publication date: Available online 26 March 2020Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Manal Nicolas-Jilwan
ScienceDirect Publication: International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
A Five-Genes-Based Prognostic Signature for Cervical Cancer Overall Survival Prediction
Aims. This study is aimed at identifying a prognostic signature for cervical cancer. Main Methods. The gene expression data and clinical information of cervical cancer and normal cervical tissues were acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas and from three datasets of the Gene Expression Omnibus database. DESeq2 and Limma were employed to screen differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The overlapping DEGs among all datasets were considered the final DEGs. Then, the functional enrichment analysis was...
Comparative and Functional Genomics — An Open Access Journal

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