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Κυριακή 15 Μαρτίου 2020

Circulating anti-geronic factors from heterochonic parabionts promote vascular rejuvenation in aged mice: transcriptional footprint of mitochondrial protection, attenuation of oxidative stress, and rescue of endothelial function by young blood
Abstract Aging-induced functional and phenotypic alterations of the vasculature (e.g., endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress) have a central role in morbidity and mortality of older adults. It has become apparent in recent years that cell autonomous mechanisms alone are inadequate to explain all aspects of vascular aging. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that age-related changes in circulating anti-geronic factors contribute to the regulation of vascular...
Sun Mar 15, 2020 02:00
Human brain networks: a graph theoretical analysis of cortical connectivity normative database from EEG data in healthy elderly subjects
Abstract Moving from the hypothesis that aging processes modulate brain connectivity networks, 170 healthy elderly volunteers were submitted to EEG recordings in order to define age-related normative limits. Graph theory functions were applied to exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography on cortical sources in order to evaluate the small-world parameter as a representative model of network architecture. The analyses were carried out in the whole brain—as well as for the left...
Fri Mar 13, 2020 02:00
Nitrosative stress and lipid homeostasis as a mechanism for zileuton hepatotoxicity and resistance in genetically sensitive mice.
Nitrosative stress and lipid homeostasis as a mechanism for zileuton hepatotoxicity and resistance in genetically sensitive mice. Toxicol Sci. 2020 Mar 14;: Authors: You D, Lyn-Cook LE, Gatti DM, Bell N, Mayeux PR, James LP, Mattes WB, Larson GJ, Harrill AH Abstract Zileuton is an orally active inhibitor of leukotriene synthesis for maintenance treatment of asthma, for which clinical usage has been associated with idiosyncratic liver injury. Mechanistic...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Unraveling the connection between eosinophils and obesity.
Unraveling the connection between eosinophils and obesity. J Leukoc Biol. 2020 Mar 14;: Authors: Calco GN, Fryer AD, Nie Z Abstract Obesity affects more than 650 million adults worldwide and is a major risk factor for a variety of serious comorbidities. The prevalence of obesity has tripled in the past forty years and continues to rise. Eosinophils have recently been implicated in providing a protective role against obesity. Decreasing eosinophils exacerbates...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Model-based data analysis of individual human postprandial plasma bile acid responses indicates a major role for the gallbladder and intestine.
Related ArticlesModel-based data analysis of individual human postprandial plasma bile acid responses indicates a major role for the gallbladder and intestine. Physiol Rep. 2020 Mar;8(5):e14358 Authors: Meessen ECE, Sips FLP, Eggink HM, Koehorst M, Romijn JA, Groen AK, van Riel NAW, Soeters MR Abstract BACKGROUND: Bile acids are multifaceted metabolic compounds that signal to cholesterol, glucose, and lipid homeostasis via receptors like the Farnesoid...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Production of multiple bacteriocins, including the novel bacteriocin gassericin M, by Lactobacillus gasseri LM19, a strain isolated from human milk.
Related ArticlesProduction of multiple bacteriocins, including the novel bacteriocin gassericin M, by Lactobacillus gasseri LM19, a strain isolated from human milk. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2020 Mar 13;: Authors: Garcia-Gutierrez E, O'Connor PM, Colquhoun IJ, Vior NM, Rodríguez JM, Mayer MJ, Cotter PD, Narbad A Abstract Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides produced by bacteria, and their production is regarded as a desirable probiotic trait. We...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
The role of Ca2+/NFAT in Dysfunction and Inflammation of Human Coronary Endothelial Cells induced by Sera from patients with Kawasaki disease.
Related ArticlesThe role of Ca2+/NFAT in Dysfunction and Inflammation of Human Coronary Endothelial Cells induced by Sera from patients with Kawasaki disease. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 13;10(1):4706 Authors: Wang Y, Hu J, Liu J, Geng Z, Tao Y, Zheng F, Wang Y, Fu S, Wang W, Xie C, Zhang Y, Gong F Abstract Ca2+/nuclear factor of activated T-cells (Ca2+/NFAT) signaling pathway may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease (KD). We investigated...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
"Iron free" zinc oxide nanoparticles with ion-leaking properties disrupt intracellular ROS and iron homeostasis to induce ferroptosis.
Related Articles"Iron free" zinc oxide nanoparticles with ion-leaking properties disrupt intracellular ROS and iron homeostasis to induce ferroptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2020 Mar 13;11(3):183 Authors: Zhang C, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Ma L, Song E, Song Y Abstract Exposure to nanomaterials (NMs) is an emerging threat to human health, and the understanding of their intracellular behavior and related toxic effects is urgently needed. Ferroptosis is a newly discovered,...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Microglia clear neuron-released α-synuclein via selective autophagy and prevent neurodegeneration.
Related ArticlesMicroglia clear neuron-released α-synuclein via selective autophagy and prevent neurodegeneration. Nat Commun. 2020 Mar 13;11(1):1386 Authors: Choi I, Zhang Y, Seegobin SP, Pruvost M, Wang Q, Purtell K, Zhang B, Yue Z Abstract Microglia maintain brain homeostasis by removing neuron-derived components such as myelin and cell debris. The evidence linking microglia to neurodegenerative diseases is growing; however, the precise mechanisms...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Correction: Hepatic heparan sulfate is a master regulator of hepcidin expression and iron homeostasis in human hepatocytes and mice.
Related ArticlesCorrection: Hepatic heparan sulfate is a master regulator of hepcidin expression and iron homeostasis in human hepatocytes and mice. J Biol Chem. 2020 Mar 13;295(11):3747 Authors: Poli M, Anower-E-Khuda F, Asperti M, Ruzzenenti P, Gryzik M, Denardo A, Gordts PLSM, Arosio P, Esko JD PMID: 32169857 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
The role of gut microbiota in bone homeostasis.
Related ArticlesThe role of gut microbiota in bone homeostasis. Bone. 2020 Mar 10;:115317 Authors: Behera J, Ison J, Tyagi SC, Tyagi N Abstract The gut microbiota (GM) is referred to as the second gene pool of the human body and a commensal, symbiotic, and pathogenic microorganism living in our intestines. The knowledge of the complex interaction between intestinal microbiota and health outcomes is a novel and rapidly expanding the field. Earlier studies...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
Transgenic kallikrein 14 mice display major hair shaft defects associated with desmoglein 3 and 4 degradation, abnormal epidermal differentiation and Il-36 signature.
Related ArticlesTransgenic kallikrein 14 mice display major hair shaft defects associated with desmoglein 3 and 4 degradation, abnormal epidermal differentiation and Il-36 signature. J Invest Dermatol. 2020 Mar 10;: Authors: Gouin O, Barbieux C, Leturcq F, Bonnet des Claustres M, Petrova E, Hovnanian A Abstract Netherthon syndrome (NS) is a rare autosomal recessive skin disease caused by loss-of-function mutations in SPINK5 encoding Lymphoepithelial...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
A Novel Genetically Encoded Single Use Sensory Cellular Test System Measures Bicarbonate Concentration Changes in Living Cells.
Related ArticlesA Novel Genetically Encoded Single Use Sensory Cellular Test System Measures Bicarbonate Concentration Changes in Living Cells. Sensors (Basel). 2020 Mar 11;20(6): Authors: Bernhard K, Stahl C, Martens R, Frey M Abstract Bicarbonate plays a central role in human physiology from cellular respiration to pH homeostasis. However, so far, the measurement of bicarbonate concentration changes in living cells has only been possible by measuring...
Human homeostasis
Sun Mar 15, 2020 13:22
The E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 regulates PARP1 stability to alleviate oxidative stress-induced injury in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Related ArticlesThe E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 regulates PARP1 stability to alleviate oxidative stress-induced injury in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Mar 13;: Authors: Qian H, Zhang N, Wu B, Wu S, You S, Zhang Y, Sun Y Abstract Oxidative stress injury is involved in many cardiovascular diseases, like hypertension and myocardial infarction. Ubiquitination is a ubiquitous protein post-translational modification that controls...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Human-specific transcriptome of ventral and dorsal midbrain dopamine neurons.
Related ArticlesHuman-specific transcriptome of ventral and dorsal midbrain dopamine neurons. Ann Neurol. 2020 Mar 13;: Authors: Monzón-Sandoval J, Poggiolini I, Ilmer T, Wade-Martins R, Webber C, Parkkinen L Abstract OBJECTIVE: Neuronal loss in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) in Parkinson's disease (PD) is not uniform as dopamine neurons from the ventral tier are lost more rapidly than those of the dorsal tier. Identifying the intrinsic differences...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Natriuretic peptide analogues with distinct vasodilatory or renal activity: Integrated effects in health and experimental heart failure.
Related ArticlesNatriuretic peptide analogues with distinct vasodilatory or renal activity: Integrated effects in health and experimental heart failure. Cardiovasc Res. 2020 Mar 13;: Authors: Rademaker MT, Scott NJA, Koh CY, Kini RM, Richards AM Abstract AIMS: Management of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) requires disparate treatments depending on the state of systemic/peripheral perfusion and the presence/absence of expanded body-fluid volumes....
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Intermittent Fasting as Part of the Management for T2DM: from Animal Models to Human Clinical Studies.
Related ArticlesIntermittent Fasting as Part of the Management for T2DM: from Animal Models to Human Clinical Studies. Curr Diab Rep. 2020 Mar 12;20(4):13 Authors: Muñoz-Hernández L, Márquez-López Z, Mehta R, Aguilar-Salinas CA Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Diet is a pillar of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) management. Intermittent fasting (IF) is postulated as a novel approach, able to improve glucose control and potentially capable of reversing some...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Exogenous GDF11, but not GDF8, reduces body weight and improves glucose homeostasis in mice.
Related ArticlesExogenous GDF11, but not GDF8, reduces body weight and improves glucose homeostasis in mice. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 12;10(1):4561 Authors: Walker RG, Barrandon O, Poggioli T, Dagdeviren S, Carroll SH, Mills MJ, Mendello KR, Gomez Y, Loffredo FS, Pancoast JR, Macias-Trevino C, Marts C, LeClair KB, Noh HL, Kim T, Banks AS, Kim JK, Cohen DE, Wagers AJ, Melton DA, Lee RT Abstract Insulin resistance is associated with aging in mice and humans....
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Lipidomic and biophysical homeostasis of mammalian membranes counteracts dietary lipid perturbations to maintain cellular fitness.
Related ArticlesLipidomic and biophysical homeostasis of mammalian membranes counteracts dietary lipid perturbations to maintain cellular fitness. Nat Commun. 2020 Mar 12;11(1):1339 Authors: Levental KR, Malmberg E, Symons JL, Fan YY, Chapkin RS, Ernst R, Levental I Abstract Proper membrane physiology requires maintenance of biophysical properties, which must be buffered from external perturbations. While homeostatic adaptation of membrane fluidity to...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Homozygous splice-variants in human ARV1 cause GPI-anchor synthesis deficiency.
Related ArticlesHomozygous splice-variants in human ARV1 cause GPI-anchor synthesis deficiency. Mol Genet Metab. 2020 Feb 10;: Authors: Davids M, Menezes M, Guo Y, McLean SD, Hakonarson H, Collins F, Worgan L, Billington CJ, Maric I, Littlejohn RO, Onyekweli T, Members Of The Udn, Adams DR, Tifft CJ, Gahl WA, Wolfe LA, Christodoulou J, Malicdan MCV Abstract BACKGROUND: Mutations in the ARV1 Homolog, Fatty Acid Homeostasis Modulator (ARV1), have recently...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 18 Controls Trafficking of Aquaporin-2 and Its Abundance through Ubiquitin Ligase STUB1, Which Functions as an AKAP.
Related ArticlesCyclin-Dependent Kinase 18 Controls Trafficking of Aquaporin-2 and Its Abundance through Ubiquitin Ligase STUB1, Which Functions as an AKAP. Cells. 2020 Mar 10;9(3): Authors: Dema A, Faust D, Lazarow K, Wippich M, Neuenschwander M, Zühlke K, Geelhaar A, Pallien T, Hallscheidt E, Eichhorst J, Wiesner B, Černecká H, Popp O, Mertins P, Dittmar G, von Kries JP, Klussmann E Abstract Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) facilitates water reabsorption...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
The FGF metabolic axis.
Related ArticlesThe FGF metabolic axis. Front Med. 2019 Oct;13(5):511-530 Authors: Li X Abstract Members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family play pleiotropic roles in cellular and metabolic homeostasis. During evolution, the ancestor FGF expands into multiple members by acquiring divergent structural elements that enable functional divergence and specification. Heparan sulfate-binding FGFs, which play critical roles in embryonic development...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Estrogen signaling impacts temporomandibular joint and periodontal disease pathology.
Related ArticlesEstrogen signaling impacts temporomandibular joint and periodontal disease pathology. Odontology. 2020 Apr;108(2):153-165 Authors: Robinson JL, Johnson PM, Kister K, Yin MT, Chen J, Wadhwa S Abstract Women experience a higher incidence of oral diseases including periodontal diseases and temporomandibular joint disease (TMD) implicating the role of estrogen signaling in disease pathology. Fluctuating levels of estrogen during childbearing...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
Evaluating the predictions of the protein stability change upon single amino acid substitutions for the FXN CAGI5 challenge.
Related ArticlesEvaluating the predictions of the protein stability change upon single amino acid substitutions for the FXN CAGI5 challenge. Hum Mutat. 2019 09;40(9):1392-1399 Authors: Savojardo C, Petrosino M, Babbi G, Bovo S, Corbi-Verge C, Casadio R, Fariselli P, Folkman L, Garg A, Karimi M, Katsonis P, Kim PM, Lichtarge O, Martelli PL, Pasquo A, Pal D, Shen Y, Strokach AV, Turina P, Zhou Y, Andreoletti G, Brenner SE, Chiaraluce R, Consalvi V, Capriotti E ...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
The failing cascade: Comorbid post traumatic stress- and opioid use disorders.
Related ArticlesThe failing cascade: Comorbid post traumatic stress- and opioid use disorders. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019 08;103:374-383 Authors: Elman I, Borsook D Abstract Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a mounting public health problem with substantial morbidity and mortality. Stress involvement in the course of OUD is generally accepted, but little is understood about the underlying neurobiological mechanisms in part due to a lack of laboratory-based...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
PPARγ Interaction with UBR5/ATMIN Promotes DNA Repair to Maintain Endothelial Homeostasis.
Related ArticlesPPARγ Interaction with UBR5/ATMIN Promotes DNA Repair to Maintain Endothelial Homeostasis. Cell Rep. 2019 01 29;26(5):1333-1343.e7 Authors: Li CG, Mahon C, Sweeney NM, Verschueren E, Kantamani V, Li D, Hennigs JK, Marciano DP, Diebold I, Abu-Halawa O, Elliott M, Sa S, Guo F, Wang L, Cao A, Guignabert C, Sollier J, Nickel NP, Kaschwich M, Cimprich KA, Rabinovitch M Abstract Using proteomic approaches, we uncovered a DNA damage response...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
The EF-Hand Protein CALML6 Suppresses Antiviral Innate Immunity by Impairing IRF3 Dimerization.
Related ArticlesThe EF-Hand Protein CALML6 Suppresses Antiviral Innate Immunity by Impairing IRF3 Dimerization. Cell Rep. 2019 01 29;26(5):1273-1285.e5 Authors: Wang Z, Sheng C, Yao C, Chen H, Wang D, Chen S Abstract The transcription factor IRF3 is phosphorylated in response to viral infection, and it subsequently forms a homodimer and translocates into the nucleus to induce the transcription of genes important for antiviral immunity, such as type...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05
ECRG4: a new potential target in precision medicine.
Related ArticlesECRG4: a new potential target in precision medicine. Front Med. 2019 Oct;13(5):540-546 Authors: Qin X, Zhang P Abstract Given the rapid development in precision medicine, tremendous efforts have been devoted to discovering new biomarkers for disease diagnosis and treatment. Esophageal cancer-related gene-4 (ECRG4), which is initially known as a new candidate tumor suppressor gene, is emerging as a sentinel molecule for gauging tissue...
Human homeostasis
Sat Mar 14, 2020 13:05

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