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Πέμπτη 30 Ιουλίου 2020

Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 965: Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis of Chinese Chamaesium Species Revealed by the Complete Plastid Genome
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 965: Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis of Chinese Chamaesium Species Revealed by the Complete Plastid Genome Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9080965 Authors: Xian-Lin Guo Hong-Yi Zheng Megan Price Song-Dong Zhou Xing-Jin He Chamaesium H. Wolff (Apiaceae, Apioideae) is a small genus mainly distributed in the Hengduan Mountains and the Himalayas. Ten species of Chamaesium have been described and nine species are distributed in China. Recent advances in molecular...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 963: The Effect of Macronutrient Availability on Pomegranate Reproductive Development
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 963: The Effect of Macronutrient Availability on Pomegranate Reproductive Development Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9080963 Authors: Silit Lazare Yang Lyu Uri Yermiyahu Yehuda Heler Gershon Kalyan Arnon Dag Pomegranate cultivation has expanded significantly in the last two decades. However, there is limited information on its fertilization requirements and the effect of macronutrient availability on its reproductive development. Two commercial pomegranate...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 966: Digital Absolute Gene Expression Analysis of Essential Starch-Related Genes in a Radiation Developed Amaranthus cruentus L. Variety in Comparison with Real-Time PCR
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 966: Digital Absolute Gene Expression Analysis of Essential Starch-Related Genes in a Radiation Developed Amaranthus cruentus L. Variety in Comparison with Real-Time PCR Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9080966 Authors: Veronika Lancíková Andrea Hricová We investigated the expression pattern of four major starch genes at different seed developmental stages in the radiation-bred amaranth variety “Pribina” (Amaranthus cruentus L.) and corresponding...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 960: Physiological Characteristics of Photosynthesis in Yellow-Green, Green and Dark-Green Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra Musil.) under Varying Light Intensities
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 960: Physiological Characteristics of Photosynthesis in Yellow-Green, Green and Dark-Green Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra Musil.) under Varying Light Intensities Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9080960 Authors: Kuan-Hung Lin Feng-Chi Shih Meng-Yuan Huang Jen-Hsien Weng The objective of this work was to study physiological characteristics and photosynthetic apparatus in differentially pigmented leaves of three Chinese kale cultivars. Chlorophyll...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 961: A Review on Applications and Uses of Thymus in the Food Industry
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 961: A Review on Applications and Uses of Thymus in the Food Industry Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9080961 Authors: Gema Nieto Thyme is one of the most important medicinal plants because of its ethnopharmacological relevance and high content of bioactive compounds. This review focuses particularly on thyme as an alternative natural antioxidant and antimicrobial with potential use in the food industry. This is in line with the preferences of the current consumer, who...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 40: A Call for a More Efficient Submission Process
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 40: A Call for a More Efficient Submission Process Publications doi: 10.3390/publications8030040 Authors: Hans Oh This commentary argues that the manuscript submission process is needlessly complicated and bothersome and would benefit from user experience research to simplify the author guidelines and to add design features that minimize mistakes.
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 393: Religion and the Transmission of COVID-19 in The Netherlands
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 393: Religion and the Transmission of COVID-19 in The Netherlands Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11080393 Authors: Paul Vermeer Joris Kregting The aim of this study was to find out if the typical spread of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in The Netherlands, with significantly higher levels in the Dutch Bible belt and the southern, traditionally Catholic provinces, is related to the specific religious composition of the country. To do this, government statistics...
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 392: Islamic Religious Education in Contemporary Austrian Society: Muslim Teachers Dealing with Controversial Contemporary Topics
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 392: Islamic Religious Education in Contemporary Austrian Society: Muslim Teachers Dealing with Controversial Contemporary Topics Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11080392 Authors: Mehmet H. Tuna Muslims in Austria have, since 1982/83, had the unique privilege of providing Islamic religious education in secular public schools, including primary, middle and secondary schools. As well as opportunities, this privilege brings responsibilities and challenges to the Muslim...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 391: Catholic Family Ties: Sustaining and Supporting HIV-Positive Canadian Gay Men’s Faith, Mental Health, and Wellbeing
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 391: Catholic Family Ties: Sustaining and Supporting HIV-Positive Canadian Gay Men’s Faith, Mental Health, and Wellbeing Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11080391 Authors: Renato M. Liboro Research has documented that sexual minorities and people living with HIV/AIDS have successfully used religious coping to help them overcome life challenges related to their sexual orientation and HIV status, including religious struggles surrounding their faith brought about by...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Robotics, Vol. 9, Pages 59: Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control of a Three Degree-of-Freedom Helicopter
Robotics, Vol. 9, Pages 59: Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control of a Three Degree-of-Freedom Helicopter Robotics doi: 10.3390/robotics9030059 Authors: Hicham Chaoui Sumit Yadav Rosita Sharif Ahmadi Allal El Moubarek Bouzid This paper combines interval type-2 fuzzy logic with adaptive control theory for the control of a three degree-of-freedom (DOF) helicopter. This strategy yields robustness to various kinds of uncertainties and guaranteed stability of the closed-loop...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 137: Re-Examining the Public–Catholic School Gap in STEM Opportunity to Learn: New Evidence from HSLS
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 137: Re-Examining the Public–Catholic School Gap in STEM Opportunity to Learn: New Evidence from HSLS Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci9080137 Authors: Shangmou Xu Sean Kelly This paper examines public–Catholic gap in STEM opportunity to learn in the US using Mahalanobis-distance matching and adjacent categories models. Consistent with prior studies, there are significant public–Catholic differences in math and science course sequence...
Social Sciences
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 136: Understanding Procrastination in First-Year Undergraduates: An Application of Attribution Theory
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 136: Understanding Procrastination in First-Year Undergraduates: An Application of Attribution Theory Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci9080136 Authors: So Yeon Lee Nathan C. Hall Despite findings showing first-year undergraduates persistently engage in academic procrastination, research exploring students’ perceived reasons for their procrastination and procrastination-related emotions is lacking. The present exploratory study utilized Weiner’s...
Social Sciences
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 109: Heart Rate Variability and Direct Current Measurement Characteristics in Professional Mixed Martial Arts Athletes
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 109: Heart Rate Variability and Direct Current Measurement Characteristics in Professional Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8080109 Authors: Joseph O. C. Coyne Aaron J. Coutts Roman Fomin Duncan N. French Robert U. Newton G. Gregory Haff This study’s purpose was to examine heart rate variability (HRV) and direct current potential (DC) measures’ sensitivity and correlations between changes in the acute recovery...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 107: A Longitudinal Prospective Study: The Effect of Annual Seasonal Transition and Coaching Influence on Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition in Division I Female Soccer Players
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 107: A Longitudinal Prospective Study: The Effect of Annual Seasonal Transition and Coaching Influence on Aerobic Capacity and Body Composition in Division I Female Soccer Players Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8080107 Authors: Troy M. Purdom Kyle S. Levers Chase S. McPherson Jacob Giles Lindsey Brown This study assessed how seasonal transitions and coaching influence affect aerobic capacity (AC) and body composition across the annual training cycle (ATC)....
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 108: Short-Term Compound Training on Physical Performance in Young Soccer Players
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 108: Short-Term Compound Training on Physical Performance in Young Soccer Players Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8080108 Authors: Athos Trecroci Marco Duca Damiano Formenti Giampietro Alberti F. Marcello Iaia Stefano Longo This study aimed to investigate the effects of a five-week compound training (with strength and plyometric exercises performed on separate days) on sprint, change of direction, and vertical jump in young soccer players. Eighteen novices...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 106: Effect of Training Phase on Physical and Physiological Parameters of Male Powerlifters
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 106: Effect of Training Phase on Physical and Physiological Parameters of Male Powerlifters Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8080106 Authors: Daniel Hackett Guy Wilson Lachlan Mitchell Marjan Haghighi Jillian Clarke Yorgi Mavros Helen O’Connor Amanda Hagstrom Gary Slater Justin Keogh Chris McLellan Longitudinal research on training and dietary practices of natural powerlifters is limited. This study investigated the effect of phases of training...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 487: Purification, Toxicity and Functional Characterization of a New Proteinaceous Mussel Biotoxin from Bizerte Lagoon
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 487: Purification, Toxicity and Functional Characterization of a New Proteinaceous Mussel Biotoxin from Bizerte Lagoon Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080487 Authors: Riadh Marrouchi Evelyne Benoit Sébastien Schlumberger Zeineb Marzougui Jean-Pierre Le Caer Jordi Molgó Riadh Kharrat The marine environment is known to be occupied by microorganisms. The potential toxicity of some of these marine microorganisms, that are capable of producing unknown...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 486: Mycotoxins in Feed and Food and the Role of Ozone in Their Detoxification and Degradation: An Update
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 486: Mycotoxins in Feed and Food and the Role of Ozone in Their Detoxification and Degradation: An Update Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080486 Authors: Giuseppe Conte Marco Fontanelli Francesca Galli Lorenzo Cotrozzi Lorenzo Pagni Elisa Pellegrini Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by some filamentous fungi, which can cause toxicity in animal species, including humans. Because of their high toxicological impacts, mycotoxins have received...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 489: In Vivo Evaluation of the Chronic Oral Toxicity of the Marine Toxin Palytoxin
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 489: In Vivo Evaluation of the Chronic Oral Toxicity of the Marine Toxin Palytoxin Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080489 Authors: Andrea Boente-Juncal Sandra Raposo-García Carmen Vale M. Carmen Louzao Paz Otero Luis M Botana Palytoxin (PLTX) is one of the most poisonous substances known to date and considered as an emergent toxin in Europe. Palytoxin binds to the Na+-K+ ATPase, converting the enzyme in a permeant cation channel. This toxin is known...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 488: Simultaneous Quantification of Aflatoxin B1, T-2 Toxin, Ochratoxin A and Deoxynivalenol in Dried Seafood Products by LC-MS/MS
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 488: Simultaneous Quantification of Aflatoxin B1, T-2 Toxin, Ochratoxin A and Deoxynivalenol in Dried Seafood Products by LC-MS/MS Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080488 Authors: Yijia Deng Yaling Wang Qi Deng Lijun Sun Rundong Wang Xiaobo Wang Jianmeng Liao Ravi Gooneratne Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi. These contaminate dried seafoods during processing and storage and represent a potential health hazard for consumers....
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 484: Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity of N-Terminal Derivatives of a Novel Brevinin-1 Peptide from The Skin Secretion of Odorrana schmackeri
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 484: Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity of N-Terminal Derivatives of a Novel Brevinin-1 Peptide from The Skin Secretion of Odorrana schmackeri Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080484 Authors: Xiaowei Zhou Yue Liu Yitian Gao Yuanxing Wang Qiang Xia Ruimin Zhong Chengbang Ma Mei Zhou Xinping Xi Chris Shaw Tianbao Chen Di Wu Hang Fai Kwok Lei Wang Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising therapeutic alternatives compared to conventional...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 485: Intra-Specific Venom Variation in the Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 485: Intra-Specific Venom Variation in the Australian Coastal Taipan Oxyuranus scutellatus Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12080485 Authors: Theo Tasoulis Anjana Silva Punnam Chander Veerati Mark Baker Wayne C. Hodgson Nathan Dunstan Geoffrey K. Isbister Intra-specific venom variation has the potential to provide important insights into the evolution of snake venom, but remains a relatively neglected aspect of snake venom studies. We investigated the...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 429: The Role of Virulence Proteins in Protection Conferred by Bordetella pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccines
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 429: The Role of Virulence Proteins in Protection Conferred by Bordetella pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccines Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030429 Authors: René H. M. Raeven Naomi van Vlies Merijn L. M. Salverda Larissa van der Maas Joost P. Uittenbogaard Tim H. E. Bindels Jolanda Rigters Lisa M. Verhagen Sabine Kruijer Elly van Riet Bernard Metz Arno A. J. van der Ark The limited protective immunity induced by acellular...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 428: Protective Immunity Induced by Virus-Like Particle Containing Merozoite Surface Protein 9 of Plasmodium berghei
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 428: Protective Immunity Induced by Virus-Like Particle Containing Merozoite Surface Protein 9 of Plasmodium berghei Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030428 Authors: Su-Hwa Lee Hae-Ji Kang Ki-Back Chu Swarnendu Basak Dong-Hun Lee Eun-Kyung Moon Fu-Shi Quan Merozoite surface protein 9 (MSP-9) from Plasmodium has shown promise as a vaccine candidate due to its location and possible role in erythrocyte invasion. In this study, we generated virus-like...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 427: Moderate Vaccine Effectiveness against Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Caused by A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza Virus and No Effectiveness against A(H3N2) Influenza Virus in the 2018/2019 Season in Italy
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 427: Moderate Vaccine Effectiveness against Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Caused by A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza Virus and No Effectiveness against A(H3N2) Influenza Virus in the 2018/2019 Season in Italy Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030427 Authors: Caterina Rizzo Francesco Gesualdo Daniela Loconsole Elisabetta Pandolfi Antonino Bella Andrea Orsi Giulia Guarona Donatella Panatto Giancarlo Icardi Christian Napoli Giovanni Battista Orsi...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 426: Pneumococcal Vaccination for Children in Asian Countries: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation Studies
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 426: Pneumococcal Vaccination for Children in Asian Countries: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation Studies Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030426 Authors: Neily Zakiyah Widya N. Insani Auliya A. Suwantika Jurjen van der Schans Maarten J. Postma Background: Evidence on costs and health benefits of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for children in Asian countries is limited but growing. As a region with a considerably high burden of pneumococcal...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 834: Differential Behaviours and Preferential Bindings of Influenza Nucleoproteins on Importins-α
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 834: Differential Behaviours and Preferential Bindings of Influenza Nucleoproteins on Importins-α Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080834 Authors: Amélie Donchet Emilie Vassal-Stermann Francine C. A. Gérard Rob W. H. Ruigrok Thibaut Crépin Influenza viruses are negative single-stranded RNA viruses with nuclear transcription and replication. They enter the nucleus by using the cellular importin-α/-β nuclear import machinery. Influenza nucleoproteins...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 828: Innovative HBV Animal Models Based on the Entry Receptor NTCP
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 828: Innovative HBV Animal Models Based on the Entry Receptor NTCP Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080828 Authors: Jochen M. Wettengel Benjamin J. Burwitz Hepatitis B is a major global health problem, with an estimated 257 million chronically infected patients and almost 1 million deaths per year. The causative agent is hepatitis B virus (HBV), a small, enveloped, partially double-stranded DNA virus. HBV has a strict species specificity, naturally infecting only humans...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 833: Expression Profiles of Exosomal MicroRNAs from HEV- and HCV-Infected Blood Donors and Patients: A Pilot Study
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 833: Expression Profiles of Exosomal MicroRNAs from HEV- and HCV-Infected Blood Donors and Patients: A Pilot Study Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080833 Authors: Karen McGowan Kenneth J. Simpson Juraj Petrik Exosomes seem to play an important role in hepatits C virus (HCV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection by shielding their cargo from the host immune responses, with microRNAs being key exosomal components. Little is known about their involvement in a mixed...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 835: Nucleocapsid Structure of Negative Strand RNA Virus
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 835: Nucleocapsid Structure of Negative Strand RNA Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080835 Authors: Ming Luo James Ross Terrell Shelby Ashlyn Mcmanus Negative strand RNA viruses (NSVs) include many important human pathogens, such as influenza virus, Ebola virus, and rabies virus. One of the unique characteristics that NSVs share is the assembly of the nucleocapsid and its role in viral RNA synthesis. In NSVs, the single strand RNA genome is encapsidated in...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 829: Dengue: A Minireview
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 829: Dengue: A Minireview Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080829 Authors: Harapan Harapan Alice Michie R. Tajo Sasmono Allison Imrie Dengue, caused by infection of any of four dengue virus serotypes (DENV-1 to DENV-4), is a mosquito-borne disease of major public health concern associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and economic cost, particularly in developing countries. Dengue incidence has increased 30-fold in the last 50 years and over 50% of the...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 831: Genetic Characterizations and Molecular Evolution of VP7 Gene in Human Group A Rotavirus G1
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 831: Genetic Characterizations and Molecular Evolution of VP7 Gene in Human Group A Rotavirus G1 Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080831 Authors: Nan Zhou Lu Zhou Bei Wang Rotavirus group A (RVA) G1 is one leading genotype circulating in humans worldwide, and related molecular information from a global perspective is still limited. Here, we present a comprehensive description of the genetic characterizations and molecular evolution of the RVA G1 VP7 gene. Our results...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 830: Effects of Mosquito Biology on Modeled Chikungunya Virus Invasion Potential in Florida
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 830: Effects of Mosquito Biology on Modeled Chikungunya Virus Invasion Potential in Florida Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080830 Authors: Cynthia C. Lord L. Philip Lounibos Joseph J. Pohedra Barry W. Alto Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus have been introduced to Florida on many occasions. Infrequently, these introductions lead to sporadic local transmission and, more rarely, sustained local transmission. Both mosquito species are...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 827: RT-dPCR in Mosquito Samples for ZIKV Detection: Effects of RNA Extraction and Reverse Transcription in Target Concentration
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 827: RT-dPCR in Mosquito Samples for ZIKV Detection: Effects of RNA Extraction and Reverse Transcription in Target Concentration Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080827 Authors: Paula Rodrigues de Almeida Ana Karolina Antunes Eisen Meriane Demoliner Fernando Rosado Spilki Zika virus (ZIKV) is an important arbovirus, responsible for recent outbreaks of Guillain Barré Syndrome and Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). After thousands of CZS cases, ZIKV is under...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 832: The Vaginal Virome—Balancing Female Genital Tract Bacteriome, Mucosal Immunity, and Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes?
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 832: The Vaginal Virome—Balancing Female Genital Tract Bacteriome, Mucosal Immunity, and Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes? Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080832 Authors: Anna-Ursula Happel Arvind Varsani Christina Balle Jo-Ann Passmore Heather Jaspan Besides bacteria, fungi, protists and archaea, the vaginal ecosystem also contains a range of prokaryote- and eukaryote-infecting viruses, which are collectively referred to as the “virome”....
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 825: Crocetin Improves Dengue Virus-Induced Liver Injury
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 825: Crocetin Improves Dengue Virus-Induced Liver Injury Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080825 Authors: Gopinathan Pillai Sreekanth Aporn Chuncharunee Pa-thai Yenchitsomanus Thawornchai Limjindaporn Dengue virus (DENV) infection is one of the most widespread mosquito-borne viral infections. Liver injury is commonly observed in severe DENV infection, and the present study aimed to examine the efficacy of crocetin treatment in an immunocompetent mouse model of...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 826: Progress in the Production of Virus-Like Particles for Vaccination against Hepatitis E Virus
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 826: Progress in the Production of Virus-Like Particles for Vaccination against Hepatitis E Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12080826 Authors: Milena Mazalovska J. Calvin Kouokam Hepatitis E virus (HEV), a pathogen that causes acute viral hepatitis, is a small icosahedral, quasi-enveloped, positive ssRNA virus. Its genome has three open reading frames (ORFs), with ORF1 and ORF3 encoding for nonstructural and regulatory proteins, respectively, while ORF2 is translated...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 2160: Soil Moisture Estimation Using Citizen Observatory Data, Microwave Satellite Imagery, and Environmental Covariates
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 2160: Soil Moisture Estimation Using Citizen Observatory Data, Microwave Satellite Imagery, and Environmental Covariates Water doi: 10.3390/w12082160 Authors: Daniel Kibirige Endre Dobos Soil moisture (SM) is a key variable in the climate system and a key parameter in earth surface processes. This study aimed to test the citizen observatory (CO) data to develop a method to estimate surface SM distribution using Sentinel-1B C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 2158: Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field Characteristics of Stationary Two-Pipe Vehicles under Different Spacings
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 2158: Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field Characteristics of Stationary Two-Pipe Vehicles under Different Spacings Water doi: 10.3390/w12082158 Authors: Xiaomeng Jia Xihuan Sun Yongye Li The piped hydraulic transportation of tube-contained raw material is a new long- distance transportation technology. This technology has the advantages of high efficiency, energy savings and environmental protection. The research in the published literature has mostly been...
Thu Jul 30, 2020 03:00

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