Δευτέρα 23 Μαρτίου 2020

A review of breath analysis techniques in head and neck cancer.
Related ArticlesA review of breath analysis techniques in head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 19;104:104654 Authors: Dharmawardana N, Woods C, Watson DI, Yazbeck R, Ooi EH Abstract Cancers of the head and neck region are a severely disabling group of diseases with no method for early detection. Analysis of exhaled breath volatile organic compounds shows promise as biomarkers for early detection and disease monitoring. This article reviews...
AA pubmed: head and neck
ATP depletion induced cochlear hair cells death through histone deacetylation in vitro.
Related ArticlesATP depletion induced cochlear hair cells death through histone deacetylation in vitro. Neurosci Lett. 2020 Mar 18;:134918 Authors: Fan B, Wang J, Qiu J, Chen F Abstract Previous studies have shown histone modifications being present in cochlear hair cells in animal models of hearing loss. Our past studies have shown that ATP depletion, histone deacetylase (HDAC) upregulation, and histone deacetylation occur in cochlea after noise...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Is nasogastric tube feeding necessary after hypopharyngeal diverticulum surgery?
Related ArticlesIs nasogastric tube feeding necessary after hypopharyngeal diverticulum surgery? Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Mar 10;:102453 Authors: Zhukhovitskaya A, Weiland DJ, Goshtasbi K, Verma SP Abstract OBJECTIVES: Nasogastric tubes (NGT) are often placed after surgery for cricopharyngeal muscle pathology due to risk of infection and mediastinitis. The aim of this study was to examine if this practice is necessary. METHODS: A retrospective...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Sleep Apnea Treatment Considerations in Patients with Comorbidities.
Related ArticlesSleep Apnea Treatment Considerations in Patients with Comorbidities. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2020 Mar 18;: Authors: Dhanda Patil R, Sarber KM Abstract A wide range of sleep, psychiatric, and medical comorbidities can present with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), complicating treatment because of intolerance or low adherence to traditional modalities of therapy. Providers must have heightened awareness of how these comorbidities can...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the breast.
Related ArticlesBasaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the breast. Rev Esp Patol. 2020 Apr - Jun;53(2):113-116 Authors: Marco V, Rubio IT, García F, Clavero O Abstract Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a subtype of squamous cell carcinoma that characteristically occurs in the head and neck, may be related to HPV infection and is usually considered to be aggressive. We present the first description of BSCC of the breast. The tumor exhibited...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Novel volumetric analysis for stent expansion after drug‐eluting stent implantation: An optical coherence tomography study
Abstract Objectives To assess the clinical significance of a novel optical coherence tomography (OCT)‐derived volumetric parameter of stent expansion by comparing it with the conventional parameters in real‐world practice. Background The clinical significance of novel parameters in real‐world practice including longer and smaller stents remains to be elucidated. Methods A total of 226 de novo lesion treated with drug‐eluting stents in 208 consecutive patients were enrolled....
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Controversies in Skin Testing for Allergic Rhinitis
Abstract Purpose of Review This article will review different methods of skin testing available for allergic rhinitis, emphasizing controversies and challenges associated with these techniques. Recent Findings The utility of quantitative skin testing has been debated in current literature, as has the accuracy of skin versus in vitro testing. Single- and pauci-allergen...
Current Otorhinolaryngology Reports
Wound biofilms and their role in individuals with epidermolysis bullosa
Australasian Journal of Dermatology
Reflectance confocal microscopy as a new diagnostic tool in transformed mycosis fungoides
Abstract Patients with mycosis fungoides typically experience an indolent disease. In some cases, the disease undergoes a process of large cell transformation which often heralds a more aggressive course with shortened overall survival. In order to rule out large cell transformation, biopsy specimens are often collected from patients with established disease who develop new papules, plaques or tumours. In some cases, multiple biopsies are needed and scar, infection and sampling error can occur....
Australasian Journal of Dermatology
Facial aesthetic injections in clinical practice: Pretreatment and posttreatment consensus recommendations to minimise adverse outcomes
Abstract Facial aesthetic treatment with injectable neuromodulators and hyaluronic acid fillers is well established, with favourable safety profiles and consistent outcomes. As with any medical treatment, adverse events and complications may occur. Adverse events associated with these products are typically transient and mild to moderate in severity. Serious adverse events, such as infection and intravascular occlusion, are rare. Proper patient selection, consent and counselling, preparation and...
Australasian Journal of Dermatology
Dynamic Changes of Plateau Wetlands in the Damqu River Basin, Yangtze River Source Region, China, 1988–2015
Abstract The assessment of wetland changes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is an important component of global change research. The Damqu River Basin (DRB) lies within the southern source of the Yangtze River and is part of the core wetlands area of the Three Rivers Source Region (TRSR). We examined the distribution of wetlands across this region based on remote sensing image interpretations. The results revealed clear evidence of changes over the period between 1988 and 2015, with...
Latest Results for Wetlands
Case of nodal nevus with melanocytic cell aggregates in the lymphatic hilum: A potential diagnostic pitfall that requires differentiation from metastatic melanoma of the lymph node
The Journal of Dermatology
White onychomycosis with Trichophyton rubrum in a congenital heart disease patient: Endonyx onychomycosis
The Journal of Dermatology
Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vascular Anomalies 2017
Abstract The objective was to prepare guidelines to perform the current optimum treatment by organizing effective and efficient treatments of hemangiomas and vascular malformations, confirming the safety and systematizing treatment, employing evidence‐based medicine techniques and aimed at improvement of the outcomes. Clinical questions (CQ) were decided based on the important clinical issues. For document retrieval, key words for published work searches were set for each CQ, and work published...
The Journal of Dermatology
Standards in der Verbrennungsmedizin
Zusammenfassung Thermische Verletzungen treten in jedem Lebensalter auf und entstehen durch Flammen, Flüssigkeiten, Dämpfe oder direkten Kontakt. Nicht selten werden sie bagatellisiert, sollten jedoch zügig behandelt werden, um sekundäre Komplikationen wie z. B. Infektionen oder hypertrophe Narben zu minimieren. Dabei stehen neben den Schmerzen die großen Wundflächen im Vordergrund. Liegen mindestens IIb-gradige Verbrennungen vor, muss zeitnah die operative Versorgung angestrebt...
Latest Results for Der Chirurg
The synergetic effect of bioactive molecule–loaded electrospun core‐shell fibres for reconstruction of critical‐sized calvarial bone defect—The effect of synergetic release on bone Formation
Abstract Objectives Bone regeneration is a complex process modulated by multiple growth factors and hormones during long regeneration period; thus, designing biomaterials with the capacity to deliver multiple bioactive molecules and obtain sustained release has gained an increasing popularity in recent years. This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of a novel core‐shell electrospun fibre loaded with dexamethasone (DEX) and bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (BMP‐2) on bone regeneration. ...
Cell Proliferation
Intratympanic Corticosteroid Administration as a Primary Treatment for Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Abstract A retrospective review of 34 patients was done who had idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and were administered intratympanic corticosteroid in the form of dexamethasone (4 mg/ml). The results were interpreted based on pure tone audiometry and Speech discrimination score of the patient before commencing the treatment and after the treatment.
Latest Results

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