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Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2020

Clinical, pathological and genetic spectrum in 89 cases of mitochondrial progressive external ophthalmoplegia
BackgroundMitochondrial progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO) encompasses a broad spectrum of clinical and genetic disorders. We describe the phenotypic subtypes of PEO and its correlation with molecular defects and propose a diagnostic algorithm.MethodsRetrospective analysis of the clinical, pathological and genetic features of 89 cases.ResultsThree main phenotypes were found: ‘pure PEO’ (42%), consisting of isolated palpebral ptosis with ophthalmoparesis; Kearns-Sayre syndrome (10%); and ‘PEO...
JMG Online First
Biallelic variants in MAATS1 encoding CFAP91, a calmodulin-associated and spoke-associated complex protein, cause severe astheno-teratozoospermia and male infertility
BackgroundMultiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella (MMAF) consistently lead to male infertility due to a reduced or absent sperm motility defined as asthenozoospermia. Despite numerous genes recently described to be recurrently associated with MMAF, more than half of the cases analysed remain unresolved, suggesting that many yet uncharacterised gene defects account for this phenotypeMethodsExome sequencing was performed on 167 infertile men with an MMAF phenotype. Immunostaining and transmission...
JMG Online First
Use of a rare disease registry for establishing phenotypic classification of previously unassigned GLA variants: a consensus classification system by a multispecialty Fabry disease genotype-phenotype workgroup
BackgroundFabry disease (α-galactosidase deficiency) is an X-linked genetic disease caused by a variety of pathogenic GLA variants. The phenotypic heterogeneity is considerable, with two major forms, classic and later-onset disease, but adjudication of clinical phenotype is currently lacking for many variants. We aimed to determine consensus phenotypic classification for previously unclassified GLA variants from the GLA-specific fabry-database.org database.MethodsA Fabry disease genotype–phenotype...
JMG Online First
Natural anti-aging skincare: role and potential
Abstract The deterioration of the skin morphology and physiology is the first and earliest obvious harbinger of the aging process which is progressively manifested with increasing age. Such deterioration affects the vital functions of the skin such as homeodynamic regulation of body temperature, fluid balance, loss of electrolytes and proteins, production of vitamin D, waste removal, immune surveillance, sensory perception, and protection of other organs against deleterious environmental...
Latest Results for Biogerontology
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Adverse Effects of Levonorgestrel Emergency Oral Contraceptive
Abstract Introduction The levonorgestrel oral emergency contraceptive is well tolerated and effective, however its use is still limited, mainly due to safety concerns. Objective This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize current evidence regarding the adverse events, and their prevalence, reported during the use of oral levonorgestrel emergency...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 125: Immune Pressure on Polymorphous Influenza B Populations Results in Diverse Hemagglutinin Escape Mutants and Lineage Switching
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 125: Immune Pressure on Polymorphous Influenza B Populations Results in Diverse Hemagglutinin Escape Mutants and Lineage Switching Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8010125 Authors: Ewan P. Plant Hasmik Manukyan Jose L. Sanchez Majid Laassri Zhiping Ye Mutations arise in the genomes of progeny viruses during infection. Mutations that occur in epitopes targeted by host antibodies allow the progeny virus to escape the host adaptive, B-cell mediated antibody...
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 124: Safety of Administering Live Vaccines During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 124: Safety of Administering Live Vaccines During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8010124 Authors: Almudena Laris-González Daniel Bernal-Serrano Alexander Jarde Beate Kampmann Live-attenuated vaccines (LAV) are currently contraindicated during pregnancy, given uncertain safety records for the mother–infant pair. LAV might, however, play an important role to protect them against...
Dual specificity phosphatase 6 plays a critical role in the maintenance of a cancer stem‐like cell phenotype in human endometrial cancer
The prognosis of patients with high‐grade or advanced‐stage endometrial cancer remains poor. As cancer stem‐like cells (CSCs) are thought to be associated with endometrial cancers, it is essential to investigate the molecular mechanisms that regulate endometrial CSCs. Dual specificity phosphatase 6 (DUSP6) functions as a negative‐feedback regulator of MAPK–ERK1/2 signaling, but its role in endometrial cancer remains unknown. We investigated whether DUSP6 is involved in cancer cell stemness using...
Int J Cancer
Intratumoral heterogeneity and genetic characteristics of prostate cancer
Abstract Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease and optimum gene targeting treatment is often impermissible. We aim to determine the intratumoral genomic heterogeneity of prostate cancer and explore candidate genes for targeted therapy. Exome sequencing was performed on 37 samples from 16 patients with prostate cancer. Somatic variant analysis, copy number variant (CNV) analysis, clonal evolution analysis and variant spectrum analysis were used to study the intratumoral genomic heterogeneity...
Int J Cancer
Association between Myocarditis and other Immune‐Related Adverse Events secondary to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Use
Int J Cancer
Adefovir dipivoxil induces DNA replication stress and augments ATR inhibitor related cytotoxicity
Replication stress is a common feature of cancer cells. Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) and Rad3 related (ATR) signalling, a DNA damage repair (DDR) pathway, is activated by regions of single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) that can arise during replication stress. ATR delays cell cycle progression and prevents DNA replication fork collapse, which prohibits cell death and promotes proliferation. Several ATR inhibitors have been developed in order to restrain this protective mechanism in tumours. It is known,...
Int J Cancer
Performance Indicators in Breast Cancer Screening in the European Union: A Comparison Across Countries of Screen Positivity and Detection Rates.
Comparable performance indicators for breast cancer screening in the European Union (EU) have not been previously reported. We estimated adjusted breast cancer screening positivity rate (PR) and detection rates (DR) to investigate variation across EU countries. For the age 50‐69 years, the adjusted EU‐pooled PR for initial screening was 8.9% (cross programme variation range 3.2‐19.5%) while DR of invasive cancers was 5.3/1,000 (range 3.8‐7.4/1,000) and DR of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) was 1.3/1,000...
Int J Cancer
Highly sensitive eight-channel light sensing system for biomedical applications
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D0PP00017E, Technical NoteSung Bae Kim, Sharon Seiko Hori, Negar Sadeghipour, Uday Kumar Sukumar, Rika Fujii, Tarik F. Massoud, Ramasamy PaulmuruganWe demonstrate the potential of an eight-channel light sensing platform system, named Black Box I (BBI), for rapid and highly sensitive measurement of low-level light using a nonradioactive optical readout.To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.The...
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 207: Effectiveness of Sulfadoxine–Pyrimethamine for Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 207: Effectiveness of Sulfadoxine–Pyrimethamine for Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9030207 Authors: Eulambius M. Mlugu Omary Minzi Muhammad Asghar Anna Färnert Appolinary A.R. Kamuhabwa Eleni Aklillu Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) for prevention of malaria and adverse birth...
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 206: Identification and Genome Analysis of Vibrio coralliilyticus Causing Mortality of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Larvae
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 206: Identification and Genome Analysis of Vibrio coralliilyticus Causing Mortality of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Larvae Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9030206 Authors: Hyoun Joong Kim Jin Woo Jun Sib Sankar Giri Cheng Chi Saekil Yun Sang Guen Kim Sang Wha Kim Se Jin Han Jun Kwon Woo Taek Oh Sung Bin Lee Ji Hyung Kim Se Chang Park Vibrio coralliilyticus is known as a coral pathogen that also infects marine bivalve...
In vitro Conversion into CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup>Foxp3<sup>+</sup> Induced Regulatory T Cells Is Reduced in Atopic Dermatitis Patients
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases, with an increasing incidence in clinical practice. AD models have demonstrated that TGF-β signaling is compromised in regulatory T cells (Tregs). Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the TGF-β-dependent in vitro conversion of CD4+CD25– T cells derived from AD-patients into CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ induced Tregs (iTregs) in comparison to healthy controls. Methods: To analyze in vitro iTreg conversion, human CD4+CD25–...
IAA : Last 20 articles
Disorders of the glucose metabolism correlate with the phenotype and the severity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Abstract Background Different polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) phenotypes are correlated with different clinical severity levels. Insulin resistance correlates with higher severity. In a retrospective study, 130 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome were examined for insulin resistance. The aim of the study was to investigate relationships between glucose metabolism and different PCOS phenotypes and to identify biomarkers or combinations thereof to obtain information on the type of metabolic...
Clinical Endocrinology
Dynamics of Asymmetric and Symmetric Divisions of Muscle Stem Cells <em>In Vivo</em> and on Artificial Niches
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Brendan Evano, Sara Khalilian, Gilles Le Carrou, Geneviève Almouzni, Shahragim Tajbakhsh
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Single-Cell Analysis of the Muscle Stem Cell Hierarchy Identifies Heterotypic Communication Signals Involved in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Andrea J. De Micheli, Emily J. Laurilliard, Charles L. Heinke, Hiranmayi Ravichandran, Paula Fraczek, Sharon Soueid-Baumgarten, Iwijn De Vlaminck, Olivier Elemento, Benjamin D. Cosgrove
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Individual Limb Muscle Bundles Are Formed through Progressive Steps Orchestrated by Adjacent Connective Tissue Cells during Primary Myogenesis
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Laurianne Besse, Caroline J. Sheeba, Mark Holt, Maurice Labuhn, Susan Wilde, Eleanor Feneck, Donald Bell, Ania Kucharska, Malcolm P.O. Logan
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Cellular Classes in the Human Brain Revealed <em>In Vivo</em> by Heartbeat-Related Modulation of the Extracellular Action Potential Waveform
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Clayton P. Mosher, Yina Wei, Jan Kamiński, Anirban Nandi, Adam N. Mamelak, Costas A. Anastassiou, Ueli Rutishauser
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Neuronal BIN1 Regulates Presynaptic Neurotransmitter Release and Memory Consolidation
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Pierre De Rossi, Toshihiro Nomura, Robert J. Andrew, Nicolas Y. Masse, Vandana Sampathkumar, Timothy F. Musial, Ari Sudwarts, Aleksandra J. Recupero, Thomas Le Metayer, Mitchell T. Hansen, Ha-Na Shim, Sofia V. Krause, David J. Freedman, Vytas P. Bindokas, Narayanan Kasthuri, Daniel A. Nicholson, Anis Contractor, Gopal Thinakaran
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
The FTLD Risk Factor TMEM106B Regulates the Transport of Lysosomes at the Axon Initial Segment of Motoneurons
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Patrick Lüningschrör, Georg Werner, Stijn Stroobants, Soichiro Kakuta, Benjamin Dombert, Daniela Sinske, Renate Wanner, Renate Lüllmann-Rauch, Benedikt Wefers, Wolfgang Wurst, Rudi D’Hooge, Yasuo Uchiyama, Michael Sendtner, Christian Haass, Paul Saftig, Bernd Knöll, Anja Capell, Markus Damme
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Layer 6b Is Driven by Intracortical Long-Range Projection Neurons
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Timothy A. Zolnik, Julia Ledderose, Maria Toumazou, Thorsten Trimbuch, Tess Oram, Christian Rosenmund, Britta J. Eickholt, Robert N.S. Sachdev, Matthew E. Larkum
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
NRBP1-Containing CRL2/CRL4A Regulates Amyloid β Production by Targeting BRI2 and BRI3 for Degradation
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Takashi Yasukawa, Aya Tsutsui, Chieri Tomomori-Sato, Shigeo Sato, Anita Saraf, Michael P. Washburn, Laurence Florens, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu, Ronald C. Conaway, Joan W. Conaway, Teijiro Aso
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Local Resting Ca<sup>2+</sup> Controls the Scale of Astroglial Ca<sup>2+</sup> Signals
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Claire M. King, Kirsten Bohmbach, Daniel Minge, Andrea Delekate, Kaiyu Zheng, James Reynolds, Cordula Rakers, Andre Zeug, Gabor C. Petzold, Dmitri A. Rusakov, Christian Henneberger
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Neurokinin-1 Receptor Signaling Is Required for Efficient Ca<sup>2+</sup> Flux in T-Cell-Receptor-Activated T Cells
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Adrian E. Morelli, Tina L. Sumpter, Darling M. Rojas-Canales, Mohna Bandyopadhyay, Zhizhao Chen, Olga Tkacheva, William J. Shufesky, Callen T. Wallace, Simon C. Watkins, Alexandra Berger, Christopher J. Paige, Louis D. Falo, Adriana T. Larregina
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
ERM-Dependent Assembly of T Cell Receptor Signaling and Co-stimulatory Molecules on Microvilli prior to Activation
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Shirsendu Ghosh, Vincenzo Di Bartolo, Liron Tubul, Eyal Shimoni, Elena Kartvelishvily, Tali Dadosh, Sara W. Feigelson, Ronen Alon, Andres Alcover, Gilad Haran
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
A Genetic Model to Study the Contribution of Brown and Brite Adipocytes to Metabolism
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Tenagne D. Challa, Dianne H. Dapito, Elisabeth Kulenkampff, Elke Kiehlmann, Caroline Moser, Leon Straub, Wenfei Sun, Christian Wolfrum
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Transferrin Receptor Is a Specific Ferroptosis Marker
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Huizhong Feng, Kenji Schorpp, Jenny Jin, Carrie E. Yozwiak, Benjamin G. Hoffstrom, Aubrianna M. Decker, Presha Rajbhandari, Michael E. Stokes, Hannah G. Bender, Joleen M. Csuka, Pavan S. Upadhyayula, Peter Canoll, Koji Uchida, Rajesh K. Soni, Kamyar Hadian, Brent R. Stockwell
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
ABCA1 Exerts Tumor-Suppressor Function in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Manon Viaud, Omar Abdel-Wahab, Julie Gall, Stoyan Ivanov, Rodolphe Guinamard, Sophie Sore, Johanna Merlin, Marion Ayrault, Emma Guilbaud, Arnaud Jacquel, Patrick Auberger, Nan Wang, Ross L. Levine, Alan R. Tall, Laurent Yvan-Charvet
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Glioblastoma Cell Resistance to EGFR and MET Inhibition Can Be Overcome via Blockade of FGFR-SPRY2 Bypass Signaling
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Evan K. Day, Nisha G. Sosale, Aizhen Xiao, Qing Zhong, Benjamin Purow, Matthew J. Lazzara
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
MYC Dysregulates Mitosis, Revealing Cancer Vulnerabilities
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Julia Rohrberg, Daniel Van de Mark, Meelad Amouzgar, Joyce V. Lee, Moufida Taileb, Alexandra Corella, Seda Kilinc, Jeremy Williams, Marie-Lena Jokisch, Roman Camarda, Sanjeev Balakrishnan, Rama Shankar, Alicia Zhou, Aaron N. Chang, Bin Chen, Hope S. Rugo, Sophie Dumont, Andrei Goga
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
The RNA-Binding Protein Rasputin/G3BP Enhances the Stability and Translation of Its Target mRNAs
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): John D. Laver, Jimmy Ly, Allison K. Winn, Angelo Karaiskakis, Sichun Lin, Kun Nie, Giulia Benic, Nima Jaberi-Lashkari, Wen Xi Cao, Alireza Khademi, J. Timothy Westwood, Sachdev S. Sidhu, Quaid Morris, Stephane Angers, Craig A. Smibert, Howard D. Lipshitz
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Inter-dependent Centrosomal Co-localization of the <em>cen</em> and <em>ik2 cis</em>-Natural Antisense mRNAs in <em>Drosophila</em>
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Julie Bergalet, Dhara Patel, Félix Legendre, Catherine Lapointe, Louis Philip Benoit Bouvrette, Ashley Chin, Mathieu Blanchette, Eunjeong Kwon, Eric Lécuyer
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
An Essential and Cell-Cycle-Dependent ORC Dimerization Cycle Regulates Eukaryotic Chromosomal DNA Replication
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Aftab Amin, Rentian Wu, Man Hei Cheung, John F. Scott, Ziyi Wang, Zijing Zhou, Changdong Liu, Guang Zhu, Chris Kong-Chu Wong, Zhiling Yu, Chun Liang
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Telomerase Repairs Collapsed Replication Forks at Telomeres
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Samah Matmati, Sarah Lambert, Vincent Géli, Stéphane Coulon
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Genomic Repeats Categorize Genes with Distinct Functions for Orchestrated Regulation
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): J. Yuyang Lu, Wen Shao, Lei Chang, Yafei Yin, Tong Li, Hui Zhang, Yantao Hong, Michelle Percharde, Lerui Guo, Zhongyang Wu, Lichao Liu, Wei Liu, Pixi Yan, Miguel Ramalho-Santos, Yujie Sun, Xiaohua Shen
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Detection of Marker-Free Precision Genome Editing and Genetic Variation through the Capture of Genomic Signatures
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Pierre Billon, Tarun S. Nambiar, Samuel B. Hayward, Maria P. Zafra, Emma M. Schatoff, Koichi Oshima, Andrew Dunbar, Marco Breinig, Young C. Park, Han S. Ryu, Darjus F. Tschaharganeh, Ross L. Levine, Richard Baer, Adolfo Ferrando, Lukas E. Dow, Alberto Ciccia
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports

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