Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2020

Detection of Marker-Free Precision Genome Editing and Genetic Variation through the Capture of Genomic Signatures
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Pierre Billon, Tarun S. Nambiar, Samuel B. Hayward, Maria P. Zafra, Emma M. Schatoff, Koichi Oshima, Andrew Dunbar, Marco Breinig, Young C. Park, Han S. Ryu, Darjus F. Tschaharganeh, Ross L. Levine, Richard Baer, Adolfo Ferrando, Lukas E. Dow, Alberto Ciccia
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Retino-Cortical Mapping Ratio Predicts Columnar and Salt-and-Pepper Organization in Mammalian Visual Cortex
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Jaeson Jang, Min Song, Se-Bum Paik
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
The Synaptic Vesicle Priming Protein CAPS-1 Shapes the Adaptation of Sensory Evoked Responses in Mouse Visual Cortex
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Dennis B. Nestvogel, Ricardo Martins Merino, Carolina Leon-Pinzon, Manuel Schottdorf, ChoongKu Lee, Cordelia Imig, Nils Brose, Jeong-Seop Rhee
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Lipid Oxidation Induced by RF Waves and Mediated by Ferritin Iron Causes Activation of Ferritin-Tagged Ion Channels
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Miriam Hernández-Morales, Trisha Shang, Jingjia Chen, Victor Han, Chunlei Liu
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
The GATA Transcription Factor Gaf1 Represses tRNAs, Inhibits Growth, and Extends Chronological Lifespan Downstream of Fission Yeast TORC1
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): María Rodríguez-López, Suam Gonzalez, Olivia Hillson, Edward Tunnacliffe, Sandra Codlin, Victor A. Tallada, Jürg Bähler, Charalampos Rallis
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Site-Dependent Cysteine Lipidation Potentiates the Activation of Proapoptotic BAX
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Daniel T. Cohen, Thomas E. Wales, Matthew W. McHenry, John R. Engen, Loren D. Walensky
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
The Dm-Myb Oncoprotein Contributes to Insulator Function and Stabilizes Repressive H3K27me3 PcG Domains
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Juan F. Santana, Mrutyunjaya Parida, Abby Long, Joshua Wankum, Anthony J. Lilienthal, Krishna M. Nukala, J. Robert Manak
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Intestine-to-Germline Transmission of Epigenetic Information Intergenerationally Ensures Systemic Stress Resistance in <em>C. elegans</em>
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Masanori Nono, Saya Kishimoto, Aya Sato-Carlton, Peter Mark Carlton, Eisuke Nishida, Masaharu Uno
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Multi-omics Analysis of the Intermittent Fasting Response in Mice Identifies an Unexpected Role for HNF4α
Publication date: 10 March 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 30, Issue 10Author(s): Luke Hatchwell, Dylan J. Harney, Michelle Cielesh, Kieren Young, Yen Chin Koay, John F. O’Sullivan, Mark Larance
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Comparison of Preemptive Effect of Dexamethasone and Methylprednisolone After Third Molar Surgery: A Split-Mouth Randomized Triple-Blind Clinical Trial
Abstract Aim The study aimed to compare the efficacy of methylprednisolone and dexamethasone injected into masseter muscle preoperatively in surgical extraction of lower third molars. Materials and methods This study was carried out on 20 patients who reported to the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences...
Latest Results for Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
A Proposed Method for Cervical Lymph Node Evaluation in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Radiological Study
Abstract Objectives To present a new method to assess the cervical lymph nodes status in head and neck cancer patients. Methods Twenty-five oral and maxillofacial cancer patients underwent preoperative CT imaging. The cervical lymph node features on CT scan were examined. Each parameter was given a score, and the total scores in each case was calculated and...
Latest Results for Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
As If the Earth Has Long Stopped Speaking to us
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Responsive Self-Assembled nanostructures
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Highly permeable polymeric membranes based on the incorporation of the functional water channel protein Aquaporin Z
The permeability and solute transport characteristics of amphiphilic triblock-polymer vesicles containing the bacterial water-channel protein Aquaporin Z (AqpZ) were investigated. The vesicles were made of a block copolymer with symmetric poly-(2-methyloxazoline)-poly-(dimethylsiloxane)-poly-(2-methyloxazoline) (PMOXA15-PDMS110-PMOXA15) repeat units. Light-scattering measurements on pure polymer vesicles subject to an outwardly directed salt gradient in a stopped-flow apparatus indicated that the...
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Encapsulation of fluorescent molecules by functionalized polymeric nanocontainers: Investigation by confocal fluorescence Imaging and fluorescence correlation Spectroscopy
Nanocontainers (NCs) were prepared from amphiphilic triblock copolymers, having an average molecular weight of around 8000 g/mol, by using previously published preparation methods consisting of dispersing the polymer in an aqueous buffer solution containing molecules for encapsulation. A small molecular weight fluorophore, sulforhodamine B, as well as the fluorescent protein avidin labeled with Alexa 488 were encapsulated, and the resulting nanocontainers were characterized using fluorescence correlation...
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Hybrid nanocapsules: Interactions of ABA block copolymers with liposomes
Amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers, such as poly(2-methyloxazoline)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxan)-block-poly(2-methyloxazoline) (PMOXA-PDMS-PMOXA), form vesicular structures. Here, the interaction of these ABA molecules with lipids is investigated by electron microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, light scattering, and differential scanning calorimetry. Our observations suggest the formation of homogeneous mixed polymerâˆ'lipid composites, independent of preparation method, i.e. film hydration, dispersion,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
New approaches in empirical animal ethics - using experimental philosophy to challenge intuitions regarding the moral status of nonhuman animals
There are few people who would claim they do not like animals or at least care about them in one way or another. Yet, human-animal relations are ambivalent, coined by partiality and ignorance, fascination and fear, scientific curiosity and abuse, closeness and carelessness. For this doctoral project moral intuitions regarding animals have been investigated with an innovative mixed methods approach. With the help of narratives from qualitative interviews, light is shed on complex personal attitudes...
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Self-Organization Behavior of Methacrylate-Based Amphiphilic Di- and Triblock Copolymers
Amphiphilic di- and triblock copolymers having different hydrophilic-to-hydrophobic block length ratio were synthesized using ATRP. The self-assembly behavior of these AB and ABA block copolymers consisting of poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (B) and poly(2,2-(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (A) was investigated using a combination of dynamic light scattering, negative-stain transmission electron microscopy, cryoelectron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Two populations of self-organized structures...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Functionalization of Gold and Silicon Surfaces by Copolymer Brushes Using Surface-Initiated ATRP
Abstract Surface-initiated ATRP was used for step-by-step growth of poly(butyl methacrylate)-co-poly(2,2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PBMA-co-PDMAEMA) brushes from gold and silicon substrates. A one-step procedure was found to have high efficiency for initiator anchoring. The polymer brushes were characterized in situ by contact angle measurements, ellipsometry, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Detachment of the polymer brushes from both substrates allowed an exact determination of...
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The ERGO Framework and its Use in Planetary/Orbital Scenarios
ERGO (European Robotic Goal-Oriented Autonomous Controller) is one of the six space robotic projects in the frame of the first call of the PERASPERA SRC. ERGO is aimed to future space missions, in which space robots will require a higher level of autonomy (e.g. Exomars or Mars2020). As a framework, ERGO provides a set of components that can be reused and tailored for robots space missions (Orbital, Deep Space or Planetary Explorations) in which the on-board system has to work autonomously, performing...
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Xenobiotics interfering with corticosteroid action : from adrenal steroid synthesis to peripheral receptor activity
Corticosteroids are steroid hormones synthesized by the adrenal gland and regulating a variety of physiological processes to maintain whole-body homeostasis by acting through their corresponding receptors. Although the adrenal gland is considered one of the most toxin-vulnerable organs and steroid receptor regulation is recognized to have a considerable impact on tissue- and cell-specific steroid signaling, only few studies are currently exploring and characterizing the effects of xenobiotics on...
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Entre marché du logement et politiques de revalorisation urbaine: quelle place pour les personnes à revenus modestes?
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Neural Network in Tissue Characterization of Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Smart Laser Surgery: A Preliminary Study
The aim of this study is to develop an automatic tissue characterization system, based on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images, for smart laser surgery. OCT is rapidly becoming the method of choice for investigating thin tissues or subsurface imaging. In smart laser surgery, OCT could be used to indicate which tissue is being irradiated, thereby preventing the laser from ablating critical tissue such as nerves and veins. Automatic tissue characterization based on the OCT images should be sufficient...
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Editor's Introduction
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Dissection of Ptch1 cis-regulatory robustness in the context of artiodactyl limb evolution
How genes are regulated during development and how this regulation has changed during evolution are two of the most appealing questions of modern biology. Indeed, variation of cis-regulatory elements (CRE) is considered to be one of the main mechanisms underlying morphological evolution. The limb is an excellent model to study both of these processes: its development is genetically well understood and it has adopted a wide range of different morphologies during evolution to adapt to different forms...
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Respiratory Motion Modelling Using cGANs
Respiratory motion models in radiotherapy are considered as one possible approach for tracking mobile tumours in the thorax and abdomen with the goal to ensure target coverage and dose conformation. We present a patient-specific motion modelling approach which combines navigator-based 4D MRI with recent developments in deformable image registration and deep neural networks. The proposed regression model based on conditional generative adversarial nets (cGANs) is trained to learn the relation between...
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Liebe und Synchronisation. Zeittheoretische Überlegungen vor dem Hintergrund der Gnosis (Jean Paul, Schelling, Celan)
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Schiff base ancillary ligands in bis(diimine)copper(I) dye-sensitized solar cells
Five 6,6'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine ligands bearing N -arylmethaniminyl substituents in the 4- and 4'-positions were prepared by Schiff base condensation in which the aryl group is Ph ( 1 ), 4-tolyl ( 2 ), 4- t BuC 6 H 4 ( 3 ), 4-MeOC 6 H 4 ( 4 ), and 4-Me 2 NC 6 H 4 ( 5 ). The homoleptic copper(I) complexes [CuL 2 ][PF 6 ] (L = 1 - 5 ) were synthesized and characterized, and the single crystal structure of [Cu( 1 ) 2 ][PF 6 ] . Et 2 O was determined. By using the "surfaces-as-ligands, surfaces-as-complexes"...
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An inhomogeneous multi-resolution regularization concept for discontinuity preserving image registration
Sliding organs pose challenges in the registration of dynamic medical images because the smoothness criterion which is commonly assumed over the whole image domain does not apply at the sliding interfaces. In this case, image registration methods have to cope with local discontinuities in the correspondence map. We present a new registration methodology based on a multi-resolution transformation model which is defined as a directed acyclic graph. The graph’s edges connect consecutive resolution levels...
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Motion Aware MR Imaging via Spatial Core Correspondence
Motion awareness in MR imaging is essential when it comes to long acquisition times. For volumetric high-resolution or temporal resolved images, sporadic subject movements or respiration induced organ motion has to be considered in order to reduce motion artifacts. We present a novel MR imaging sequence and an associated retrospective reconstruction method incorporating motion via spatial correspondence of the k-space center. The sequence alternatingly samples k-space patches located in the center...
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Hierarchical Dynamic Loop Self-Scheduling on Distributed-Memory Systems Using an MPI+MPI Approach
Computationally-intensive loops are the primary source of parallelism in scientific applications. Such loops are often irregular and a balanced execution of their loop iterations is critical for achieving high performance. However, several factors may lead to an imbalanced load execution, such as problem characteristics, algorithmic, and systemic variations. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques are devised to mitigate these factors, and consequently, improve application performance. On distributed-memory...
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Lebende Bilder der Toten. Filmische Körperpräsenzen in Grezy (Tagträume)
By showing two opposing female characters Bauėr's film Grėzy (Daydreams) links symbolist and modern discourses. Analyzing cinematic bodies, this article examines how the film not only demonstrates a metacultural conflict, but also creates powerful visual images through which the film negotiates its own mediality.
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CN115 - Communication of genetic information to family members in hereditary cancers and healthcare providers' role
Background In hereditary cancers, disclosure of genetic testing and communication of genetic information to family members is crucial to manage their potential cancer risk. In Switzerland, according to privacy law, genetic information can be passed on to at-risk relatives only through the individual identified with the pathogenic mutation but 20-40% of at-risk family members remain unaware of relevant genetic information and less than 50% refer to genetic services. Healthcare providers have a relevant...
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rDLB: A Novel Approach for Robust Dynamic Load Balancing of Scientific Applications with Parallel Independent Tasks
Scientific applications often contain large and computationally- intensive parallel loops. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) is used to achieve a balanced load execution of such applications on high performance computing (HPC) systems. Large HPC systems are vulnerable to processors or node failures and perturbations in the availability of resources. Most self-scheduling approaches do not consider fault-tolerant scheduling or depended on failure or perturbation detection and react by rescheduling...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Dendronised block copolymers as potential vectors for gene transfection
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Antioxidant Nanoreactor Based on Superoxide Dismutase Encapsulated in Superoxide-Permeable Vesicles
We designed and tested an antioxidant nanoreactor based on encapsulation of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase in amphiphilic copolymer nanovesicles, the membranes of which are oxygen permeable. The nanovesicles, made of poly(2-methyloxazoline)âˆ'poly(dimethylsiloxane)âˆ'poly(2-methyloxazoline), successfully encapsulated the protein during their self-assembling process, as proved by confocal laser-scanning microscopy and fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy...
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Solid-Supported Block Copolymer Membranes through Interfacial Adsorption of Charged Block Copolymer Vesicles
The properties of amphiphilic block copolymer membranes can be tailored within a wide range of physical parameters. This makes them promising candidates for the development of new (bio)sensors based on solid-supported biomimetic membranes. Here we investigated the interfacial adsorption of polyelectrolyte vesicles on three different model substrates to find the optimum conditions for formation of planar membranes. The polymer vesicles were made from amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers with short,...
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Immobilized ProteinâEuro" Polymer Nanoreactors
Surface-immobilized nanoscale reactors utilizing membrane protein channels are used to generate precisely patterned chemically and biologically active surfaces (see image). The enzymatic conversion of a fluorogenic substrate in the cavity of immobilized nanoreactors is a model reaction demonstrating future potential application of the system in sensors, analytics, microfluidics, and single-molecule spectroscopy.
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