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Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2020

Immunotherapy in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
Related ArticlesImmunotherapy in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Front Oncol. 2020;10:187 Authors: de Gooijer CJ, Borm FJ, Scherpereel A, Baas P Abstract The only registered systemic treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is platinum based chemotherapy combined with pemetrexed, with or without bevacizumab. Immunotherapy did seem active in small phase II trials. In this review, we will highlight the most important immunotherapy-based research...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 13:46
The clinical-care focused psychological interview (CLiC): a structured tool for the assessment of cancer patients' needs.
Related ArticlesThe clinical-care focused psychological interview (CLiC): a structured tool for the assessment of cancer patients' needs. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1000 Authors: Arnaboldi P, Oliveri S, Vergani L, Marton G, Guiddi P, Busacchio D, Didier F, Pravettoni G Abstract Integrating the psychosocial perspective in oncology is warranted. Here, we introduce a structured psychological intervention, the clinical-care focused psychological interview...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 13:46
Technical Note: Integrating an open source Monte Carlo code "MCsquare" for clinical use in intensity-modulated proton therapy.
Related ArticlesTechnical Note: Integrating an open source Monte Carlo code "MCsquare" for clinical use in intensity-modulated proton therapy. Med Phys. 2020 Mar 09;: Authors: Deng W, Younkin JE, Souris K, Huang S, Augustine K, Fatyga M, Ding X, Cohilis M, Bues M, Shan J, Stoker J, Lin L, Shen J, Liu W Abstract PURPOSE: To commission an open source Monte Carlo (MC) dose engine, "MCsquare" for a synchrotron-based proton machine, integrate it into our...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Impact of a reduction in follow-up frequency on life expectancy in uterine cervical cancer patients.
Related ArticlesImpact of a reduction in follow-up frequency on life expectancy in uterine cervical cancer patients. Int J Clin Oncol. 2020 Mar 09;: Authors: Matsumoto Y, Mabuchi S, Isohashi F, Komura N, Ogawa K, Kimura T Abstract BACKGROUND: The appropriate interval of post-treatment follow-up appointments for uterine cervical cancer is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of reducing the frequency of post-treatment follow-up...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Head-to-head comparison of in-house produced CD19 CAR-T cell in ALL and NHL patients.
Related ArticlesHead-to-head comparison of in-house produced CD19 CAR-T cell in ALL and NHL patients. J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Mar;8(1): Authors: Itzhaki O, Jacoby E, Nissani A, Levi M, Nagler A, Kubi A, Brezinger K, Brayer H, Zeltzer LA, Rozenbaum M, Vernitsky H, Markel G, Toren A, Avigdor A, Schachter J, Besser MJ Abstract BACKGROUND: CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells demonstrate remarkable remission rates in pediatric and adult patients...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Downregulation of RIG-I mediated by ITGB3/c-SRC/STAT3 signaling confers resistance to interferon-α-induced apoptosis in tumor-repopulating cells of melanoma.
Related ArticlesDownregulation of RIG-I mediated by ITGB3/c-SRC/STAT3 signaling confers resistance to interferon-α-induced apoptosis in tumor-repopulating cells of melanoma. J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Mar;8(1): Authors: Li Y, Song Y, Li P, Li M, Wang H, Xu T, Yu X, Yu Y, Tai Y, Chen P, Cai X, Wang X, Xiang L, Deng R, Zhang X, Gao L, Wang X, Liu J, Cao F Abstract BACKGROUND: Interferon-α (IFN-α) plays a pivotal role in host antitumor immunity, and the...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
The Key Characteristics of Carcinogens: Relationship to the Hallmarks of Cancer, Relevant Biomarkers, and Assays to Measure Them.
Related ArticlesThe Key Characteristics of Carcinogens: Relationship to the Hallmarks of Cancer, Relevant Biomarkers, and Assays to Measure Them. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Mar 09;: Authors: Smith MT, Guyton KZ, Kleinstreuer N, Borrel A, Cardenas A, Chiu WA, Felsher DW, Gibbons CF, Goodson WH, Houck KA, Kane A, La Merrill MA, Lebrec H, Lowe L, McHale CM, Minocherhomji S, Rieswijk L, Sandy MS, Sone H, Wang A, Zhang L, Zeise L, Fielden M Abstract ...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Portuguese Patient Dignity Question: A cross-sectional study of palliative patients cared for in primary care.
Related ArticlesPortuguese Patient Dignity Question: A cross-sectional study of palliative patients cared for in primary care. Palliat Support Care. 2020 Mar 10;:1-4 Authors: Lemos Caldas M, Julião M, Santos AJ, Chochinov HM Abstract INTRODUCTION: The Patient Dignity Question (PDQ) is a clinical tool developed with the aim of reinforcing the sense of personhood and dignity, enabling health care providers (HCPs) to see patients as people and not solely...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
FDG-PET Imaging for Hodgkin and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma-An Updated Overview.
Related ArticlesFDG-PET Imaging for Hodgkin and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma-An Updated Overview. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Mar 05;12(3): Authors: Voltin CA, Mettler J, Grosse J, Dietlein M, Baues C, Schmitz C, Borchmann P, Kobe C, Hellwig D Abstract Since the mid-1990s, 18F-fluorodeoxglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET) in combination with computed tomography has come to play a prominent role in the management of malignant lymphomas. One of...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Second-line treatments in children with immune thrombocytopenia: Effect on platelet count and patient-centered outcomes.
Related ArticlesSecond-line treatments in children with immune thrombocytopenia: Effect on platelet count and patient-centered outcomes. Am J Hematol. 2019 07;94(7):741-750 Authors: Grace RF, Shimano KA, Bhat R, Neunert C, Bussel JB, Klaassen RJ, Lambert MP, Rothman JA, Breakey VR, Hege K, Bennett CM, Rose MJ, Haley KM, Buchanan GR, Geddis A, Lorenzana A, Jeng M, Pastore YD, Crary SE, Neier M, Neufeld EJ, Neu N, Forbes PW, Despotovic JM Abstract Immune...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:48
Student Medical Interpreters: A Double-Edged Sword.
Related ArticlesStudent Medical Interpreters: A Double-Edged Sword. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Mar 10;:194599820909083 Authors: Quesada PR, Solis RN, Levi JR PMID: 32151230 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "otolaryngol head ne...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Clinical vs Microscopic Extranodal Extension and Survival in Oropharyngeal Carcinoma in the Human Papillomavirus Era.
Related ArticlesClinical vs Microscopic Extranodal Extension and Survival in Oropharyngeal Carcinoma in the Human Papillomavirus Era. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Mar 10;:194599820910431 Authors: Gal TJ, O'Brien KJ, Chen Q, Huang B Abstract OBJECTIVE: Extranodal extension (ENE) is known to be associated with poor outcomes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of extent of ENE on survival...
pubmed: "otolaryngol head ne...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Hearing Loss, Loneliness, and Social Isolation: A Systematic Review.
Related ArticlesHearing Loss, Loneliness, and Social Isolation: A Systematic Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Mar 10;:194599820910377 Authors: Shukla A, Harper M, Pedersen E, Goman A, Suen JJ, Price C, Applebaum J, Hoyer M, Lin FR, Reed NS Abstract OBJECTIVE: Social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased mortality and higher health care spending in older adults. Hearing loss is a common condition in older adults and impairs...
pubmed: "otolaryngol head ne...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Patient Perception and Duration of Pain after Microdirect Laryngoscopy.
Related ArticlesPatient Perception and Duration of Pain after Microdirect Laryngoscopy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Mar 10;:194599820907904 Authors: Tsang TM, Brett O, Hu A Abstract OBJECTIVE: Postoperative pain is an important part of the patient's surgical experience. The objective was to evaluate patient perception and duration of pain after microdirect laryngoscopy (MDL). STUDY DESIGN: Case series with planned data collection....
pubmed: "otolaryngol head ne...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Application of Attachable Magnetic Nerve Stimulator in Intraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring during Ear Surgery.
Related ArticlesApplication of Attachable Magnetic Nerve Stimulator in Intraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring during Ear Surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Mar 10;:194599820907912 Authors: Oh SJ, Choi SW, Lee S, Na HS, Sung ES, Shin SC, Lee BJ Abstract We developed an attachable magnetic nerve stimulator (AMNS) that connects the metallic instruments to a neurophysiological monitoring unit for monitoring the facial nerve (FN) during ear surgery...
pubmed: "otolaryngol head ne...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Studying DNA Double-Strand Break Repair: An Ever-Growing Toolbox.
Related ArticlesStudying DNA Double-Strand Break Repair: An Ever-Growing Toolbox. Front Mol Biosci. 2020;7:24 Authors: Vítor AC, Huertas P, Legube G, de Almeida SF Abstract To ward off against the catastrophic consequences of persistent DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), eukaryotic cells have developed a set of complex signaling networks that detect these DNA lesions, orchestrate cell cycle checkpoints and ultimately lead to their repair. Collectively,...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 13:48
MiR-29c-3p Suppresses the Migration, Invasion and Cell Cycle in Esophageal Carcinoma via CCNA2/p53 Axis.
Related ArticlesMiR-29c-3p Suppresses the Migration, Invasion and Cell Cycle in Esophageal Carcinoma via CCNA2/p53 Axis. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020;8:75 Authors: Wang H, Fu L, Wei D, Wang B, Zhang C, Zhu T, Ma Z, Li Z, Wu Y, Yu G Abstract Objective: In the present study, we tried to describe the role of miR-29c-3p in esophageal carcinoma (EC) and the relationship of miR-29c-3p with CCNA2 as well as cell cycle, accordingly revealing the potential...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 13:48
Cytotoxic effect of silica nanoparticles against hepatocellular carcinoma cells through necroptosis induction.
Related ArticlesCytotoxic effect of silica nanoparticles against hepatocellular carcinoma cells through necroptosis induction. Toxicol Res (Camb). 2019 Nov 01;8(6):1042-1049 Authors: Niu Y, Tang E, Zhang Q Abstract Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common cancer that affects people worldwide with high morbidity and mortality, and its resistance to current chemotherapeutic drugs is a serious concern. Cytotoxicity of silica nanoparticles (Nano-SiO2)...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 13:48
Anti-glypican-1 antibody-drug conjugate is a potential therapy against pancreatic cancer.
Related ArticlesAnti-glypican-1 antibody-drug conjugate is a potential therapy against pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer. 2020 Mar 10;: Authors: Nishigaki T, Takahashi T, Serada S, Fujimoto M, Ohkawara T, Hara H, Sugase T, Otsuru T, Saito Y, Tsujii S, Nomura T, Tanaka K, Miyazaki Y, Makino T, Kurokawa Y, Nakajima K, Eguchi H, Yamasaki M, Mori M, Doki Y, Naka T Abstract BACKGROUND: Pancreatic cancer (PDAC) is the most lethal malignancy. New treatment...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Ethanol extract of Magnoliae cortex (EEMC) limits teratoma formation of pluripotent stem cells by selective elimination of undifferentiated cells through the p53-dependent mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.
Related ArticlesEthanol extract of Magnoliae cortex (EEMC) limits teratoma formation of pluripotent stem cells by selective elimination of undifferentiated cells through the p53-dependent mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Phytomedicine. 2020 Feb 26;69:153198 Authors: Kim A, Lee SY, Seo CS, Chung SK Abstract BACKGROUND: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are regarded as the best potential cell source for cell-based regenerative medicine. To develop...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel indazole-based derivatives as potent HDAC inhibitors via fragment-based virtual screening.
Related ArticlesDesign, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel indazole-based derivatives as potent HDAC inhibitors via fragment-based virtual screening. Eur J Med Chem. 2020 Feb 27;192:112189 Authors: Liu J, Zhou J, He F, Gao L, Wen Y, Gao L, Wang P, Kang D, Hu L Abstract Based on fragment-based virtual screening and bioisoterism strategies, novel indazole and pyrazolo[3,4-b] pyridine derivatives as HDACs inhibitors were designed, synthesized...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Microtubule associated protein 9 inhibits liver tumorigenesis by suppressing ERCC3.
Related ArticlesMicrotubule associated protein 9 inhibits liver tumorigenesis by suppressing ERCC3. EBioMedicine. 2020 Mar 06;53:102701 Authors: Zhang J, Huang JZ, Zhang YQ, Zhang X, Zhao LY, Li CG, Zhou YF, Wei H, Yu J Abstract BACKGROUND: Chromosomal instability plays an important part in cancer, but its genetic basis in liver tumorigenesis remains largely unclear. We aimed to characterize the mechanistic significance and clinical implication of...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Trimethylation of histone H3K76 by Dot1B enhances cell cycle progression after mitosis in Trypanosoma cruzi.
Related ArticlesTrimethylation of histone H3K76 by Dot1B enhances cell cycle progression after mitosis in Trypanosoma cruzi. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2020 Mar 06;:118694 Authors: Nunes VS, Moretti NS, da Silva MS, Elias MC, Janzen CJ, Schenkman S Abstract Dot1 enzymes are histone methyltransferases that mono-, di- and trimethylate lysine 79 of histone H3 to affect several nuclear processes. The functions of these different methylation states...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
ROS induced p53 activation: DNA damage, redox signaling or both?
Related ArticlesROS induced p53 activation: DNA damage, redox signaling or both? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2020 Mar 10;: Authors: Shi T, Dansen TB Abstract SIGNIFICANCE: The p53 tumor suppressor has been dubbed the "guardian of genome" because of its various roles in the response to DNA damage such as DNA damage repair, cell cycle arrest, senescence and apoptosis, all of which are in place to prevent mutations from being passed on down the lineage....
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Development of selective mono or dual PROTAC degrader probe of CDK isoforms.
Related ArticlesDevelopment of selective mono or dual PROTAC degrader probe of CDK isoforms. Eur J Med Chem. 2020 Feb 01;187:111952 Authors: Zhou F, Chen L, Cao C, Yu J, Luo X, Zhou P, Zhao L, Du W, Cheng J, Xie Y, Chen Y Abstract Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) family members are promising molecular targets in discovering potent inhibitors in disease settings, they function differentially. CDK2, CDK4 and CDK6, directly regulate the cell cycle, while...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Xanthones and Cancer: from Natural Sources to Mechanisms of Action.
Related ArticlesXanthones and Cancer: from Natural Sources to Mechanisms of Action. Chem Biodivers. 2020 Feb;17(2):e1900499 Authors: Klein-Júnior LC, Campos A, Niero R, Corrêa R, Vander Heyden Y, Filho VC Abstract Xanthones are a class of heterocyclic natural products that have been widely studied for their pharmacological potential. In fact, they have been serving as scaffolds for the design of derivatives focusing on drug development. One of the main...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
Dlx5 and Dlx6 can antagonize cell division at the G1/S checkpoint.
Related ArticlesDlx5 and Dlx6 can antagonize cell division at the G1/S checkpoint. BMC Mol Cell Biol. 2019 04 11;20(1):8 Authors: MacKenzie RK, Sankar PR, Bendall AJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Dlx5 and Dlx6 stimulate differentiation of diverse progenitors during embryonic development. Their actions as pro-differentiation transcription factors includes the up-regulation of differentiation markers but the extent to which differentiation may also be stimulated...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:47
[Voluminous epidermoid cyst compressing the upper cervical spinal cord: about a clinical case].
Related Articles[Voluminous epidermoid cyst compressing the upper cervical spinal cord: about a clinical case]. Pan Afr Med J. 2019;34:169 Authors: Lengane NI, Ouattara S, Zaghre N, Some MJM, Ouedraogo T, Ouedraogo BP Abstract Epidermoid cyst is a benign embryonic tumor. It is an anomalous localization of ectoderm-derived tissue. Cervical epidermoid cyst is rare. It can cause diagnostic difficulties, especially in patients with voluminous and compressive...
Wed Mar 11, 2020 15:40
Revegetation pattern affecting accumulation of organic carbon and total nitrogen in reclaimed mine soils
Selecting optimal revegetation patterns, i.e., patterns that are more effective for soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) accumulation, is particularly important for mine land reclamation. However, there have been few evaluations of the effects of different revegetation patterns on the SOC and TN in reclaimed mine soils on the Loess Plateau, China. In this study, the SOC and TN stocks were investigated at reclaimed mine sites (RMSs), including artificially revegetated sites (ARSs) (arbors...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Patterns of change in α and β taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the secondary succession of semi-natural grasslands in the Northern Apennines
We studied the secondary succession in semi-natural grasslands (dry grasslands and hay meadows) located in the eastern side of the Tuscan Apennines (Tuscany, Central Italy). We compared these habitats, investigating: (i) the changes in species richness, composition and phylogenetic diversity during the succession; (ii) whether the trends in species loss and species turnover in taxonomic diversity matched those in phylogenetic diversity. We performed a stratified random sampling, in a full factorial...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Trophic niches of a seabird assemblage in Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia
The foraging niches of seabirds are driven by a variety of factors, including competition for prey that promotes divergence in trophic niches. Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia, is a key region for seabirds, with little penguins Eudyptula minor, short-tailed shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris, fairy prions Pachyptila turtur and common diving-petrels Pelecanoides urinatrix being particularly abundant in the region. The trophic niches of these species were investigated using isotopic values in whole...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Acoustic divergence in advertisement calls among three sympatric Microhyla species from East China
Background Species-specific advertisement calls are the main mechanism of transmitting information between individuals in anuran amphibians and are therefore indispensable for anuran survival and reproduction. Survey methods that monitor these calls can be used for rapid species recognition, behavioral experiments, and conservation monitoring. In this study, we described in detail 10 call parameters from three sympatric species in the genus Microhyla and analyzed the differences in call parameter...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Reliability of the velocity achieved during the last repetition of sets to failure and its association with the velocity of the 1-repetition maximum
Background This study aimed to determine the reliability of the velocity achieved during the last repetition of sets to failure (Vlast) and the association of Vlast with the velocity of the 1-repetition maximum (V1RM) during the paused and touch-and-go bench press (BP) exercises performed in a Smith machine. Methods A total of 96 healthy men participated in this study that consisted of two testing sessions. A single BP variant (paused BP or touch-and-go BP) was evaluated on each session...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Codon optimization, expression in Escherichia coli, and immunogenicity analysis of deformed wing virus (DWV) structural protein
Background Deformed wing virus (DWV) is a serious threat to honey bees (Apis mellifera) and is considered a major cause of elevated losses of honey bee colonies. However, lack of information on the immunogenicity of DWV structural proteins has hindered the development of effective biocontrol drugs. Methods We optimized the VP1, VP2 and VP3 codons of DWV surface capsid protein genes on the basis of an Escherichia coli codon bias, and the optimized genes of roVP1, roVP2 and roVP3 were separately...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Co-expression clustering across flower development identifies modules for diverse floral forms in Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
Background Genetic pathways involved with flower color and shape are thought to play an important role in the development of flowers associated with different pollination syndromes, such as those associated with bee, butterfly, or hummingbird pollination. Because pollination syndromes are complex traits that are orchestrated by multiple genes and pathways, the gene regulatory networks have not been explored. Gene co-expression networks provide a systems level approach to identify important contributors...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Integrative analysis of dysregulated lncRNA-associated ceRNA network reveals potential lncRNA biomarkers for human hepatocellular carcinoma
Background Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis and a high incidence. The molecular changes and novel biomarkers of HCC need to be identified to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of this disease. We investigated the current research concentrations of HCC and identified the transcriptomics-related biomarkers of HCC from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TGCA) database. Methods We investigated...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Association of sleep among 30 antidepressants: a population-wide adverse drug reaction study, 2004–2019
Background Sleep is one of the most essential processes required to maintain a healthy human life, and patients experiencing psychiatric illness often experience an inability to sleep. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that antidepressant compounds with strong binding affinities for the serotonin 5-HT2C receptor, histamine H1 receptors, or norepinephrine transporter (NET) will be associated with the highest odds of somnolence. ...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
Application of artificially intelligent systems for the identification of discrete fossiliferous levels
The separation of discrete fossiliferous levels within an archaeological or paleontological site with no clear stratigraphic horizons has historically been carried out using qualitative approaches, relying on two-dimensional transversal and longitudinal projection planes. Analyses of this type, however, can often be conditioned by subjectivity based on the perspective of the analyst. This study presents a novel use of Machine Learning algorithms for pattern recognition techniques in the automated...
PeerJ Computer Science
Wed Mar 11, 2020 02:00
[Cervial vestibular-evoked myogenic potential induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation in normal people].
Related Articles[Cervial vestibular-evoked myogenic potential induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation in normal people]. Lin Chung Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2020 Jan;34(1):57-60 Authors: Cheng Y, Zhang YZ, Han YQ, Ma WJ, Yang H, Zhao J, Chen F, Zhang Q, Xu M Abstract Objective:To establish a new method for detecting vestibular function by testing cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential induced by galvanic vestibular stimulation...
vestibular evoked
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:39

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