Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2020

Oxidative stress assessment in sickle cell anemia patients treated with hydroxyurea
Abstract Hydroxyurea (HU) is used as a therapy in sickle cell anemia (SCA). Many studies have established that HU improves patient quality of life by reducing symptoms. However, the effect of HU on erythrocytes is not well-described. We evaluated several parameters related to oxidative stress and total lipid content of erythrocytes in patients with SCA. The patient cohort consisted of 7 SCA patients treated with HU, 17 untreated SCA patients, and 15 healthy subjects. Erythrocytes...
Latest Results
Adverse childhood experiences, mental health, substance use, and HIV-related outcomes among persons with HIV.
Related ArticlesAdverse childhood experiences, mental health, substance use, and HIV-related outcomes among persons with HIV. AIDS Care. 2019 10;31(10):1241-1249 Authors: Young-Wolff KC, Sarovar V, Sterling SA, Leibowitz A, McCaw B, Hare CB, Silverberg MJ, Satre DD Abstract While persons with HIV (PWH) have benefited from significant advances in treatment and resulting longevity, mental health problems remain elevated in this population. Adverse childhood...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Do baby boomers feel healthier than earlier cohorts after retirement age? The Lausanne cohort Lc65+ study.
Related ArticlesDo baby boomers feel healthier than earlier cohorts after retirement age? The Lausanne cohort Lc65+ study. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19;9(2):e025175 Authors: Henchoz Y, von Gunten A, Büla C, Seematter-Bagnoud L, Nanchen D, Démonet JF, Blanco JM, Santos-Eggimann B Abstract OBJECTIVE: Despite the popular belief that baby boomers are ageing in better health than previous generations, limited scientific evidence is available since baby boomers...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The China Patient-centred Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events (PEACE) prospective heart failure study design.
Related ArticlesThe China Patient-centred Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events (PEACE) prospective heart failure study design. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19;9(2):e025144 Authors: Huang X, Yu Y, Li X, Masoudi FA, Spertus JA, Yan X, Krumholz HM, Jiang L, Li J Abstract INTRODUCTION: China faces the prospect of a large growth in the prevalence of heart failure (HF). However, there is limited knowledge about outcomes in patients after HF hospitalisations, including...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Patient satisfaction in treatment of non-complex fractures and dislocations in general practice in the Netherlands: prospective cohort study protocol.
Related ArticlesPatient satisfaction in treatment of non-complex fractures and dislocations in general practice in the Netherlands: prospective cohort study protocol. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19;9(2):e025046 Authors: Verbeek T, Arentsen H, Breet EJ, Kuipers MM, Lubbert PHW, Burger H Abstract INTRODUCTION: Diagnosis and treatment of fractures and dislocations are mostly performed in hospital settings. However, equal care for patients with non--complex fractures...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Effect of different financial competing interest statements on readers' perceptions of clinical educational articles: a randomised controlled trial.
Related ArticlesEffect of different financial competing interest statements on readers' perceptions of clinical educational articles: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19;9(2):e025029 Authors: Schroter S, Pakpoor J, Morris J, Chew M, Godlee F Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate how different competing interest (COI) statements affect clinical readers' perceptions of education articles. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial. ...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Changes in the type and amount of spending disclosed by Australian pharmaceutical companies: an observational study.
Related ArticlesChanges in the type and amount of spending disclosed by Australian pharmaceutical companies: an observational study. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19;9(2):e024928 Authors: Parker L, Karanges EA, Bero L Abstract OBJECTIVES: To describe and quantify disclosed payments from the pharmaceutical industry to the healthcare sector, and to examine the impact of the 2015 changes to Australia's self-regulated system of transparency. DESIGN: Observational...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Recommendations on the use of innovative medical technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery and solutions leading to increased availability for Polish patients.
Related ArticlesRecommendations on the use of innovative medical technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery and solutions leading to increased availability for Polish patients. Cardiol J. 2019;26(2):114-129 Authors: Dudek D, Banasiak W, Braksator W, Dubiel J, Grodzicki T, Hoffman P, Kuśmierczyk M, Opolski G, Ponikowski P, Różański J, Sadowski J, Wojakowski W, Grabowski M, Bondaryk K, Walczak J, Pieniążek I, Grys M, Lesiak-Bednarek A, Przygodzki P Abstract...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Assessment of Clinically Meaningful Improvements in Self-Reported Walking Ability in Participants with Multiple Sclerosis: Results from the Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III ENHANCE Trial of Prolonged-Release Fampridine.
Related ArticlesAssessment of Clinically Meaningful Improvements in Self-Reported Walking Ability in Participants with Multiple Sclerosis: Results from the Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III ENHANCE Trial of Prolonged-Release Fampridine. CNS Drugs. 2019 01;33(1):61-79 Authors: Hobart J, Ziemssen T, Feys P, Linnebank M, Goodman AD, Farrell R, Hupperts R, Blight AR, Englishby V, McNeill M, Chang I, Lima G, Elkins J, ENHANCE study investigators Abstract ...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Cost-effectiveness and affordability of anticancer treatment in Brazil.
Related ArticlesCost-effectiveness and affordability of anticancer treatment in Brazil. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:ed96 Authors: Aguiar PN Abstract The cost of anticancer treatments has increased in recent years. This is a threat to the sustainability of health systems. The number and relevance of pharmacoeconomic studies has increased, although their interpretation has become more complex. In a majority of cases, the benefit provided by new drugs...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Population-based cancer registries: a gateway to improved surveillance of non-communicable diseases.
Related ArticlesPopulation-based cancer registries: a gateway to improved surveillance of non-communicable diseases. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:ed95 Authors: Mery L, Bray F Abstract Timely and accurate data on health enable policymakers to make informed decisions that can reduce the burden and suffering from disease. Yet many LMICs are not able to adequately collect the health indicators necessary to track progress in the Sustainable Development...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
elearning for cancer immunotherapy.
Related Articleselearning for cancer immunotherapy. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:ed94 Authors: Hill SL, Johnson PW Abstract Advances in cancer immunotherapy witnessed over the last decade with the licensing of numerous immune checkpoint inhibitors have greatly increased the application of this approach to treating advanced cancers. As a result, the number of health care professionals involved in the care of patients receiving immunotherapy treatments...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Computational analyses on genetic alterations in the NSD genes family and the implications for colorectal cancer development.
Related ArticlesComputational analyses on genetic alterations in the NSD genes family and the implications for colorectal cancer development. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1001 Authors: D'Afonseca V, Gónzalez G, Salazar M, Arencibia AD Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a prevalent tumour throughout the world. CRC symptoms appear only in advanced stages causing decrease in survival of patients. Therefore, it is necessary to establish new strategies...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
The clinical-care focused psychological interview (CLiC): a structured tool for the assessment of cancer patients' needs.
Related ArticlesThe clinical-care focused psychological interview (CLiC): a structured tool for the assessment of cancer patients' needs. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1000 Authors: Arnaboldi P, Oliveri S, Vergani L, Marton G, Guiddi P, Busacchio D, Didier F, Pravettoni G Abstract Integrating the psychosocial perspective in oncology is warranted. Here, we introduce a structured psychological intervention, the clinical-care focused psychological interview...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Factors affecting weight and body composition in childhood cancer survivors-cross-sectional study.
Related ArticlesFactors affecting weight and body composition in childhood cancer survivors-cross-sectional study. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:999 Authors: Sawicka-Żukowska M, Łuczyński W, Dobroch J, Krawczuk-Rybak M Abstract Due to improved efficacy of antitumour treatment in the general population, there are increasingly more childhood cancer survivors. However, some of these survivors are at risk of distant complications including cardiovascular...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Highlights from the 2019 International Aspirin Foundation Scientific Conference, Rome, 28 June 2019: benefits and risks of antithrombotic therapy for cardiovascular disease prevention.
Related ArticlesHighlights from the 2019 International Aspirin Foundation Scientific Conference, Rome, 28 June 2019: benefits and risks of antithrombotic therapy for cardiovascular disease prevention. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:998 Authors: Walker J, Cattaneo M, Badimon L, Agnelli G, Chan AT, Lanas A, Rocca B, Rothwell P, Patrignani P, Langley R, Vilahur G, Cosentino F Abstract At the 2019 International Aspirin Foundation Scientific Conference 'Benefits...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Cancer prevention programmes in Mexico: are we doing enough?
Related ArticlesCancer prevention programmes in Mexico: are we doing enough? Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:997 Authors: Padilla-Raygoza N, Monroy-Torres R, Sandoval-Salazar C, Vera-Becerra LE, Patiño-López ME, de Lourdes García-Campos M, Campos VB, Del Carmen Ortega Jiménez M, Del Carmen Delgado-Sandoval S, Ramírez-Gómez XS, Jimenez-García SN, Lemus HLL Abstract Cancer has increased in all the countries of the world and Mexico is no exception. The recognised...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
The emerging role of radiation therapists in the contouring of organs at risk in radiotherapy: analysis of inter-observer variability with radiation oncologists for the chest and upper abdomen.
Related ArticlesThe emerging role of radiation therapists in the contouring of organs at risk in radiotherapy: analysis of inter-observer variability with radiation oncologists for the chest and upper abdomen. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:996 Authors: Arculeo S, Miglietta E, Nava F, Morra A, Leonardi MC, Comi S, Ciardo D, Fiore MS, Gerardi MA, Pepa M, Gugliandolo SG, Livi L, Orecchia R, Jereczek-Fossa BA, Dicuonzo S Abstract Aims: To compare the contouring...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Dosiomics improves prediction of locoregional recurrence for intensity modulated radiotherapy treated head and neck cancer cases.
Related ArticlesDosiomics improves prediction of locoregional recurrence for intensity modulated radiotherapy treated head and neck cancer cases. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 06;104:104625 Authors: Wu A, Li Y, Qi M, Lu X, Jia Q, Guo F, Dai Z, Liu Y, Chen C, Zhou L, Song T Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether dosiomics can benefit to IMRT treated patient's locoregional recurrences (LR) prediction through a comparative study on prediction performance inspection...
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Elevated IL18 levels in Nasopharyngeal carcinoma induced PD-1 expression on NK cells in TILS leading to poor prognosis.
Related ArticlesElevated IL18 levels in Nasopharyngeal carcinoma induced PD-1 expression on NK cells in TILS leading to poor prognosis. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 06;104:104616 Authors: Liou AK, Soon G, Tan L, Peng Y, Cher BM, Goh BC, Wang S, Lim CM Abstract OBJECTIVES: Characterisation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILS) population for cancer prognostication has enabled deeper understanding of tumor immune interactions in cancer immunology. We aim to...
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
NIR Infrared imaging after peritumoral injection of indocyanine green to guide lymph node dissection in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A pilot feasibility study.
Related ArticlesNIR Infrared imaging after peritumoral injection of indocyanine green to guide lymph node dissection in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A pilot feasibility study. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 06;:104621 Authors: Digonnet A, Dekeyser C, Quiriny M, Willemse E, Barbieux R, Moreau M, de Saint Aubain N, Cappello M, Donckier V, Bourgeois P PMID: 32151534 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Inferior epigastric artery pseudoaneurysm secondary to port placement during a robot-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy
Abstract Pseudoaneurysm occurs when the artery wall is damaged and the blood is contained by the surrounding tissues with the eventual formation of a fibrous sac communicating with the artery. We report a case of a 74-year-old man with inferior epigastric artery (IEA) pseudoaneurysm secondary to an 8-mm port placement during a robot-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy with ureteroileocutaneostomy. The pseudoaneurysm was initially diagnosed by contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS);...
Latest Results
The incudopetrosal joint of the human middle ear: a transient morphology in fetuses
Union of the incus‐otic capsule is distinguishable between the short limb of the incus and the lateral protrusion of the otic capsule. The initial perichondrium and precartilaginous cells are continuous in the incus‐otic capsule union. Abstract In spite of the amount of research on fetal development of the human middle ear and ear ossicles, there has been no report showing a joint between the short limb of incus and the otic capsule or petrous part of the temporal bone. According to observations...
Journal of Anatomy
An investigation of the anatomy of the infrapatellar fat pad and its possible involvement in anterior pain syndrome: a cadaveric study
A posterior view of an isolated left infrapatellar fat pad, showing its principal morphological features. Note particularly the superior lateral and superior medial extensions that encircle the patella (removed). (1) Superior lateral extension, (2) lateral extension, (3) central body, (4) ligamentum mucosum, (5) vertical cleft, (6) superior tag, (7) medial extension, (8) superior medial extension. Abstract The infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) is an extrasynovial, intracapsular, adipose body occupying...
Journal of Anatomy
Issue Information
Implementation of opioid maintenance treatment in prisons in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany – a top down approach
Opioid Maintenance Treatment (OMT) is a well-evaluated treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). Especially, under the condition of imprisonment, OMT is a preventive measure regarding infectious diseases such as...
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy - Latest Articles
Anatomy of the head in the Saanen goat: a computed tomographic and cross-sectional approach
Abstract The present work aimed to investigate the anatomical structures of the Saanen goat head and its volumetric properties using computed tomography (CT) and stereological methods. Eight adult Saanen goat heads were included in this study. The different cavities and structures of the head, including nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, orbital cavity, and cranial cavity were evaluated using CT scans, cross, sagittal, and coronal sections. The volume of head cavities...
Latest Results for Anatomical Science International
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the associations between body mass index, prostate cancer, advanced prostate cancer, and prostate-specific antigen
Abstract Purpose The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and prostate cancer remains unclear. However, there is an inverse association between BMI and prostate-specific antigen (PSA), used for prostate cancer screening. We conducted this review to estimate the associations between BMI and (1) prostate cancer, (2) advanced prostate cancer, and (3) PSA. Methods ...
Latest Results for Cancer Causes
Genetic polymorphisms and multiple myeloma risk: a meta-analysis
Abstract Previous researches exploring associations between multiple myeloma (MM) and genetic polymorphisms showed controversial results. In this investigation, we aimed to make a meta-analysis to assess the association between MM risk and genetic polymorphisms. We searched for articles on genetic polymorphism and MM risk in Web of Science and PubMed databases from 1951 to August 2019. We computed the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) extracted from included articles....
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Lymphangiogenesis and accumulation of reparative macrophages contribute to liver repair after hepatic ischemia–reperfusion injury
Abstract Hepatic tissue repair plays a critical role in determining the outcome of hepatic ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury. Hepatic lymphatics participate in the clearance of dead tissues and contribute to the reparative process after acute hepatic injury; however, it remains unknown whether lymphangiogenesis in response to hepatic inflammation is involved in liver repair. Herein, we determined if hepatic lymphangiogenesis improves liver repair after hepatic I/R injury. Using...
Latest Results for Angiogenesis

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