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Κυριακή 12 Ιουλίου 2020

The Feasibility of a Neck-Surface Accelerometer for Estimating the Amount of Acoustic Output During Phonation Regardless of the Difference in the Mouth Configuration
This study aimed to assess the feasibility of a neck-surface accelerometer (ACC) for estimating the amount of acoustic output produced during phonation regardless of individual differences or the mouth configuration.
Journal of Voice
Fri Jul 10, 2020 03:00
What Voice-Related Metrics Change With Menopause? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study
Voice complaints associated with menopause have been reported by a substantial number of studies. However, to assess the clinical relevance of menopause to voice is still difficult as the extent to which menopausal symptoms are reflected on voice metrics remains unclear. A comprehensive review and meta-analysis were carried out to identify voice-related metrics that change with menopause and to quantify the magnitude of those changes. Academic Search Premier, Medline, SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, and...
Journal of Voice
Fri Jul 10, 2020 03:00
Deep Neural Network for Automatic Classification of Pathological Voice Signals
Computer-aided pathological voice detection is efficient for initial screening of pathological voice, and has received high academic and clinical attention. This paper proposes an automatic diagnosis method of pathological voice based on deep neural network (DNN). Other two classification models (support vector machines and random forests) were used to verify the effectiveness of DNN.
Journal of Voice
Fri Jul 10, 2020 03:00
The Prevalence and Impact of Voice Problems in Nonprofessional Voice Users: Preliminary Findings
Studies reporting the prevalence of voice problems in the non-professional voice users are rare. Thus, the objective of this preliminary investigation was to explore; (1) the prevalence of self-reported voice problems, and (2) its impact on the nonprofessional voice users.
Journal of Voice
Fri Jul 10, 2020 03:00
Zoledronic acid sequential therapy could avoid disadvantages due to the discontinuation of less than 3-year denosumab treatment
Abstract Introduction Rapid descent in bone mineral density (BMD) and ascent in bone turnover marker (BTM) occur within the short period following denosumab (Dmab) discontinuation. In addition, the incidence of vertebral fracture also rises within the short period. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of sequential therapy using zoledronic acid (ZOL) on any adverse events after Dmab discontinuation. ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Sun Jul 12, 2020 03:00
High bone turnover state under osteoporotic changes induces pain-like behaviors in mild osteoarthritis model mice
Abstract Introduction Our previous studies demonstrated that a high bone turnover state under osteoporotic changes decreased the threshold of skeletal pain. Recent studies reported that the incidence of joint pain due to osteoarthritis (OA) in postmenopausal women was higher than that in males even with the same radiographic OA grade. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a high bone turnover state affects the induction of pain-like...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Sun Jul 12, 2020 03:00
Association between non-Caucasian-specific ASCC1 gene polymorphism and osteoporosis and obesity in Korean postmenopausal women
Abstract Introduction Osteoporosis is a common disorder characterized by decreased bone mineral density (BMD). Interestingly, osteoporosis and obesity have several similar features, including a genetic predisposition and a common bone marrow stem cell. With aging, the composition of bone marrow shifts to adipocytes, osteoclast activity increases, and osteoblast function declines, resulting in osteoporosis. ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Sat Jul 11, 2020 03:00
LncRNA LOXL1-AS1 controls osteogenic and adipocytic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in postmenopausal osteoporosis through regulating the miR-196a-5p/Hmga2 axis
Abstract Introduction Exploring molecular mechanisms of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMMSCs) differentiation, a crucial step for bone formation, is a new direction for treating postmenopausal osteoporosis. LncRNAs are involved in lots of biological processes including hBMMSCs differentiation. The present study aimed to explore the effect of LOXL1-AS1 on hBMMSCs differentiation. ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Fri Jul 10, 2020 03:00
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Interconception Intervention Provided by Public Health Nurses
Abstract Objectives Preconception health impacts perinatal outcomes, but the difficulty in engaging reproductive-aged individuals in health promotion activities is a barrier to effective implementation of preconception interventions. Since most women have more than one pregnancy and many risk factors repeat across pregnancies, the time between pregnancies—the interconception period—may be an opportune time to improve health. Our objective...
Latest Results for Maternal and Child Health Journal
Sun Jul 12, 2020 03:00
Evaluating the Health Outcomes of the Healthy Women Healthy Babies Program in Delaware
Abstract Objectives The Delaware Healthy Women Healthy Babies Program (HWHB) was developed in response to increasing rates of infant mortality (IMR) and widening racial disparity. The primary aim of this study was to examine birth outcomes of enrolled and non-enrolled black and Hispanic women in the program whose payer was Medicaid. Methods We utilized...
Latest Results for Maternal and Child Health Journal
Sat Jul 11, 2020 03:00
Global Vision-Based Formation Control of Soft Robotic Fish Swarm
Soft Robotics, Ahead of Print.
Soft Robotics
Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:00
Breast cancer stem cells in Africa: a fallow research ground
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Eric Gyan, Linda Ahenkorah Fondjo, William Owiredu, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Green
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:39
The diagnostic utility of PRAME and p16 in distinguishing nodal nevi from nodal metastatic melanoma
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Sharlene Helene C. See, Brian S. Finkelman, Anjana V. Yeldandi
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:39
Inactivating mutations of class II transactivator (CIITA) gene in gastric and colorectal cancers
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Hyun Ji Son, Eun Ji Choi, Nam Jin Yoo, Sug Hyung Lee
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:39
Target molecular treatment markers in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma based on Chinese population
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Xiaohong Pu, Liya Zhu, Feng Li, Jinyu Zheng, Hongyan Wu, Yao Fu, Jun Chen, Liang Qi
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:39
Large negative lymph nodes – a surrogate for immune activation in rectal cancer patients?
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): JE Ruisch, M Kloft, GE Fazzi, J Melenhorst, D Magee, HI Grabsch
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:39
Circ_0000218 plays a carcinogenic role in laryngeal cancer through regulating microRNA-139-3p/Smad3 axis
Publication date: Available online 10 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Yiyang Bai, Jia Hou, Xiao Wang, Luying Geng, Xiaohui Jia, Luochengling Xiang, Kejun Nan
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Sat Jul 11, 2020 14:29
Effectiveness of diffusion weighted imaging in predicting cervical lymph node metastasis in head and neck malignancies
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral RadiologyAuthor(s): Yuwei Zhou, Taihui Yu, Xi Rui, Tingting Jin, Zixian Huang, Zhiquan Huang
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:28
Preoperative evaluation of tumor depth of invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma with intraoral ultrasound: a retrospective study
Publication date: Available online 9 July 2020Source: Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral RadiologyAuthor(s): Rocchetti Federica, Tenore Gianluca, Montori Alessandra, Cassoni Andrea, Cantisani Vito, Di Segni Mattia, Di Gioia Cira Rosaria Tiziana, Carletti Raffaella, Valentini Valentino, Polimeni Antonella, Romeo Umberto
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Fri Jul 10, 2020 16:18
Minimum toe clearance and tripping probability in people with unilateral transtibial amputation walking on ramps with different prosthetic designs
Publication date: September 2020Source: Gait & Posture, Volume 81Author(s): Mauricio Riveras, Emiliano Ravera, David Ewins, Aliah F. Shaheen, Paola Catalfamo-Formento
Gait & Posture
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:26
Disease-specific gait deviations in pediatric patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Gabriel T. Mindler, Andreas Kranzl, Alexandra Stauffer, Gabriele Haeusler, Rudolf Ganger, Adalbert Raimann
Gait & Posture
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:26
The evidence for improving balance by strengthening the toe flexor muscles: a systematic review
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Shayan Quinlan, Alycia Fong Yan, Peter Sinclair, Adrienne Hunt
Gait & Posture
Sun Jul 12, 2020 19:26
Intensive Upper Extremity Training Improved Whole Body Movement Control for Children with Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Publication date: Available online 9 July 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Ya-Ching Hung, Fawzia Shirzad, Maria Saleem, Andrew M. Gordon
Gait & Posture
Fri Jul 10, 2020 16:33
Re-evaluating the measurement and influence of conscious movement processing on gait performance in older adults: development of the Gait-Specific Attentional Profile
Publication date: Available online 9 July 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): William R. Young, Toby J. Ellmers, Noel Kinrade, John Cossar, Adam J. Cocks
Gait & Posture
Fri Jul 10, 2020 16:33
The impact of proprioceptive exercises on balance and physical function in institutionalized older adults: A randomized controlled trial
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Luis Espejo-Antúnez, José Manuel Pérez-Mármol, M. de los Ángeles Cardero-Durán, José Vicente Toledo-Marhuenda, Manuel Albornoz-Cabello
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:56
The International Spinal Cord Injury Survey: The Way Forward
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Jerome Bickenbach, Linamara Batistella, Christoph Gutenbrunner, James Middleton, Marcel W. Post, Gerold Stucki
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:56
Investigation of the Effects of Dual Task Balance Training on Gait and Balance in Transfemoral Amputees: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Publication date: Available online 10 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Senem Demirdel, Fatih Erbahçeci
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 10, 2020 22:50
Heterogeneity in Temporal Ordering of Depression and Participation After Traumatic Brain Injury
Publication date: Available online 10 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Amanda R. Rabinowitz, Inna Chervoneva, Tessa Hart, Therese M. O’Neil-Pirozzi, Shannon B. Juengst, Jeanne M. Hoffman
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 10, 2020 22:50
Health Services Utilization, Healthcare Costs, and Diagnoses by Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Exposure: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) Study
Publication date: Available online 10 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Clara Dismuke-Greer, Shawn Hirsch, Kathleen Carlson, Terri Pogoda, Risa Nakase-Richardson, Saurabha Bhatnagar, Blessen Eapen, Maya Troyanskaya, Shannon Miles, Tracy Nolen, William C. Walker
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 10, 2020 22:50
A population-base survey on knowledge, attitude and awareness of the general public on antibiotic use and resistance
This study was designed to assess the awareness and knowledge of antibiotic usage and antibiotic resistance among the general public in the Cape Coast metropolis of Ghana. It also tries to decipher whether the...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Sat Jul 11, 2020 03:00
The 2017 global point prevalence survey of antimicrobial consumption and resistance in Canadian hospitals
Patient-level surveillance (indication, appropriate choice, dosing, route, duration) of antimicrobial use in Canadian hospitals is needed to reduce antimicrobial overuse and misuse. Patient-level surveillance ...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Sat Jul 11, 2020 03:00
Rhupus: a systematic literature review
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Luca AntoniHGni, Brigitte Le Mauff, Christian Marcelli, Achille Aouba, Hubert de Boysson
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
The IL-1 family cytokines and receptors in autoimmune diseases
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Paola Migliorini, Paola Italiani, Federico Pratesi, Ilaria Puxeddu, Diana Boraschi
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
May capillaroscopy be a candidate tool in future algorithms for SSC-ILD: Are we looking for the holy grail? A systematic review
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Vanessa Smith, Amber Vanhaecke, Miguel G. Guerra, Karin Melsens, Els Vandecasteele, Sabrina Paolino, Maurizio Cutolo
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
Towards a novel target therapy for renal diseases related to a plasma cell dyscrasia: The example of AL amyloidosis
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Dario Roccatello, Roberta Fenoglio, Simone Baldovino, Carla Naretto, Michela Ferro, Antonella Barreca, Daniela Rossi, Savino Sciascia
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
2020 international consensus on ANCA testing beyond systemic vasculitis
Publication date: Available online 12 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Sergey Moiseev, Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert, Yoshihiro Arimura, Dimitrios P. Bogdanos, Elena Csernok, Jan Damoiseaux, Marc Ferrante, Luis Felipe Flores-Suárez, Marvin J. Fritzler, Pietro Invernizzi, David Jayne, J. Charles Jennette, Mark Little, Stephen P. McAdoo, Pavel Novikov, Charles D. Pusey, Antonella Radice, Alan D. Salama, Judith A. Savige, Mårten Segelmark
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
Microorganisms associated to thyroid autoimmunity
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Jose Yu Nam Cuan Baltazar, Elena Soto Vega
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
The role of IL-18 in Behcet's disease; a potential therapeutic target
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Maria Prasinou, Rona Smith, Apostolos Vrettos, David R.W. Jayne
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02
Beyond current concepts in anti-phospholipid syndrome: The 16th International Congress on Anti-phospholipid Antibodies (ICAPA) in Manchester
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Cecilia Beatrice Chighizola, Savino Sciascia, Laura Andreoli, Pier Luigi Meroni
Autoimmunity Reviews
Sun Jul 12, 2020 18:02

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