Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1335: Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Axon Regeneration after Optic Nerve Transection is Driven by Cellular Intravitreal Sciatic Nerve Grafts
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1335: Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Axon Regeneration after Optic Nerve Transection is Driven by Cellular Intravitreal Sciatic Nerve Grafts Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9061335 Authors: Ahmed Suggate Logan Berry Neurotrophic factors (NTF) secreted by Schwann cells in a sciatic nerve (SN) graft promote retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon regeneration after either transplantation into the vitreous body of the eye or anastomosis to the distal stump of a transected...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1339: The Pluripotency Factor Nanog Protects against Neuronal Amyloid β-Induced Toxicity and Oxidative Stress through Insulin Sensitivity Restoration
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1339: The Pluripotency Factor Nanog Protects against Neuronal Amyloid β-Induced Toxicity and Oxidative Stress through Insulin Sensitivity Restoration Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9061339 Authors: Chang Li Tsou Hung Liu Korolenko Lai Ho Lin Amyloid β (Aβ) is a peptide fragment of the amyloid precursor protein that triggers the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It is believed that Aβ contributes...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Challenges, Vol. 11, Pages 8: Action Research to Enhance Inter-Organisational Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific
Challenges, Vol. 11, Pages 8: Action Research to Enhance Inter-Organisational Coordination of Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Challenges doi: 10.3390/challe11010008 Authors: Gilfillan Robinson Barrowman Pacific regional organisations focusing on climate change have overlapping adaptation-related mandates. With the growing importance of regional organisations in supplying financial and technical resources for climate adaptation in small island developing states, it is...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Children, Vol. 7, Pages 51: Genesis, Procedures, Attrition Rate and Major Reasons for Missing Measurement Session by the Study Participants in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study
Children, Vol. 7, Pages 51: Genesis, Procedures, Attrition Rate and Major Reasons for Missing Measurement Session by the Study Participants in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study Children doi: 10.3390/children7060051 Authors: Phuti Makgae Betty Sebati Hlengani Siweya Kotsedi Monyeki The noncommunicable diseases’ (NCDs) profile is changing rapidly from one country to another. A well-formulated cohort study in Africa could answer major questions relating to the changing...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Climate, Vol. 8, Pages 66: Stakeholders’ Perception of Climate Actions in Some Developing Economies
Climate, Vol. 8, Pages 66: Stakeholders’ Perception of Climate Actions in Some Developing Economies Climate doi: 10.3390/cli8060066 Authors: Fadeyi Maresova Resilience, adaptation and mitigation are unique but complimentary actions in the fight against climate change (CC), particularly in developing countries. Although evidence suggest the inclusion of stakeholder opinions as part of the frameworks for combating CC, this evidence is not well substantiated, and is not extensively...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 346: Cystic Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Pictorial Review and a Practical Guide for the Radiologist
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 346: Cystic Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Pictorial Review and a Practical Guide for the Radiologist Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10060346 Authors: Giulia Aquilina Daniele Carmelo Caltabiano Federica Galioto Giovanna Cancemi Fabio Pino Ada Vancheri Carlo Vancheri Pietro Valerio Foti Letizia Antonella Mauro Antonio Basile A cyst is a round circumscribed area of low attenuation, surrounded by epithelial or fibrous wall. Cysts...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 347: Comparison between Diffusion-Weighted Sequences with Selective and Non-Selective Fat Suppression in the Evaluation of Crohn’s Disease Activity: Are They Equally Useful?
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 347: Comparison between Diffusion-Weighted Sequences with Selective and Non-Selective Fat Suppression in the Evaluation of Crohn’s Disease Activity: Are They Equally Useful? Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10060347 Authors: Ilze Apine Reinis Pitura Ivanda Franckevica Juris Pokrotnieks Gaida Krumina Background: We compared the efficiency of two MRI diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) techniques: DWI with SPIR (DWISPIR) and DWI with STIR (DWISTIR),...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 345: Ultrasonography and Atypical Sites of Endometriosis
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 345: Ultrasonography and Atypical Sites of Endometriosis Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10060345 Authors: Stefano Guerriero Francesca Conway Maria Angela Pascual Betlem Graupera Silvia Ajossa Manuela Neri Eleonora Musa Marcelo Pedrassani Juan Luis Alcazar In the present pictorial we show the ultrasonographic appearances of endometriosis in atypical sites. Scar endometriosis may present as a hypoechoic solid nodule with hyperechoic...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 344: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Modeling of the Glymphatic System
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 344: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Modeling of the Glymphatic System Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10060344 Authors: Jasleen Kaur Esmaeil Davoodi-Bojd Lara M Fahmy Li Zhang Guangliang Ding Jiani Hu Zhenggang Zhang Michael Chopp Quan Jiang The glymphatic system is a newly discovered waste drainage pathway in the brain; it plays an important role in many neurological diseases. Ongoing research utilizing various cerebrospinal fluid...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 343: Urinary Microbiota—Are We Ready for Prime Time? A Literature Review of Study Methods’ Critical Steps in Avoiding Contamination and Minimizing Biased Results
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 343: Urinary Microbiota—Are We Ready for Prime Time? A Literature Review of Study Methods’ Critical Steps in Avoiding Contamination and Minimizing Biased Results Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10060343 Authors: Alin Adrian Cumpanas Ovidiu Gabriel Bratu Razvan Tiberiu Bardan Ovidiu Catalin Ferician Andrei Dragos Cumpanas Florin George Horhat Monica Licker Catalin Pricop Octavian Marius Cretu Within the last few years, there have...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 692: Clotting Properties of Onopordum tauricum (Willd.) Aqueous Extract in Milk of Different Species
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 692: Clotting Properties of Onopordum tauricum (Willd.) Aqueous Extract in Milk of Different Species Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9060692 Authors: Massimo Mozzon Roberta Foligni Cinzia Mannozzi Federica Zamporlini Nadia Raffaelli Lucia Aquilanti Plant proteases used in cheesemaking are easily available and could increase the acceptability of cheeses, otherwise hindered by ethical issues (e.g., religions, dietary habits, aversion to genetically engineered...
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 691: Single and Repeated Dose 28-Day and 13-Week Toxicity Studies of Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) in Mice
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 691: Single and Repeated Dose 28-Day and 13-Week Toxicity Studies of Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) in Mice Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9060691 Authors: Sugimoto Tanizaki Shimizu Hosomi Fukunaga Yoshida Yoshioka Takahashi Internal organs of discarded scallops are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, but it is not used as a food ingredient due to the presence of toxic substances....
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3816: Special Issue: Alcohol Policy and Public Health—Contributing to the Global Debate on Accelerating Action on Alcohol
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3816: Special Issue: Alcohol Policy and Public Health—Contributing to the Global Debate on Accelerating Action on Alcohol International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113816 Authors: Parry Fitzgerald In July 2018,[...]
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3814: Accelerometer-Measured Diurnal Patterns of Sedentary Behavior among Japanese Workers: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3814: Accelerometer-Measured Diurnal Patterns of Sedentary Behavior among Japanese Workers: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113814 Authors: Kurosawa Shibata Ishii Javad Koohsari Oka Increased sedentary behavior (SB) can adversely affect health. Understanding time-dependent patterns of SB and its correlates can inform targeted approaches for prevention. This...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3815: Changes in Provision of Psychotherapy in the Early Weeks of the COVID-19 Lockdown in Austria
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3815: Changes in Provision of Psychotherapy in the Early Weeks of the COVID-19 Lockdown in Austria International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113815 Authors: Probst Stippl Pieh Reducing personal contacts is a central measure against the spreading of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This troubles mental health, but also mental health care as treatments usually take place in personal contact and switching...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3813: Occurrence of Halogenated Pollutants in Domestic and Occupational Indoor Dust
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3813: Occurrence of Halogenated Pollutants in Domestic and Occupational Indoor Dust International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113813 Authors: Simonetti Di Filippo Riccardi Pomata Sonego Buiarelli The occurrence of halogenated organic pollutants in indoor dust can be high due to the presence of textile, electronic devices, furniture, and building materials treated with these chemicals. In this explorative...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3811: Emotional-Behavioral Functioning, Maternal Psychopathologic Risk and Quality of Mother–Child Feeding Interactions in Children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3811: Emotional-Behavioral Functioning, Maternal Psychopathologic Risk and Quality of Mother–Child Feeding Interactions in Children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113811 Authors: Cerniglia Marzilli Cimino The literature on food intake disorder (ARFID) in early childhood has evidenced psychopathologic difficulties in both children and their mothers and...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3812: Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Hospital Length of Stay among Children with Asthma in South Texas
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3812: Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Hospital Length of Stay among Children with Asthma in South Texas International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113812 Authors: Baek Kash Xu Benden Roberts Carrillo Although hospital length of stay (LOS) has been identified as a proxy measure of healthcare expenditures in the United States, there are limited studies investigating the potentially important...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3809: Quality of Life in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Retrospective Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3809: Quality of Life in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Retrospective Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113809 Authors: Girgenti Tropea Buttafarro Ragusa Ammirata Background: This study aims to investigate the quality of life and the therapeutic compliance of the patients who received a liver transplant, from a living or deceased donor, at IRCCS ISMETT in the last three years. Liver transplantation...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3810: Erratum: Longo, U.G., et al. Scapular Dyskinesis: From Basic Science to Ultimate Treatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(8), 2974
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3810: Erratum: Longo, U.G., et al. Scapular Dyskinesis: From Basic Science to Ultimate Treatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(8), 2974 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113810 Authors: Umile Giuseppe Longo Laura Risi Ambrogioni Alessandra Berton Vincenzo Candela Carlo Massaroni Arianna Carnevale Giovanna Stelitano Emiliano Schena Ara Nazarian Joseph...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3807: Tailored Mental Health Literacy Training Improves Mental Health Knowledge and Confidence among Canadian Farmers
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3807: Tailored Mental Health Literacy Training Improves Mental Health Knowledge and Confidence among Canadian Farmers International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113807 Authors: Hagen Harper O’Sullivan Jones-Bitton This study evaluated the impact of “In the Know” mental health literacy training for Canadian agriculture. We hypothesized that “In the Know” would significantly...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3804: Purification Behavior of Zn(II) in Water by Magnesium Hydroxyapatite: Surface Complexation, and Dissolution–Precipitation
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3804: Purification Behavior of Zn(II) in Water by Magnesium Hydroxyapatite: Surface Complexation, and Dissolution–Precipitation International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113804 Authors: Nan Mo Zongqiang Zhu Yinian Zhu Yang Liu Xingxing Wang Hongqu Yang Ningning Zhao As an innovative and economical material, hydroxyapatite does little harm to the environment. In this study, a magnesium hydroxyapatite...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3805: Nurses’ Perceptions of Professional Practice Environment and Its Relation to Missed Nursing Care and Nurse Satisfaction
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3805: Nurses’ Perceptions of Professional Practice Environment and Its Relation to Missed Nursing Care and Nurse Satisfaction International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113805 Authors: Zeleníková Jarošová Plevová Janíková The professional practice environment is a factor that can have a significant impact on missed nursing care. The study aimed to find a relationship between nurses’ perceptions...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3808: Social and Structural Determinants of Household Support for ART Adherence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review 
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3808: Social and Structural Determinants of Household Support for ART Adherence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113808 Authors: Campbell Masquillier Thunnissen Ariyo Tabana Sematlane Delport Dube Knight Flechner Wouters Adherence to HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a crucial factor in health outcomes for people...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3796: Thunderstorm Asthma Epidemic—A Systematic Review of the General Practice Perspective
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3796: Thunderstorm Asthma Epidemic—A Systematic Review of the General Practice Perspective International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113796 Authors: Farouque Walker Erbas : Thunderstorm asthma (TA) epidemics have been recognized globally as a rare phenomenon, producing a rapid surge of acute asthma presentations leading to an increased demand on emergency medical services and healthcare resources. General practitioners...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3803: Decision-Making in Youth Team-Sports Players: A Systematic Review
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3803: Decision-Making in Youth Team-Sports Players: A Systematic Review International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113803 Authors: Silva Conte Clemente The aim of this systematic review conducted in the topic of youth team-sports players was three-fold: (i) Analyze the variations of decision-making processes between low- and high-level youth players; (ii) analyze the variations of decision-making processes between...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3802: Long-Term Exposure to Low-Dose Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Impairs Cholesterol Metabolism in Hepatic Stellate Cells and Exacerbates Liver Librosis
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3802: Long-Term Exposure to Low-Dose Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Impairs Cholesterol Metabolism in Hepatic Stellate Cells and Exacerbates Liver Librosis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113802 Authors: Lee Suk Twu Liao Phthalates are often added to plastic products to increase their flexibility. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is one of the most common plasticizers. Previously, a major incident...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3801: Smart Environments and Social Robots for Age-Friendly Integrated Care Services
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3801: Smart Environments and Social Robots for Age-Friendly Integrated Care Services International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113801 Authors: Anghel Cioara Moldovan Antal Pop Salomie Pop Chifu The world is facing major societal challenges because of an aging population that is putting increasing pressure on the sustainability of care. While demand for care and social services is steadily...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3800: Analyzing the Status of Sustainable Development in the Manufacturing Sector Using Multi-Expert Multi-Criteria Fuzzy Decision-Making and Integrated Triple Bottom Lines
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3800: Analyzing the Status of Sustainable Development in the Manufacturing Sector Using Multi-Expert Multi-Criteria Fuzzy Decision-Making and Integrated Triple Bottom Lines International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113800 Authors: Hendiani Liao Bagherpour Tvaronavičienė Banaitis Antucheviciene A sustainable manufacturing company depends on the developments in three aspects in order to minimize harmful...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3799: In-Hospital Mortality in Patients Receiving Percutaneous Coronary Intervention According to Nurse Staffing Level: An Analysis of National Administrative Health Data
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3799: In-Hospital Mortality in Patients Receiving Percutaneous Coronary Intervention According to Nurse Staffing Level: An Analysis of National Administrative Health Data International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113799 Authors: Kim Kim The increasing incidence of ischemic heart disease is concomitantly increasing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatments. Adequate nurse staffing has enhanced quality of...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3798: “Smart Process” of Medical Innovation: The Synergism Based on Network and Physical Space
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3798: “Smart Process” of Medical Innovation: The Synergism Based on Network and Physical Space International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113798 Authors: Zhang Pan Medical innovation has a profound impact on public health, and it is always of social concern to encourage innovation and enhance the value in health care delivery. Based on a sample of China’s listed firms in the medical industry from 2007 to...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3806: Zika Virus and the Risk of Developing Microcephaly in Infants: A Systematic Review
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3806: Zika Virus and the Risk of Developing Microcephaly in Infants: A Systematic Review International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113806 Authors: Antoniou Orovou Sarella Iliadou Rigas Palaska Iatrakis Dagla The global epidemic of Zika virus has been a major public health problem affecting pregnant women and their infants. Zika virus causes a viral disease transmitted to humans mainly by...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3797: Preventing Harmful Internet Use-Related Addiction Problems in Europe: A Literature Review and Policy Options
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3797: Preventing Harmful Internet Use-Related Addiction Problems in Europe: A Literature Review and Policy Options International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113797 Authors: Lopez-Fernandez Kuss Internet use-related addiction problems are increasingly being recognized on a European scale due to international health organizations considering gaming addiction. In April 2013, the American Psychiatric Association recognized...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3793: Covid-19 Pandemic: What Changes for Dentists and Oral Medicine Experts? A Narrative Review and Novel Approaches to Infection Containment
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3793: Covid-19 Pandemic: What Changes for Dentists and Oral Medicine Experts? A Narrative Review and Novel Approaches to Infection Containment International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113793 Authors: Bizzoca Campisi Muzio The authors performed a narrative review on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- CoronaVirus-2 ( SARS-CoV-2) and all infectious agents with the primary endpoints to illustrate the most accepted...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3794: Effectiveness of a Family Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Disadvantaged Areas—A Healthy Generation, a Controlled Pilot Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3794: Effectiveness of a Family Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Disadvantaged Areas—A Healthy Generation, a Controlled Pilot Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113794 Authors: Nyberg Andermo Nordenfelt Lidin Hellénius There are large social inequalities in health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a family intervention on physical activity (PA) and sedentary...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3795: Industrial Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Status among Residents in an Industrial Area in Central Italy
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3795: Industrial Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Status among Residents in an Industrial Area in Central Italy International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113795 Authors: Paolocci Bauleo Folletti Murgia Muzi Ancona The area of Civitavecchia (Lazio region, Central Italy) has been a reason of concern in the past because of environmental air contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3792: The Exponential Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Central Italy: An Integrated Care Pathway
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3792: The Exponential Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Central Italy: An Integrated Care Pathway International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113792 Authors: Capalbo Aceti Simmaco Bonfini Rocco Ricci Napoli Rocco Alfonsi Teggi Orsi Borro Santino Preissner Marchetti Marcolongo Anibaldi The Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic is rapidly spreading across...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3790: Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Fatal Accidents in the Metallurgical Industry in China
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3790: Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Fatal Accidents in the Metallurgical Industry in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113790 Authors: Xu Xu The metallurgical industry is a significant component of the national economy. The main purpose of this study was to establish a composite risk analysis method for fatal accidents in the metallurgical industry. We collected 152 fatal accidents in the...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3789: A One Health Perspective on the Human–Companion Animal Relationship with Emphasis on Zoonotic Aspects
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 3789: A One Health Perspective on the Human–Companion Animal Relationship with Emphasis on Zoonotic Aspects International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113789 Authors: Overgaauw Vinke Hagen Lipman Over time the human–animal bond has been changed. For instance, the role of pets has changed from work animals (protecting houses, catching mice) to animals with a social function, giving companionship....
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00

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