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Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

In vitro anti-tumor effect of high-fluence low-power laser light on apoptosis of human colorectal cancer cells
Abstract Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy all over the world, along with high morbidity and mortality. As a treatment, high-fluence low-power laser irradiation (HF-LPLI) has reported that its biostimulatory activity can suppress or even destruct tumor growth in neoplastic diseases. The aim of the present study is to examine a therapeutic capacity of HF-LPLI for colorectal cancer treatment by using human colon cancer cell (HT29) model. The in vitro cancer cell...
Latest Results
The Death Throes of Mercy — Our Shared Responsibility When Hospitals Close
Hospital closures disrupt communities. They also demand that we clarify our goals: Do we come together to support endangered hospitals, or do we support the patients and communities relying on them? Sometimes the second requires the first, but not always. For 245 years, the Philadelphia General…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Health Policy and Reform
Long-Term Care Policy after Covid-19 — Solving the Nursing Home Crisis
Nursing homes have been caught in the crosshairs of the coronavirus pandemic. As of early May 2020, Covid-19 had claimed the lives of more than 28,000 nursing home residents and staff in the United States. But U.S. nursing homes were unstable even before Covid-19 hit. They were like tinderboxes,…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Health Policy and Reform
Hospitalization and Mortality among Black Patients and White Patients with Covid-19
Surveillance of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is imperative for elucidating the epidemiology of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the United States. As of May 13, 2020, the United States…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Health Policy and Reform
Effect of oral melatonin administration on inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins after the castration of dogs
Abstract Melatonin has been used perioperative to control pain, inflammation, and oxidative stress. The present paper aims to evaluate the effect of the administration of melatonin on acute phase proteins and inflammatory cytokines and compare the trends after the melatonin administration in intact and castrated dogs. Twenty healthy mature male dogs (1–3 years old) were divided randomly into 4 groups (n = 5): melatonin, castrated and melatonin, castrated, and control. Melatonin...
Comparative Clinical Pathology
Protective and therapeutic effects of Phoenix dactylifera leaf extract on pancreatic β-cells and diabetic parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Abstract The present study is designed to assess the impact of Phoenix dactylifera (P.d) leaf extract on plasma glucose concentration, diabetic parameters, and the number of β-cells in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. In this study, diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats via intraperitoneal administration of STZ (55 mg/kg). In this study, 49 rats were divided into seven groups randomly (n = 7 per group). Our three treatment groups for 42 days were given 250 mg/kg of...
Comparative Clinical Pathology
Effect of the aqueous root extract of Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) against thermally oxidized oil-induced hematological, biochemical and histopathological alterations
Abstract This study was performed to evaluate the role of using Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) against thermally oxidized oil-induced hematological, biochemical, and histopathological alterations. Eighty male rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups (20 of each) and treated for 90 days as follows: The first one was kept as standard control group. Groups 2 and 3 received Curcuma longa (CL) 13 g/kg, 5% thermally oxidized oil to ration separately, where the last group was supplemented...
Comparative Clinical Pathology
Role of Papaverine in Salvaging Torsion Testis: a Pilot Study
Abstract Torsion of the testis is usually salvageable until 4–6 h. In the present study, we have tried to investigate the effect of papaverine on salvaging the testis. This is the first pilot study of its kind on the effect of papaverine in the human testis. A total of 11 patients presented at our hospital during February 2018–September 2019 with the diagnosis of testicular torsion. Scrotal exploration, detorsion, and warm saline immersion were done and return of color was observed....
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Supera Stent for Management of Occlusive Popliteal Artery Disease: an Indian Experience
Abstract Introduction Popliteal artery occlusion is common in elderly, smokers, and patients with diabetes, with globally rising incidence. Angioplasty and stenting are common treatment options available to manage lower limb occlusive diseases. As popliteal artery experiences high biomechanical stress, Supera stent is designed to reduce the risk of stent fractures and for better patency across the knee joint. ...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Its Use in COVID-19: Important Facts
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Analysis of the Outcome of Laparoscopic Repair for Parastomal Hernia Using the Sandwich Technique
Abstract This study aimed to analyze the outcomes of the sandwich technique for repair of parastomal hernia and provide laparoscopic intracorporeal visualization of a case 1 year following repair of parastomal hernia using the sandwich technique. Laparoscopic repair for parastomal hernia was performed using the sandwich technique. Patients characteristics and surgical outcomes were analyzed. The sandwich technique was performed in 13 patients. The mean body mass index was 29.3 kg/m2....
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Is India Overdoing Mastectomy?
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
The Great Masquerader
Abstract A 44-year-old diabetic man presented with complains of fever for 10 days, pain and swelling on right lower back for 5 days. He gave history of pain abdomen 4 weeks back, which subsided with over the counter pain killers in 2–3 days. Acute appendicitis has varied presentation and is very often considered as a great masquerader since clinical diagnosis becomes difficult in many patients. This case depicts the very unusual anatomical pathway of collection extension following...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Headache in Bariatric Patient: Is It Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?
Abstract Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Headache is a common symptom in persons with obesity; however, most are considered to be related to hypertension, visual impairment, migraine, etc. and are not given due importance in bariatric clinics. Rare condition like idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) usually presenting with headache may have debilitating consequences, if not suspected. IIH is a condition of unknown etiology characterized by persistently...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Novel Magnetic Resonance Late Gadolinium Enhancement With Fixed Short Inversion Time in Ischemic Myocardial Scars
Aims Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) visualizes scar tissue after myocardial infarction. However, in clinically used LGE sequences, subendocardial infarcts can be missed due to low contrast between blood pool and subendocardium. The purpose of his study was to compare scar visibility in a novel 3-dimensional (3D) single breath-hold inversion recovery sequence with fixed, short inversion time (TI = 100 milliseconds) (short LGE) and standard 3D LGE imaging with individually adjusted TI (LGE). ...
Investigative Radiology - Published Ahead-of-Print
Paramedian forehead flap pedicle division after 7 days using laser-assisted indocyanine green angiography
The paramedian forehead flap is a major workhorse for reconstruction of medium to large-sized nasal defects. The tissue bridge that results from the vascular pedicle results in significant cosmetic deformity, with associated social and occupational costs to the patient. This prospective cross sectional study sought to assess efficacy and safety of takedown of the flap pedicle at one week using indocyanine green (IGC) angiography to assist in determining neovascularization of the flap. This study...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Free muscle flap coverage as last resort for therapy resistant neuropathic pain in the upper extremity: a long-term retrospective follow-up study.
Persistent neuropathic pain severely impacts physical functioning and quality of life (QoL). However, optimal surgical management of persistent neuropathic pain remains unclear. Extensive neurolysis with subsequent free muscle flap coverage, a new surgical procedure for neuropathic pain in the upper extremity, can be performed as final option to establish pain reduction.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
A combined method of oral commissure lifting for perioral rejuvenation in Asians
A drooping oral commissure shows an appearance of ageing and sadness. To improve it with less complications has become a rising aesthetic concern in Asians.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
High Flow 20% SQ IgG in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Disease
Immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgG) is the mainstay of treatment in many primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDD), including common variable immunodeficiency, hypogammaglobulinemia, and antibody deficiency. Compared to intravenous administration, subcutaneous delivery is becoming the preferred route of delivery for patients due to its flexibility and mitigation of side effects1. The subcutaneous route is administered without the need for intravenous access and there‘s a decreased risk for systemic...
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
'Silent' COVID-19 More Widespread Than Thought
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- A new cruise ship study suggests that the number of people who are infected with the new coronavirus but have no symptoms may be much higher than believed. More than 80% of those who tested positive for the infection had...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
As a Nation's Worth Grows, So Do Waistlines
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Fatter wallets lead to fatter people, according to a new study. Researchers examined the link between nations' wealth and their obesity rates. They discovered citizens get plumper as their country gets richer. "As most...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Only Half of Americans Say They'd Get a Coronavirus Vaccine: Survey
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Even if a vaccine against the new coronavirus is developed, only half of Americans say they'd get it, a new survey finds. It also found that 31% weren't sure if they'd get vaccinated, and about 1 in 5 said they wouldn't...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Pollen Fragments Linger After Rains, Leaving Allergy Sufferers Miserable
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Spring showers bring … pollen. That's the surprising discovery made by researchers when they measured tree pollen fragment concentrations during and after spring rains of varying intensity in Iowa City between...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Vaping Could Put You at Risk for Gum Disease
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- E-cigarettes can damage more than your lungs: New research shows that only a few months of vaping might also trigger gum disease. "Vaping is such a big assault on the oral environment, and the change happens dramatically...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Uncles, Aunts May Influence a Child's Odds for Autism
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- A child with an uncle or aunt with autism appears to have a more than doubled risk of being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder themselves, a new U.S. government-funded study reports. Roughly 3% to 5% of children...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Drug Combos May Be Advance Against Heart Failure
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Many patients with heart failure might live years longer if they were on a combination of newer medications, a study suggests. Researchers estimate that if certain heart failure patients were prescribed a four-pill...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
A New Hip or Knee Can Do a Marriage Good, Study Finds
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- After people have a hip or knee replacement surgery, doctors expect these patients will get relief from joint pain, get around easier and once again enjoy the activities they love. Now, a new study shows that patients'...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
AHA News: Altitude? Exhaustion? Then, She Remembered the Elizabeth Banks Video
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 (American Heart Association News) -- On the final morning of a family camping trip, Stacey Bailey woke up and started cleaning. After a difficult night caring for her sick granddaughter, Bailey hauled a pile of vomit-soiled...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Scientists Spot More Genes Linked to Problem Drinking
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- It was already known that genetics can play a role in drinking problems, but now researchers have identified additional gene variants that could help identify many more at-risk people. The team conducted a genome-wide...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
AHA News: For Kids, a Pandemic of Stress Could Have Long-Term Consequences
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 (American Heart Association News) -- Chris Dier understands how trauma can follow you for a lifetime. In 2005, he was entering his senior year of high school, looking forward to a year of making memories at Andrew Jackson...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
White House Announces Plan for Medicare Recipients to Get Insulin at $35 Per Month
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Beginning next year, people on some Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plans who need insulin will be able to access the lifesaving medication for just $35 a month, according to a new plan announced by the White...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Coronavirus Cases Ticking Upwards in Nearly a Dozen U.S. States
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- A jump in coronavirus cases is being seen in nearly a dozen U.S. states, at least half of which reopened early, as the country's coronavirus case count neared 1.7 million on Wednesday. Though the overall national trend...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Alzheimer's Gene Linked to Severe COVID-19 Risk
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- People who have a flawed gene linked to Alzheimer's disease may face a higher risk of COVID-19, an international team of researchers reports. Part of the increased risk among people with dementia may owe to high rates of...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Clotting Tied to COVID-19 May Harm the Placenta
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Women who had COVID-19 while pregnant showed evidence of placental injury, suggesting a new complication of the illness, researchers say. The good news from the small study of 16 women is that "most of these babies were...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Mindfulness May Ease the Emotional Burden of MS
WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 -- Mindfulness training may help counter the thinking and emotional difficulties caused by multiple sclerosis. In a small test study, people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who had four weeks of mindfulness training emerged...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Health Highlights: May 27, 2020
Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Preventative Meds Help Reduce Rebound Headaches: Study Withdrawal therapy combined with early preventative medications help ward off medication...
Drugs.com - Daily MedNews
Treatment of Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma With Zanubrutinib, a Selective Inhibitor of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase
Purpose Mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL) is an incurable mature B-cell neoplasm with high initial response rates followed almost invariably by relapse. Prognosis for patients following relapse is poor, and treatment choices are limited. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of zanubrutinib, an investigational selective Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor. Patients and Methods Patients with relapsed/refractory MCL were enrolled in this ongoing phase 2, single-arm, open-label study and treated with oral...
Clinical Cancer Research Online First Articles

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