Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

The role of HSP90 molecular chaperones in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Related ArticlesThe role of HSP90 molecular chaperones in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Nouri-Vaskeh M, Alizadeh L, Hajiasgharzadeh K, Mokhtarzadeh A, Halimi M, Baradaran B Abstract Misfolded proteins have enhanced formation of toxic oligomers and nonfunctional protein copies lead to recruiting wild-type protein types. Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a molecular chaperone generated by cells that are involved in many...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
Effect of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery on Outcomes in Chronic Rhinosinusitis​
Abstract Purpose of Review Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) has a significant negative impact on quality of life (QoL). Surgical treatment of CRS is indicated when medical therapy fails to achieve adequate symptom control. This review summarizes the latest information on the outcomes after endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) with relation to QoL, revision rates, olfaction, absenteeism, asthma control, use of systemic medications, quality...
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports
Wed May 27, 2020 03:00
Alterations in Serum Adropin, Adiponectin, and Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels in OSAS.
Related ArticlesAlterations in Serum Adropin, Adiponectin, and Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels in OSAS. Can Respir J. 2020;2020:2571283 Authors: Celikhisar H, Ilkhan GD Abstract Objective: The present study was planned to examine the relationships between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and the newly revealed adipokines adropin and adiponectin concentrations that display significant metabolic and cardiovascular functions and the levels of proinflammatory...
pubmed: sleep apnea
Wed May 27, 2020 15:33
Effect of 5-year continuous positive airway pressure treatment on MMPs and TIMPs: implications for OSA comorbidities.
Related ArticlesEffect of 5-year continuous positive airway pressure treatment on MMPs and TIMPs: implications for OSA comorbidities. Sci Rep. 2020 May 25;10(1):8609 Authors: Simon B, Barta I, Gabor B, Paska C, Boszormenyi Nagy G, Vizi E, Antus B Abstract Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment results in nearly complete remission of symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA); however, its effect on OSA comorbidities including cardiovascular...
pubmed: sleep apnea
Wed May 27, 2020 13:09
Obstructive sleep apnea in professional rugby league athletes: An exploratory study.
Related ArticlesObstructive sleep apnea in professional rugby league athletes: An exploratory study. J Sci Med Sport. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Caia J, Halson SL, Scott A, Kelly VG Abstract OBJECTIVES: To explore the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) within a professional rugby league team and determine associations of OSA with ethnicity, positional group, and physical characteristics. DESIGN: Observational prospective cohort study. ...
pubmed: sleep apnea
Wed May 27, 2020 13:09
[Evaluation of the effect of sleep on inflammatory bowel disease patients based on propensity score matching].
Related Articles[Evaluation of the effect of sleep on inflammatory bowel disease patients based on propensity score matching]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2020 May 26;100(20):1551-1556 Authors: Wu MX, Chen XF, Zhang HM, Yang H Abstract Objective: To evaluate the sleep status and the correlation of sleep status with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: A case-control study was carried out, including 568 IBD patients including 188 ucerative colitis (UC)...
pubmed: sleep apnea
Wed May 27, 2020 13:09
Primary Synovial Sarcoma of the Thyroid: Challenges in Cytologic Diagnosis and Review of the Literature.
Related ArticlesPrimary Synovial Sarcoma of the Thyroid: Challenges in Cytologic Diagnosis and Review of the Literature. Acta Cytol. 2020 May 26;:1-9 Authors: Demirel D, Erkul E, Erkılıç S, Narlı Issın G, Ramzy I Abstract BACKGROUND: Primary synovial sarcoma (SS) of the thyroid (PSST) is extremely rare. Its differential diagnosis from other neoplasms is essential since it has different management protocols and prognosis. CASE: A 26-year-old...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 14:09
Rare thyroid malignancies in Europe: Data from the information network on rare cancers in Europe (RARECAREnet).
Related ArticlesRare thyroid malignancies in Europe: Data from the information network on rare cancers in Europe (RARECAREnet). Oral Oncol. 2020 May 23;108:104766 Authors: Locati L, Cavalieri S, Dal Maso L, Busco S, Anderson LA, Botta L, Bento MJ, Carulla M, Chirlaque López MD, Fusco M, Guevara M, Innos K, Børge Johannesen T, Micallef R, Minicozzi P, Panato C, Petrova D, Rubio-Casadevall J, Smailyte G, Francesca Vitale M, Trama A, RARECAREnet Working Group Abstract...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 14:09
Salivary gland-type mammary carcinoma arising in microglandular adenosis: A case report and clinicopathological review of the literature.
Related ArticlesSalivary gland-type mammary carcinoma arising in microglandular adenosis: A case report and clinicopathological review of the literature. Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2020 May 12;24:100178 Authors: Rico V, Shibahara Y, Monteiro M, Slodkowska E, Tam S, Zaki P, De Angelis C, Chow E, Jerzak KJ Abstract INTRODUCTION: Microglandular adenosis (MGA) is a rare benign proliferative lesion lacking a myoepithelial cell layer; 27% of all reported cases...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 14:09
Primary lumbar paraganglioma: clinical, radiological, surgical and histopathological characteristics from a case series of 13 patients.
Related ArticlesPrimary lumbar paraganglioma: clinical, radiological, surgical and histopathological characteristics from a case series of 13 patients. World Neurosurg. 2020 May 23;: Authors: Fiorini F, Lavrador JP, Vergani F, Bhangoo R, Gullan R, Reisz Z, Al-Sarraj S, Ashkan K Abstract BACKGROUND: Paragangliomas are uncommon neuro-endocrine tumours, rarely occurring in the lumbar spine. Primary lumbar paragangliomas are prominently vascularised, can...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 14:09
Implications of the presence of the vermiform appendix inside an inguinal hernia (Amyand's hernia): a systematic review of the literature.
Related ArticlesImplications of the presence of the vermiform appendix inside an inguinal hernia (Amyand's hernia): a systematic review of the literature. Hernia. 2020 May 25;: Authors: Papaconstantinou D, Garoufalia Z, Kykalos S, Nastos C, Tsapralis D, Ioannidis O, Michalinos A, Chatzimavroudis G, Schizas D Abstract PURPOSE: To identify and sum all available evidence pertaining to the management of Amyand's hernia (AH). METHODS: A systematic...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Oral squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue dorsum with multiple cancer-associated mutations in the TP53 gene.
Related ArticlesOral squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue dorsum with multiple cancer-associated mutations in the TP53 gene. Oral Oncol. 2020 May 12;:104774 Authors: Yamasaki S, Tani R, Sakurai S, Toratani S, Okamoto T Abstract OBJECTIVES: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tongue is one of the most common oral cancers, tongue dorsum being a site of low incidence of primary SCC. We report a rare case of SCC of the tongue dorsum in a 69-year-old man...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Membranous nephropathy and thymoma in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis: A case report.
Related ArticlesMembranous nephropathy and thymoma in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e20111 Authors: Lin L, Zhao L, Huo B, Zheng L, Yu R, Li W, Yang J Abstract RATIONALE: We report a rare case with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), thymoma, and membranous glomerulonephritis. The pathogenic mechanisms of these 3 diseases may be associated with each other. Here, we discuss the course of diagnosis...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Intramedullary cervical spinal cord teratoma.
Related ArticlesIntramedullary cervical spinal cord teratoma. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e20107 Authors: Wang L, Li T, Gong M, Xing F, Li L, Xiao R, Guan Q Abstract BACKGROUND: Intramedullary cervical spinal cord teratomas (ICTs) are extremely rare, and diagnosis and treatment are challenging. We conducted a systematic review of the literature on the diagnosis and treatment of ICT. METHOD: The presentation, imaging manifestations,...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Gastric lymphoma complicated by phlegmonous gastritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome: A case report.
Related ArticlesGastric lymphoma complicated by phlegmonous gastritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e20030 Authors: Kuriyama K, Koyama Y, Tsuto K, Tokuhira N, Nagata H, Muramatsu A, Oshiro M, Hirakawa Y, Iwai T, Uchiyama H Abstract INTRODUCTION: Complications such as severe infection may occur during the chemotherapy of malignant lymphoma. Phlegmonous gastritis (PG) is a rare acute bacterial infection...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Epstein-Barr virus associated hepatic smooth muscle tumor in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: A case report.
Related ArticlesEpstein-Barr virus associated hepatic smooth muscle tumor in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e19930 Authors: Zhou Q, Wu F, Guo Y, Zhu B Abstract INTRODUCTION: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated smooth muscle tumors (SMTs) usually present under the condition of immunosuppression, including congenital immunodeficiency syndrome-SMT, post-transplantation-SMT and HIV-SMT....
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Incidence trends and survival prediction of hepatoblastoma in children: a population-based study.
Related ArticlesIncidence trends and survival prediction of hepatoblastoma in children: a population-based study. Cancer Commun (Lond). 2019 10 24;39(1):62 Authors: Feng J, Polychronidis G, Heger U, Frongia G, Mehrabi A, Hoffmann K Abstract BACKGROUND: Hepatoblastoma is a rare disease that nevertheless accounts for the majority of liver malignancies in children. Due to limited epidemiological data, therapy for hepatoblastoma tends to be individualized....
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Cardiac chloroma or cardiac myeloid sarcoma: Case Report.
Related ArticlesCardiac chloroma or cardiac myeloid sarcoma: Case Report. Echocardiography. 2019 08;36(8):1594-1595 Authors: Abdelnabi MH, Almaghraby A, Saleh Y, ElSharkawy E Abstract Chloroma or myeloid sarcoma is rare extramedullary tumor composed of immature myeloid cells that may occur in association with or during or even before the course of adult myelodysplastic or myeloproliferative diseases. It may involve different organs including the orbit,...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Two enemies, one fight: An update of oral cancer in patients with Fanconi anemia.
Related ArticlesTwo enemies, one fight: An update of oral cancer in patients with Fanconi anemia. Cancer. 2019 Nov 15;125(22):3936-3946 Authors: Amenábar JM, Torres-Pereira CC, Tang KD, Punyadeera C Abstract Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare inherited genetic condition that may lead to bone marrow failure, leukemia, and/or solid tumors. It is caused by the loss of function of at least 1 gene of the FA/BRCA pathway, which is necessary for DNA repair. Patients...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Case-based discussion: a case of misdiagnosis of primary lung malignancy.
Related ArticlesCase-based discussion: a case of misdiagnosis of primary lung malignancy. Thorax. 2019 10;74(10):1003-1005 Authors: Wang R, Lightburn T, Howells J, Tahan I, Bittar M, Patnaik L, Tooze R, Mehdi SB PMID: 31383778 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Cross-sectional study of reversible airway obstruction in LAM: better evidence is needed for bronchodilator and inhaled steroid use.
Related ArticlesCross-sectional study of reversible airway obstruction in LAM: better evidence is needed for bronchodilator and inhaled steroid use. Thorax. 2019 10;74(10):999-1002 Authors: Johnson J, Johnson SR Abstract Lymphangioleiomyomatosis can be associated with reversible airflow obstruction and although no guidelines around reversibility testing or inhaled therapy exist, many patients receive bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids. To better...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
CIC-DUX4 oncoprotein drives sarcoma metastasis and tumorigenesis via distinct regulatory programs.
Related ArticlesCIC-DUX4 oncoprotein drives sarcoma metastasis and tumorigenesis via distinct regulatory programs. J Clin Invest. 2019 07 22;129(8):3401-3406 Authors: Okimoto RA, Wu W, Nanjo S, Olivas V, Lin YK, Ponce RK, Oyama R, Kondo T, Bivona TG Abstract Transcription factor fusion genes create oncoproteins that drive oncogenesis and represent challenging therapeutic targets. Understanding the molecular targets by which such fusion oncoproteins...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Management and outcomes among patients with sarcomatoid hepatocellular carcinoma: A population-based analysis.
Related ArticlesManagement and outcomes among patients with sarcomatoid hepatocellular carcinoma: A population-based analysis. Cancer. 2019 Nov 01;125(21):3767-3775 Authors: Wu L, Tsilimigras DI, Farooq A, Hyer JM, Merath K, Paredes AZ, Mehta R, Sahara K, Shen F, Pawlik TM Abstract BACKGROUND: Few data are available regarding the management and outcomes among patients with sarcomatoid hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) due to its rarity. METHODS:...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Surgical treatment for symptomatic ventriculus terminalis: case series and a literature review.
Related ArticlesSurgical treatment for symptomatic ventriculus terminalis: case series and a literature review. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 09;161(9):1901-1908 Authors: Fletcher-Sandersjöö A, Edström E, Bartek J, Elmi-Terander A Abstract BACKGROUND: Ventriculus terminalis is a cystic embryological remnant within the conus medullaris that normally regresses after birth. In rare cases, it may persist into adulthood and give rise to neurological symptoms,...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Genomic profile of a primary squamous cell carcinoma arising from malignant transformation of a pineal epidermoid cyst.
Related ArticlesGenomic profile of a primary squamous cell carcinoma arising from malignant transformation of a pineal epidermoid cyst. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 09;161(9):1829-1834 Authors: Gerges MM, Godil SS, Rumalla K, Liechty B, Pisapia DJ, Magge RS, Schwartz TH Abstract Malignant transformation of intracranial epidermoid cysts is a rare occurrence. We present the second case of such an event occurring in the pineal region and the first case...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Combined transthoracic echocardiography and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography to trace intravenous leiomyomatosis with intracardiac extension.
Related ArticlesCombined transthoracic echocardiography and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography to trace intravenous leiomyomatosis with intracardiac extension. Echocardiography. 2019 08;36(8):1573-1576 Authors: Luo X, Li R, Li Z Abstract Intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) with intracardiac extension is a rare condition, which the benign tumor invades into the right heart through inferior vena cava. We described the findings of ultrasonography in eight...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Treatment considerations for cervical and cervicothoracic spondylodiscitis associated with esophageal fistula due to cancer history or accidental injury: a 9-patient case series.
Related ArticlesTreatment considerations for cervical and cervicothoracic spondylodiscitis associated with esophageal fistula due to cancer history or accidental injury: a 9-patient case series. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 09;161(9):1877-1886 Authors: Janssen I, Shiban E, Rienmüller A, Ryang YM, Chaker AM, Meyer B Abstract BACKGROUND: The combination of cervical spondylodiscitis and esophageal fistula is rare but life-threatening. Due to both the rarity...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
The antero-dorsal precuneal cortex supports specific aspects of bodily awareness.
Related ArticlesThe antero-dorsal precuneal cortex supports specific aspects of bodily awareness. Brain. 2019 08 01;142(8):2207-2214 Authors: Herbet G, Lemaitre AL, Moritz-Gasser S, Cochereau J, Duffau H Abstract The precuneus is a functionally heterogeneous area located on the medial face of the parietal cortex, wedged between the occipital cortex and the paracentral lobule. In view of its topological positioning, this associative cortex is well-placed...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Myeloid sarcoma: deciphering a rare cause of cardiac compromise.
Related ArticlesMyeloid sarcoma: deciphering a rare cause of cardiac compromise. Br J Haematol. 2019 07;186(2):203 Authors: Herlihy N, Groarke EM, McHugh J, Enright H, Conneally E PMID: 31069785 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma: clinicopathological spectrums and diagnosis reappraisal.
Related ArticlesSinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma: clinicopathological spectrums and diagnosis reappraisal. Hum Pathol. 2019 07;89:62-70 Authors: Vaziri Fard E, Zhang S, Cai Z, Ding J, Sun Q, Saluja K, Zhu H Abstract Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma (SNUC) is defined as undifferentiated carcinoma of the sinonasal tract without glandular or squamous features and not otherwise classifiable. SNUC is a rare tumor, with a long list of differential...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Multicentre retrospective study of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma treated at academic institutions within the United States.
Related ArticlesMulticentre retrospective study of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma treated at academic institutions within the United States. Br J Haematol. 2019 07;186(2):255-262 Authors: Geer M, Roberts E, Shango M, Till BG, Smith SD, Abbas H, Hill BT, Kaplan J, Barr PM, Caimi P, Stephens DM, Lin E, Herrera AF, Rosenbaum E, Amengual JE, Boonstra PS, Devata S, Wilcox RA, Kaminski MS, Phillips TJ Abstract Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL)...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
True MEN1 or phenocopy? Evidence for geno-phenotypic correlations in MEN1 syndrome.
Related ArticlesTrue MEN1 or phenocopy? Evidence for geno-phenotypic correlations in MEN1 syndrome. Endocrine. 2019 08;65(2):451-459 Authors: Kövesdi A, Tóth M, Butz H, Szücs N, Sármán B, Pusztai P, Tőke J, Reismann P, Fáklya M, Tóth G, Somogyi A, Borka K, Erdei A, Nagy EV, Deák V, Valkusz Z, Igaz P, Patócs A, Grolmusz VK Abstract PURPOSE: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is a rare tumor syndrome caused by germline mutations of MEN1 gene. Phenotype...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Congenital Neutropenia and Rare Functional Phagocyte Disorders in Children.
Related ArticlesCongenital Neutropenia and Rare Functional Phagocyte Disorders in Children. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2019 06;33(3):533-551 Authors: Walkovich K, Connelly JA Abstract Both profound neutropenia and functional phagocyte disorders render patients susceptible to recurrent, unusual, and/or life-threatening infections. Many disorders also have nonhematologic manifestations and a substantial risk of leukemogenesis. Diagnosis relies on clinical...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
Urothelial carcinoma with an NRF1-BRAF rearrangement and response to targeted therapy.
Related ArticlesUrothelial carcinoma with an NRF1-BRAF rearrangement and response to targeted therapy. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2019 06;5(3): Authors: Isaacson AL, Guseva NV, Bossler AD, Ma D Abstract Although BRAF mutations are commonly identified in many solid tumors and the response of BRAF p.V600E-positive tumors to targeted therapy is well documented, BRAF rearrangements are less frequent and are predominantly found in low-grade glioma,...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
β-Mannosidosis caused by a novel homozygous intragenic inverted duplication in MANBA.
Related Articlesβ-Mannosidosis caused by a novel homozygous intragenic inverted duplication in MANBA. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2019 06;5(3): Authors: Blomqvist M, Smeland MF, Lindgren J, Sikora P, Riise Stensland HMF, Asin-Cayuela J Abstract β-Mannosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by accumulation of disaccharides due to deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme β-mannosidase. The disease is caused by mutations in MANBA and is extremely...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
High density is a property of slow-cycling and treatment-resistant human glioblastoma cells.
Related ArticlesHigh density is a property of slow-cycling and treatment-resistant human glioblastoma cells. Exp Cell Res. 2019 05 01;378(1):76-86 Authors: Sabelström H, Quigley DA, Fenster T, Foster DJ, Fuchshuber CAM, Saxena S, Yuan E, Li N, Paterno F, Phillips JJ, James CD, Norling B, Berger MS, Persson AI Abstract Slow-cycling and treatment-resistant cancer cells escape therapy, providing a rationale for regrowth and recurrence in patients. Much...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
A systematic review of re-induction chemotherapy for children with relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma.
Related ArticlesA systematic review of re-induction chemotherapy for children with relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma. Eur J Cancer. 2019 04;111:50-58 Authors: Herd F, Basta NO, McNally RJQ, Tweddle DA Abstract BACKGROUND: Despite aggressive multimodal therapy, >50% of children with high-risk neuroblastoma (HRNB) relapse. Survival after relapse is rare, and no consensus currently exists on the most effective therapy. OBJECTIVE: To conduct...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
PDQ Cancer Information Summaries
Related ArticlesPDQ Cancer Information Summaries Book. 2002 Authors: Abstract This PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information about the treatment of rare cancers of childhood. It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer patients. It does not provide formal guidelines or recommendations for making health care decisions. This summary is reviewed regularly...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08
PDQ Cancer Information Summaries
Related ArticlesPDQ Cancer Information Summaries Book. 2002 Authors: Abstract This PDQ cancer information summary has current information about the treatment of rare cancers of childhood. It is meant to inform and help patients, families, and caregivers. It does not give formal guidelines or recommendations for making decisions about health care. Editorial Boards write the PDQ cancer information summaries and keep them up to date. These Boards are made up of experts...
Rare Cancers
Wed May 27, 2020 13:08

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