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Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

High resolution 3D visualization of the spinal cord in a post-mortem murine model
Bukreeva, I; Asadchikov, V; Buzmakov, A; Chukalina, M; Ingacheva, A; Korolev, NA; Bravin, A; ... Cedola, A; + view all Bukreeva, I; Asadchikov, V; Buzmakov, A; Chukalina, M; Ingacheva, A; Korolev, NA; Bravin, A; Mittone, A; Biella, GEM; Sierra, A; Brun, F; Massimi, L; Fratini, M; Cedola, A; - view fewer (2020) High resolution 3D visualization of the spinal cord in a post-mortem murine model. Biomedical Optics...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Understanding recent trends in inflation
Batura, N; (2008) Understanding recent trends in inflation. Economic and Political Weekly , 43 (24) pp. 108-111.
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Covid-19: Important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind
Lazzarino, AI; Steptoe, A; Hamer, M; Michie, S; (2020) Covid-19: Important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind. The BMJ , 369 , Article m2003. 10.1136/bmj.m2003 . Green open access
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An edition with commentary of selected epigrams of Crinagoras
Ypsilanti, Maria; (2003) An edition with commentary of selected epigrams of Crinagoras. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Heart failure and chronic kidney disease manifestation and mortality risk associations in type 2 diabetes: a large multinational cohort study
Birkeland, KI; Bodegard, J; Eriksson, JW; Norhammar, A; Haller, H; Linssen, GCM; Banerjee, A; ... Kadowaki, T; + view all Birkeland, KI; Bodegard, J; Eriksson, JW; Norhammar, A; Haller, H; Linssen, GCM; Banerjee, A; Thuresson, M; Okami, S; Garal-Pantaler, E; Overbeek, J; Mamza, JB; Zhang, R; Yajima, T; Komuro, I; Kadowaki, T; - view fewer (2020) Heart failure and chronic kidney disease manifestation and mortality...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for PD-L1 Testing In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Perrotta, F; Nankivell, M; Adizie, B; Maqsood, U; Elshafi, M; Jafri, S; Lerner, AD; ... Navani, N; + view all Perrotta, F; Nankivell, M; Adizie, B; Maqsood, U; Elshafi, M; Jafri, S; Lerner, AD; Woolhouse, I; Munavvar, M; Evison, M; Booton, R; Baldwin, DR; Janes, SM; Kerr, KM; Bianco, A; Yarmus, L; Navani, N; - view fewer (2020) Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for PD-L1 Testing...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Early childhood bilingualism: effects on brain structure and function [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
Goksan, S; Argyri, F; Clayden, JD; Liegeois, F; Wei, L; (2020) Early childhood bilingualism: effects on brain structure and function [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research , 9 , Article 370. 10.12688/f1000research.23216.1 . Green open access
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Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding the transformation-sensitive actin cross-linking protein transgelin
Prinjha, Rabinder Kumar; (1994) Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding the transformation-sensitive actin cross-linking protein transgelin. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.), University College London (United Kingdom). Green open access
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The narrator's voice: Hellenistic poetry and Archaic narrative
Morrison, Andrew Donald; (2002) The narrator's voice: Hellenistic poetry and Archaic narrative. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Recent advances in understanding and managing hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease
Kerbert, AJC; Jalan, R; (2020) Recent advances in understanding and managing hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease. F1000Research , 9 , Article 312. 10.12688/f1000research.22183.1 . Green open access
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Late-onset psychosis and adjustment to ageing
Giblin, Sharon; (2001) Late-onset psychosis and adjustment to ageing. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group
Han, LKM; Dinga, R; Hahn, T; Ching, CRK; Eyler, LT; Aftanas, L; Aghajani, M; ...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
A soluble phosphorylated tau signature links tau, amyloid and the evolution of stages of dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease
Barthelemy, NR; Li, Y; Joseph-Mathurin, N; Gordon, BA; Hassenstab, J; Benzinger, TLS; Buckles, V; ...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Pseudo-Apollodoros' Bibliotheke and the Greek mythological tradition
Kylintirea, Evangelia; (2002) Pseudo-Apollodoros' Bibliotheke and the Greek mythological tradition. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Novel defect in phosphatidylinositol 4‐kinase type 2‐alpha (PI4K2A) at the membrane‐enzyme interface is associated with metabolic cutis laxa
Mohamed, M; Gardeitchik, T; Balasubramaniam, S; Guerrero-Castillo, S; Dalloyaux, D; van Kraaij, S; Venselaar, H; ... Wevers, RA; + view all Mohamed, M; Gardeitchik, T; Balasubramaniam, S; Guerrero-Castillo, S; Dalloyaux, D; van Kraaij, S; Venselaar, H; Hoischen, A; Urban, Z; Brandt, U; Al-Shawi, R; Simons, JP; Frison, M; Ngu, L-H; Callewaert, B; Spelbrink, H; Kallemeijn, WW; Aerts, JMFG; Waugh, MG;...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
A single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-Seq toolbox for fresh and frozen human tumors
Slyper, M; Porter, CBM; Ashenberg, O; Waldman, J; Drokhlyansky, E; Wakiro, I; Smillie, C; ... Regev, A; + view all Slyper, M; Porter, CBM; Ashenberg, O; Waldman, J; Drokhlyansky, E; Wakiro, I; Smillie, C; Smith-Rosario, G; Wu, J; Dionne, D; Vigneau, S; Jané-Valbuena, J; Tickle, TL; Napolitano,...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Changes in the Effective Connectivity of the Social Brain When Making Inferences About Close Others vs. the Self
Esménio, S; Soares, JM; Oliveira-Silva, P; Gonçalves, ÓF; Friston, K; Fernandes Coutinho, J; (2020) Changes in the Effective Connectivity of the Social Brain When Making Inferences About Close Others vs. the Self. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 14 , Article 151. 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00151 . Green open access
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Biomarker profiling beyond amyloid and tau: cerebrospinal fluid markers, hippocampal atrophy, and memory change in cognitively unimpaired older adults
Idland, AV; Sala-Llonch, R; Watne, LO; Brækhus, A; Hansson, O; Blennow, K; Zetterberg, H; ... Fjell, AM; + view all Idland, AV; Sala-Llonch, R; Watne, LO; Brækhus, A; Hansson, O; Blennow, K; Zetterberg, H; Sørensen, Ø; Walhovd, KB; Wyller, TB; Fjell, AM; - view fewer (2020) Biomarker profiling beyond amyloid and tau: cerebrospinal fluid markers, hippocampal atrophy, and memory change in cognitively unimpaired older adults. ...
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St. Augustine's Platonic sources as intertexts
Stanfiel, Joseph Byrd; (2002) St. Augustine's Platonic sources as intertexts. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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MTE-NODDI: Multi-TE NODDI for disentangling non-T2-weighted signal fractions from compartment-specific T2 relaxation times
Gong, T; Tong, Q; He, H; Sun, Y; Zhong, J; Zhang, H; (2020) MTE-NODDI: Multi-TE NODDI for disentangling non-T2-weighted signal fractions from compartment-specific T2 relaxation times. NeuroImage , 217 , Article 116906. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116906 . Green open access
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The psychological impact of skin disorders on children and their families
Titman, Penelope Susan; (2001) The psychological impact of skin disorders on children and their families. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
UCL Discovery: No conditions
An Investigation of the Free Energy Principle for Emotion Recognition
Demekas, D; Parr, T; Friston, KJ; (2020) An Investigation of the Free Energy Principle for Emotion Recognition. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience , 14 , Article 30. 10.3389/fncom.2020.00030 . Green open access
UCL Discovery: No conditions
The ReSiT study (reducing sitting time): rationale and protocol for an exploratory pilot study of an intervention to reduce sitting time among office workers
Gardner, B; Dewitt, S; Smith, L; Buckley, JP; Biddle, SJH; Mansfield, L; (2017) The ReSiT study (reducing sitting time): rationale and protocol for an exploratory pilot study of an intervention to reduce sitting time among office workers. Pilot and Feasibility Studies , 3 , Article 47. 10.1186/s40814-017-0191-2 . Green open access
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A commentry on Solon's poems
Noussia, Maria; (1999) A commentry on Solon's poems. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Emergency paediatric critical care in England: describing trends using routine hospital data
Lewis, KM; Parekh, SM; Ramnarayan, P; Gilbert, R; Hardelid, P; Wijlaars, L; (2020) Emergency paediatric critical care in England: describing trends using routine hospital data. Archives of Disease in Childhood 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317902 . (In press). Green open access
UCL Discovery: No conditions
The Cell Biology Of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Relationship To Histology And Clinical Outcome.
Horlock, Nigel; (1999) The Cell Biology Of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Relationship To Histology And Clinical Outcome. Doctoral thesis (M.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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The search for immortality in archaic Greek myth
Burton, Diana Helen; (1997) The search for immortality in archaic Greek myth. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Hybrid Thermo-Electrochemical In Situ Instrumentation for Lithium-Ion Energy Storage
Amietszajew, T; Fleming, J; Roberts, AJ; Widanage, WD; Greenwood, D; Kok, MDR; Pham, M; ... Bhagat, R; + view all Amietszajew, T; Fleming, J; Roberts, AJ; Widanage, WD; Greenwood, D; Kok, MDR; Pham, M; Brett, DJL; Shearing, PR; Bhagat, R; - view fewer (2019) Hybrid Thermo-Electrochemical In Situ Instrumentation for Lithium-Ion Energy Storage. Batteries & Supercaps , 2 (11) pp. 934-940. 10.1002/batt.201900109 . ...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Neuregulin 1 Type I Overexpression Is Associated with Reduced NMDA Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Signaling in Hippocampal Interneurons Expressing PV or CCK
Kotzadimitriou, D; Nissen, W; Paizs, M; Newton, K; Harrison, PJ; Paulsen, O; Lamsa, K; (2018) Neuregulin 1 Type I Overexpression Is Associated with Reduced NMDA Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Signaling in Hippocampal Interneurons Expressing PV or CCK. eNeuro , 5 (2) , Article e0418. 10.1523/ENEURO.0418-17.2018 . Green open access
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Базовые клинико-лабораторные показатели при сахарном диабете 2 типа и риск сердечно-сосудистой смерти = Type 2 diabetes: basic clinical and laboratory parameters and risk of cardiovascular death
Rymar, OD; Shcherbakova, LV; Shchetinina, AO; Mustafina, SV; Ragino, YI; Bobak, M; Malyutina, SK; (2020) Базовые клинико-лабораторные показатели при сахарном диабете 2 типа и риск сердечно-сосудистой смерти = Type 2 diabetes: basic clinical and laboratory parameters and risk of cardiovascular death. Российский кардиологический журнал = Russian Journal of Cardiology , 25 (4) p. 3822. 10.15829/1560-4071-2020-3822 . Green open access
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Attachment and early maladaptive schemas in alcohol dependence
McAnena, Caoimhe; (2001) Attachment and early maladaptive schemas in alcohol dependence. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Equine penile squamous cell carcinoma: expression of biomarker proteins and EcPV2
Arthurs, C; Suarez-Bonnet, A; Willis, C; Xie, B; Machulla, N; Mair, TS; Cao, K; ... Ahmed, A; + view all Arthurs, C; Suarez-Bonnet, A; Willis, C; Xie, B; Machulla, N; Mair, TS; Cao, K; Millar, M; Thrasivoulou, C; Priestnall, SL; Ahmed, A; - view fewer (2020) Equine penile squamous cell carcinoma: expression of biomarker proteins and EcPV2. Scientific Reports , 10 , Article 7863. 10.1038/s41598-020-64014-3 . ...
UCL Discovery: No conditions
The legacy of difficulty in the Russian poetic tradition : Contemporary critical responses to Ivanov's Cor Ardens
Davidson, P; (1994) The legacy of difficulty in the Russian poetic tradition : Contemporary critical responses to Ivanov's Cor Ardens. Cahiers du Monde Russe , 35 (1) pp. 249-267. 10.3406/cmr.1994.2389 .
UCL Discovery: No conditions
Identification and catalytic properties of new epoxide hydrolases from the genomic data of soil bacteria
Stojanovski, G; Dobrijevic, D; Hailes, HC; Ward, JM; (2020) Identification and catalytic properties of new epoxide hydrolases from the genomic data of soil bacteria. Enzyme and Microbial Technology , 139 , Article 109592. 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2020.109592 . Green open access
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Sensitivity of Colorectal Cancer to Arginine Deprivation Therapy is Shaped by Differential Expression of Urea Cycle Enzymes
Alexandrou, C; Al-Aqbi, SS; Higgins, JA; Boyle, W; Karmokar, A; Andreadi, C; Luo, J-L; ... Rufini, A; + view all Alexandrou, C; Al-Aqbi, SS; Higgins, JA; Boyle, W; Karmokar, A; Andreadi, C; Luo, J-L; Moore, DA; Viskaduraki, M; Blades, M; Murray, GI; Howells, LM; Thomas, A; Brown, K; Cheng, PN; Rufini, A; - view fewer (2018) Sensitivity of Colorectal Cancer to Arginine Deprivation Therapy is Shaped by Differential...
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Breakage of protein precipitates in mechanically agitated vessels
Stavrinides, Steven; (1995) Breakage of protein precipitates in mechanically agitated vessels. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access
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Predictors of pain in general ageing populations: results from a multi-country analysis based on ATHLOS harmonized database
Raggi, A; Leonardi, M; Mellor-Marsá, B; Moneta, MV; Sanchez-Niubo, A; Tyrovolas, S; Giné-Vázquez, I; ... Corso, B; + view all Raggi, A; Leonardi, M; Mellor-Marsá, B; Moneta, MV; Sanchez-Niubo, A; Tyrovolas, S; Giné-Vázquez, I; Haro, JM; Chatterji, S; Bobak, M; Ayuso-Mateos, JL; Arndt, H; Hossin, MZ; Bickenbach, J; Koskinen, S; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B; Panagiotakos, D; Corso, B; - view fewer (2020) Predictors...
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Does Confinement Enable Methane Hydrate Growth at Low Pressures? Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Yu, KB; Yazaydin, AO; (2020) Does Confinement Enable Methane Hydrate Growth at Low Pressures? Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 124 (20) pp. 11015-11022. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c02246 . Green open access
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Anketa o 'bílých místech' současné literárněvědné bohemistiky
Bílek, PA; Bolton, J; Grigorov, D; Holý, J; Chitnis, RA; Janáček, P; Janoušek, P; ... Zusi, P; + view all Bílek, PA; Bolton, J; Grigorov, D; Holý, J; Chitnis, RA; Janáček, P; Janoušek, P; Malura, J; Matonoha, J; Nechutová, J; Papoušek, V; Poslední, P; Putna, M; Tureček, D; Wögerbauer, M; Zusi, P; - view fewer (2010) Anketa o 'bílých místech' současné literárněvědné bohemistiky. Česká literatura...
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