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Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2020

Olfaction in Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: The first study.
Related ArticlesOlfaction in Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: The first study. Am J Otolaryngol. 2019 Sep 10;:102298 Authors: Mishra A, Pandey P, Mishra SC Abstract BACKGROUND: To study the pattern of olfactory dysfunction/recovery in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). METHODS: Olfactory assessment was undertaken in 30 patients (category1) both pre- & post-operatively and in another 18 (category 2) only postoperative....
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
The effect of preservation of the supraclavicular nerve on sensation recovery in endoscopic thyroidectomy via a gasless anterior chest approach: A prospective study.
Related ArticlesThe effect of preservation of the supraclavicular nerve on sensation recovery in endoscopic thyroidectomy via a gasless anterior chest approach: A prospective study. Surgeon. 2020 May 22;: Authors: Zhou Z, Liang F, Yu S, Huang X Abstract BACKGROUND: Factors to sensory change on the neck and chest after endoscopic thyroidectomy were not well studied. The aim of this study was to assess whether preservation of the supraclavicular nerve...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Development and Validation of the Thyroidectomy-Related Voice and Symptom Questionnaire (TVSQ).
Related ArticlesDevelopment and Validation of the Thyroidectomy-Related Voice and Symptom Questionnaire (TVSQ). J Voice. 2020 May 22;: Authors: Hwang YS, Shim MR, Kim GJ, Lee DH, Nam IC, Park JO, Kim SY, Park YH, Bae JS, Lee SH, Kim JS, Sun DI Abstract OBJECTIVES: Common symptoms after thyroidectomy include voice change and throat and neck discomfort. But no common questionnaire has been developed. This study was performed to evaluate the reliability...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Identification of single nucleotide pleomorphisms associated with periodontal disease in head and neck cancer irradiation patients by exome sequencing.
Related ArticlesIdentification of single nucleotide pleomorphisms associated with periodontal disease in head and neck cancer irradiation patients by exome sequencing. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2020 May 22;: Authors: Talevi V, Wen J, Lalla RV, Brennan MT, Mougeot FB, Mougeot JC Abstract OBJECTIVE: Periodontal disease (PD) is a common oral complication in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) undergoing radiation therapy (RT)....
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Virtual assistance in oral medicine for prioritizing oral cancer diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Related ArticlesVirtual assistance in oral medicine for prioritizing oral cancer diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Lopes MA, Santos-Silva AR, Vargas PA, Kowalski LP PMID: 32451230 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Radiotherapy-related skin toxicity (RAREST-02): A randomized trial testing the effect of a mobile application reminding head-and-neck cancer patients to perform skin care (reminder app) on radiation dermatitis.
Related ArticlesRadiotherapy-related skin toxicity (RAREST-02): A randomized trial testing the effect of a mobile application reminding head-and-neck cancer patients to perform skin care (reminder app) on radiation dermatitis. Trials. 2020 May 25;21(1):424 Authors: Rades D, Narvaez CA, Doemer C, Janssen S, Olbrich D, Tvilsted S, Conde-Moreno AJ, Cacicedo J Abstract BACKGROUND: Radiotherapy of head-and-neck cancer can be associated with significant...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Inter-examiner reliability of radiographic measurements from Open-mouth lateral bending cervical radiographs.
Related ArticlesInter-examiner reliability of radiographic measurements from Open-mouth lateral bending cervical radiographs. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020 May 26;28(1):32 Authors: Hariharan KV, Terhorst L, Maxwell MD, Bise CG, Timko MG, Schneider MJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Following head and neck trauma, the involvement of the cranio-cervical junction (CCJ) and its contribution to a patients transition to chronic pain, is poorly understood. The detection...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Development of two psychological experience questionnaires for screening violence-related mental health disorders of non-psychiatric inpatients.
Related ArticlesDevelopment of two psychological experience questionnaires for screening violence-related mental health disorders of non-psychiatric inpatients. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2020 May 25;18(1):151 Authors: Meng Y, Li Y, Cao H, Xu Y, Wang B Abstract BACKGROUND: Increased violent events happen in the general hospitals in China and yet non-psychiatric departments do not have tools for violence-tendency screening. METHODS: The...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Published in High-Impact Otolaryngology Journals.
Related ArticlesMethodological Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Published in High-Impact Otolaryngology Journals. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820924621 Authors: Martinez-Monedero R, Danielian A, Angajala V, Dinalo JE, Kezirian EJ Abstract OBJECTIVE: To assess the methodological quality of intervention-focused systematic reviews (SRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) published in high-impact otolaryngology journals. ...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Surgical Team Exposure to Cautery Smoke and Its Mitigation during Tonsillectomy.
Related ArticlesSurgical Team Exposure to Cautery Smoke and Its Mitigation during Tonsillectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820917394 Authors: O'Brien DC, Lee EG, Soo JC, Friend S, Callaham S, Carr MM Abstract OBJECTIVES: To assess the exposure of surgical personnel to known carcinogens during pediatric tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T&A) and compare the efficacy of surgical smoke evacuation systems during T&A. ...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
An Analysis of 1-Year Charges for Head and Neck Cancer: Targets for Value-Based Interventions.
Related ArticlesAn Analysis of 1-Year Charges for Head and Neck Cancer: Targets for Value-Based Interventions. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820921401 Authors: Pang J, Crawford K, Faraji F, Ramsey C, Kemp A, Califano JA Abstract OBJECTIVE: To identify the dominant clinical factors associated with increased 1-year charges in treating head and neck cancer. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review. SETTING: Single academic...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Adherence to American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Systematic Review.
Related ArticlesAdherence to American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Systematic Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820922155 Authors: Ryan MA, Leu GR, Boss EF, Raynor EM, Walsh JM Abstract OBJECTIVE: Clinical practice guidelines synthesize and disseminate the best available evidence to guide clinical decisions and increase high-quality care. Since 2004, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
The Trach Trail: A Systems-Based Pathway to Improve Quality of Tracheostomy Care and Interdisciplinary Collaboration.
Related ArticlesThe Trach Trail: A Systems-Based Pathway to Improve Quality of Tracheostomy Care and Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820917427 Authors: Cherney RL, Pandian V, Ninan A, Eastman D, Barnes B, King E, Miller B, Judkins S, Smith AE, Smith NM, Hanley J, Creutz E, Carlson M, Schneider KJ, Shever LL, Casper KA, Davidson PM, Brenner MJ Abstract OBJECTIVE: To implement a standardized tracheostomy...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Evolving Management of COVID-19: A Multi-institutional Otolaryngology Perspective.
Related ArticlesEvolving Management of COVID-19: A Multi-institutional Otolaryngology Perspective. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820930244 Authors: Wickemeyer JL, Billings KR, Valika TS Abstract OBJECTIVE: To provide evolving information on active protocols regarding inpatient, outpatient, procedural, and surgical case management taking place in otolaryngology practices in response to COVID-19. STUDY TYPE: Cross-sectional...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Safety and Prognosis in Percutaneous vs Surgical Tracheostomy in 27 Patients With COVID-19.
Related ArticlesSafety and Prognosis in Percutaneous vs Surgical Tracheostomy in 27 Patients With COVID-19. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820931801 Authors: Riestra-Ayora J, Yanes-Diaz J, Penuelas O, Molina-Quiros C, Sanz-Fernández R, Martin-Sanz E Abstract During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, patients in intensive care units who are undergoing long-term intubation may require tracheostomy. There is controversy about indication and health...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
In Situ Simulation to Assess Pediatric Tracheostomy Care Safety: A Novel Multicenter Quality Improvement Program.
Related ArticlesIn Situ Simulation to Assess Pediatric Tracheostomy Care Safety: A Novel Multicenter Quality Improvement Program. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820923659 Authors: Shah SJ, Cusumano C, Ahmed S, Ma A, Jafri FN, Yang CJ Abstract OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were (1) to use in situ simulation to assess the clinical environment and identify latent safety threats (LSTs) related to the management of pediatric tracheostomy...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
An Otolaryngologist Redeployed to a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit: Lessons Learned.
Related ArticlesAn Otolaryngologist Redeployed to a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit: Lessons Learned. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820931819 Authors: Dhar SI Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a significant personnel burden on intensive care units across the globe. Physicians from various specialties, including otolaryngology, have heeded the call and been redeployed to provide support, serving in a capacity outside their usual...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pediatric Otolaryngology Perspective.
Related ArticlesTelemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pediatric Otolaryngology Perspective. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820931827 Authors: Maurrasse SE, Rastatter JC, Hoff SR, Billings KR, Valika TS Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has created a situation unparalleled in our lifetime. As the medical community has attempted to navigate a sea of ever-changing information and policies, this uncertainty has instead bred creativity,...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
The Impact of the Pandemic on Otolaryngology Patients With Negative COVID-19 Status: Commentary and Insights From Orbital Emergencies.
Related ArticlesThe Impact of the Pandemic on Otolaryngology Patients With Negative COVID-19 Status: Commentary and Insights From Orbital Emergencies. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820931082 Authors: Fastenberg JH, Bottalico D, Kennedy WA, Sheikh A, Setzen M, Rodgers R Abstract Efforts aimed at minimizing the spread of COVID-19 and "flattening the curve" may be affecting clinical care delivery for non-COVID-19 cases that include...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Initial Facial Feminization Surgery Experience in a Multicenter Integrated Health Care System.
Related ArticlesInitial Facial Feminization Surgery Experience in a Multicenter Integrated Health Care System. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820924635 Authors: Chou DW, Tejani N, Kleinberger A, Shih C Abstract OBJECTIVE: There are few large studies on facial feminization surgery (FFS). We provide the largest comprehensive report to date of an FFS cohort regarding the safety of multilevel surgery, patient-specific considerations with...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
How Strong Is the Duty to Treat in a Pandemic? Ethics in Practice: Point-Counterpoint.
Related ArticlesHow Strong Is the Duty to Treat in a Pandemic? Ethics in Practice: Point-Counterpoint. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820930246 Authors: Redmann AJ, Manning A, Kennedy A, Greinwald JH, deAlarcon A PMID: 32450750 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
SimTube: A National Simulation Training and Research Project.
Related ArticlesSimTube: A National Simulation Training and Research Project. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820920833 Authors: Wiet GJ, Deutsch ES, Malekzadeh S, Onwuka AJ, Callender NW, Seidman MD, Fried MP Abstract OBJECTIVE: To test the feasibility and impact of a simulation training program for myringotomy and tube (M&T) placement. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective randomized controlled. SETTING: Multi-institutional....
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Reliability of Measuring Insertion Depth in Cochlear Implanted Infants and Children Using Cochlear View Radiography.
Related ArticlesReliability of Measuring Insertion Depth in Cochlear Implanted Infants and Children Using Cochlear View Radiography. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820921857 Authors: Noble AR, Christianson E, Norton SJ, Ou HC, Phillips GS, Khalatbari H, Friedman SD, Horn DL Abstract OBJECTIVES: Cochlear implant depth of insertion affects audiologic outcomes and can be measured in adults using plain films obtained in the "cochlear...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Psychological Status as an Effect Modifier of the Association Between Sinonasal Instrument and Imaging Results.
Related ArticlesPsychological Status as an Effect Modifier of the Association Between Sinonasal Instrument and Imaging Results. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820926129 Authors: Zhou AS, Prince AA, Maxfield AZ, Shin JJ Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine whether psychological status is an effect modifier of the previously observed low discriminatory capacity of Sinonasal Outcome Test-22 (SNOT-22) scores for Lund-Mackay computed tomography...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Virtual Dysphagia Evaluation: Practical Guidelines for Dysphagia Management in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Related ArticlesVirtual Dysphagia Evaluation: Practical Guidelines for Dysphagia Management in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 May 26;:194599820931791 Authors: Soldatova L, Williams C, Postma GN, Falk GW, Mirza N Abstract With encouraging signs of pandemic containment nationwide, the promise of return to a full range of clinical practice is on the horizon. Clinicians are starting to prepare for a transition...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Chromosome band 11q23 deletion predicts poor prognosis in bone marrow metastatic neuroblastoma patients without MYCN amplification.
Related ArticlesChromosome band 11q23 deletion predicts poor prognosis in bone marrow metastatic neuroblastoma patients without MYCN amplification. Cancer Commun (Lond). 2019 11 04;39(1):68 Authors: Yue ZX, Xing TY, Gao C, Liu SG, Zhao W, Zhao Q, Wang XS, Jin M, Ma XL Abstract BACKGROUND: Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of bone marrow cells has been confirmed to be a direct and valid method to assess the v-myc avian myelocytomatosis...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Chinese nonmedicinal herbal diet and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A population-based case-control study.
Related ArticlesChinese nonmedicinal herbal diet and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A population-based case-control study. Cancer. 2019 12 15;125(24):4462-4470 Authors: Lin C, Cao SM, Chang ET, Liu Z, Cai Y, Zhang Z, Chen G, Huang QH, Xie SH, Zhang Y, Yun J, Jia WH, Zheng Y, Liao J, Chen Y, Lin L, Liu Q, Ernberg I, Huang G, Zeng Y, Zeng YX, Adami HO, Ye W Abstract BACKGROUND: An association between a nonmedicinal herbal diet and nasopharyngeal carcinoma...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Evofosfamide sensitizes esophageal carcinomas to radiation without increasing normal tissue toxicity.
Related ArticlesEvofosfamide sensitizes esophageal carcinomas to radiation without increasing normal tissue toxicity. Radiother Oncol. 2019 12;141:247-255 Authors: Spiegelberg L, van Hoof SJ, Biemans R, Lieuwes NG, Marcus D, Niemans R, Theys J, Yaromina A, Lambin P, Verhaegen F, Dubois LJ Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Esophageal cancer incidence is increasing and is rarely curable. Hypoxic tumor areas cause resistance to conventional therapies,...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Avoidance of scapular winging while approaching tumors of the middle scalene region.
Related ArticlesAvoidance of scapular winging while approaching tumors of the middle scalene region. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 09;161(9):1937-1942 Authors: Puffer RC, Stone J, Spinner RJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Large tumors arising from the middle scalene region can displace the middle scalene muscle and distort regional anatomy, placing nerves at risk. Understanding the surgical anatomy of these nerves is key to approaching pathology of the middle scalene...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Tumor characteristics associated with engraftment of patient-derived non-small cell lung cancer xenografts in immunocompromised mice.
Related ArticlesTumor characteristics associated with engraftment of patient-derived non-small cell lung cancer xenografts in immunocompromised mice. Cancer. 2019 11 01;125(21):3738-3748 Authors: Chen Y, Zhang R, Wang L, Correa AM, Pataer A, Xu Y, Zhang X, Ren C, Wu S, Meng QH, Fujimoto J, Jensen VB, Antonoff MB, Hofstetter WL, Mehran RJ, Pisimisis G, Rice DC, Sepesi B, Vaporciyan AA, Walsh GL, Swisher SG, Roth JA, Heymach JV, Fang B Abstract BACKGROUND:...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Acellular dermal matrix contributes to epithelialization in patients with chronic sinusitis.
Related ArticlesAcellular dermal matrix contributes to epithelialization in patients with chronic sinusitis. J Biomater Appl. 2019 03;33(8):1053-1059 Authors: Bing Z, Feng L, Wu CS, Du JT, Liu YF, Liu SX Abstract BACKGROUND: Nasal endoscopic surgery is widely used for nasal diseases, including sinusitis and tumors. However, scar hyperplasia, nasal irritation, scab, and nasal obstruction delay nasal mucosal recovery, with prolonged cleaning exacerbating...
Head and Neck
Wed May 27, 2020 13:12
Increased thalamocortical connectivity to the medial prefrontal cortex with recovery of impaired consciousness in a stroke patient: A case report.
Related ArticlesIncreased thalamocortical connectivity to the medial prefrontal cortex with recovery of impaired consciousness in a stroke patient: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 May;99(18):e19937 Authors: Jang SH, Seo YS, Lee SJ Abstract RATIONALE: We report a stroke patient who showed increased thalamocortical connectivity to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) with recovery of impaired consciousness that was demonstrated on diffusion tensor...
pubmed: basal ganglia stroke...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:11
MicroRNA-204-5p modulates mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes and associates with oxidative capacity in humans.
Related ArticlesMicroRNA-204-5p modulates mitochondrial biogenesis in C2C12 myotubes and associates with oxidative capacity in humans. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Houzelle A, Dahlmans D, Nascimento EBM, Schaart G, Jörgensen JA, Moonen-Kornips E, Kersten S, Wang X, Hoeks J Abstract Using an unbiased high-throughput microRNA (miRNA)-silencing screen combined with functional readouts for mitochondrial oxidative capacity in C2C12 myocytes, we...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids inhibit the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in murine macrophages.
Related ArticlesEpoxyeicosatrienoic acids inhibit the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in murine macrophages. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Luo XQ, Duan JX, Yang HH, Zhang CY, Sun CC, Guan XX, Xiong JB, Zu C, Tao JH, Zhou Y, Guan CX Abstract Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) derived from arachidonic acid exert anti-inflammation effects. We have reported that blocking the degradation of EETs with a soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitor protects...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
COVID-19 under spotlight: A close look at the origin, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of the 2019-nCoV disease.
Related ArticlesCOVID-19 under spotlight: A close look at the origin, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of the 2019-nCoV disease. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Sheervalilou R, Shirvaliloo M, Dadashzadeh N, Shirvalilou S, Shahraki O, Pilehvar-Soltanahmadi Y, Ghaznavi H, Khoei S, Nazarlou Z Abstract Months after the outbreak of a new flu-like disease in China, the entire world is now in a state of caution. The subsequent less-anticipated...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
Identification of a four immune-related genes signature based on an immunogenomic landscape analysis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Related ArticlesIdentification of a four immune-related genes signature based on an immunogenomic landscape analysis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Gao X, Yang J, Chen Y Abstract Renal clear cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common type of renal cell carcinoma, which has strong immunogenicity. A comprehensive study of the role of immune-related genes (IRGs) in ccRCC is of great significance in finding ccRCC...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
Mesenchymal stromal cells; a new horizon in regenerative medicine.
Related ArticlesMesenchymal stromal cells; a new horizon in regenerative medicine. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Tavakoli S, Ghaderi Jafarbeigloo HR, Shariati A, Jahangiryan A, Jadidi F, Jadidi Kouhbanani MA, Hassanzadeh A, Zamani M, Javidi K, Naimi A Abstract In recent decades, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) biomedical utilizing has attracted worldwide growing attention. After the first report of the human MSCs obtaining from the bone marrow...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
The outlook for diagnostic purposes of the 2019-novel coronavirus disease.
Related ArticlesThe outlook for diagnostic purposes of the 2019-novel coronavirus disease. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Tahmasebi S, Khosh E, Esmaeilzadeh A Abstract At the end of December 2019, a novel acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) appeared as the third unheard of outbreak of human coronavirus infection in the 21st century. First, in Wuhan, China, the novel SARS-CoV2 was named by the World Health Organization (WHO),...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10
Emerging landscape of circular RNAs as biomarkers and pivotal regulators in osteosarcoma.
Related ArticlesEmerging landscape of circular RNAs as biomarkers and pivotal regulators in osteosarcoma. J Cell Physiol. 2020 May 26;: Authors: Tu C, He J, Qi L, Ren X, Zhang C, Duan Z, Yang K, Wang W, Lu Q, Li Z Abstract Osteosarcoma represents the most prevailing primary bone tumor and the third most common cancer in children and adolescents worldwide. Among noncoding RNAs, circular RNAs (circRNAs) refer to a unique class in the shape of a covalently...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Wed May 27, 2020 13:10

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