Κυριακή 19 Ιουλίου 2020

iHEAR Launches Free At-Home Test
iHEAR Medical's new @Home iHEARtest campaign offers a free FDA-approved home hearing screener, targeting adults who suspect hearing loss but are unable or reluctant to visit a clinical setting during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The iHEARtest rapidly profiles hearing ability based on guidelines by the World Health Organization. The iHEARtest kit includes factory calibrated earphones to ensure the accuracy of test results. Clinical studies under the oversight of an independent institutional review...
Sun Jul 19, 2020 16:36
Grason-Stadler Launches New Versatile Clinical EP/OAE
Grason-Stadler (GSI) has released a new clinical evoked potential (EP) / otoacoustic emissions (OAE) device, the GSI Audera Pro™, which performs all standard evoked potential tests. Depending on the modality license, auditory steady state responses (AASR) and OAE can also be performed. The Audera Pro is the next generation of the well-known GSI Audera™, and comes with significant updates to support the demands of any busy audiology practice. Some of the featured new tests include: P300/MMN, ASSR...
Thu Jul 16, 2020 17:05
Plant growth regulators from mushrooms
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Discovery of fingolimod based on the chemical modification of a natural product from the fungus, <i>Isaria sinclairii</i>
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Discovery of fingolimod based on the chemical modification of a natural product from the fungus, <i>Isaria sinclairii</i>
The Journal of Antibiotics, Published online: 17 July 2020; doi:10.1038/s41429-020-0351-0Discovery of fingolimod based on the chemical modification of a natural product from the fungus, Isaria sinclairii
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Bronchoscopy in the Age of COVID-19
No abstract available
Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology - Most Popular Articles
Wed Jul 01, 2020 03:00
The Evolution of Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Programmes: A Chronology of Retinal Photography from 35 mm Slides to Artificial Intelligence
Clinical Ophthalmology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 23:36
Aggressive refractory pemphigus vulgaris that responded to plasmapheresis: a case report
Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune disorder that involves intraepithelial blistering and sores of the skin and mucous membranes. The average age of onset is between 50 and 70 years. Pemphigus rarely occurs in...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Intraovarian injection of autologous human mesenchymal stem cells increases estrogen production and reduces menopausal symptoms in women with premature ovarian failure: two case reports and a review of the literature
Premature ovarian failure is a relatively common condition that affects 1–3% of adult women. Premature ovarian failure occurs when there is loss of ovarian function in women younger than 40 years of age. The c...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
Imaging findings and clinical features of atypical retroperitoneal abscess caused by duodenal perforation: a case report and review of the literature
A retroperitoneal abscess caused by duodenal perforation is a relatively rare disease clinically. We report the case of a patient with a local high-density shadow at the head of the retroperitoneal pancreas.
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Ecological load and balancing selection in circumboreal barnacles [NEW RESULTS]
Acorn barnacle adults experience environmental heterogeneity at various spatial scales of their circumboreal habitat, raising the question of how adaptation to high environmental variability is maintained in the face of strong juvenile dispersal and mortality. Here we show that 4% of genes in the barnacle genome experience balancing selection across the entire range of the species. Many of these genes harbor mutations maintained across 2 million years of evolution between the Pacific and Atlantic...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Morphological evolution in the ant reproductive caste [NEW RESULTS]
The evolution of eusociality led to severe changes in the general hymenopteran body plan. In particular, the evolution of reproductive division of labour caused the worker caste to be largely freed from the demands involved in reproduction. As a consequence, workers were able to evolve highly specialized morphologies for foraging and colony maintenance, whereas the reproductive caste became specialized for reproduction. Despite these important changes, little is known about general patterns of morphological...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Evolutionary Conservation and Essential Function of Human and Maize RNA Binding Motif Protein 48 (RBM48) in U12-Type Intron Splicing [NEW RESULTS]
U12-type (minor) introns are found in most multicellular eukaryotes, and constitute ~0.5% of all introns in species with a minor spliceosome required for their splicing. However, the biological relevance of U12-type introns is not well understood. It is known that mutations resulting in aberrant U12-type intron splicing cause developmental defects in both plants and animals. We recently reported that maize RNA Binding Motif Protein 48 (RBM48) is an essential splicing factor for U12-type introns....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Phenotypic plasticity explains violation of Dollo's law [NEW RESULTS]
Dollo's law of irreversibility states that once a complex adaptation has been lost in evolution, it will not be regained. Recently, various violations of this principle have been described. Here, we argue that the logic underlying Dollo's law only applies to traits that are constitutively expressed, while it fails in case of 'plastic' traits that are up- or downregulated according to needs. We tested this hypothesis for an archetypal violation of Dollo's law, the loss and regain of fat synthesis...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Large-scale study reveals regional fungicide applications as a major determinant of resistance evolution in the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici in France [NEW RESULTS]
O_LIResearch rationale: In modern cropping systems, the quasi-systematic use of plant protection products selects for resistance in pest populations. The emergence and evolution of this adaptive trait threaten treatment efficacy. We identified determinants of fungicide resistance evolution and quantified their effects at a large spatiotemporal scale. C_LIO_LIMethods: We focused on Zymoseptoria tritici, which causes leaf blotch in wheat. Phenotypes of qualitative or quantitative resistance to various...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Non-parallel transcriptional divergence during parallel adaptation [NEW RESULTS]
How underlying mechanisms bias evolution toward predictable outcomes remains an area of active debate. In this study, we leveraged phenotypic plasticity and parallel adaptation across independent lineages of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to assess the predictability of gene expression evolution during parallel adaptation. We observed substantial gene expression plasticity as well as the evolution of expression plasticity itself across populations. Genes exhibiting expression plasticity...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
Phylogenetic diversification of sirtuin genes with a description of a new family member [NEW RESULTS]
Studying the evolutionary history of gene families is a challenging and exciting task with a wide range of implications. In addition to exploring fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of genes, disentangling their evolution is also critical to those who do functional/structural work, as the correct interpretation of their results needs to be done in a robust evolutionary context. The sirtuin gene family is a group of genes that are involved in a variety of biological functions mostly...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
Generalized Hidden Markov Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Datasets [NEW RESULTS]
1. Hidden Markov models (HMM) have emerged as an important tool for understanding the evolution of characters that take on discrete states. Their flexibility and biological sensibility make them appealing for many phylogenetic comparative applications. 2. Previously available packages placed unnecessary limits on the number of observed and hidden states that can be considered when estimating transition rates and inferring ancestral states on a phylogeny. 3. To address these issues, we expanded the...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
Unpicking the mysterious symbiosis of mycoplasmas in salmonids [NEW RESULTS]
Lacking a peptidoglycan cell wall, mycoplasmas are the smallest self-replicating life forms. Members of this bacterial genus are known to parasitise a wide array of metazoans including vertebrates. Whilst much research has been significant targeted at parasitic mammalian mycoplasmas, very little is known about their role in other vertebrates. In the current study, we aim to explore the biology and evolution of Mycoplasma in salmonids, including cellular niche, genome size structure and gene content....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
The spatial Mullers ratchet: surfing of deleterious mutations during range expansion [NEW RESULTS]
During a range expansion, deleterious mutations can "surf" on the colonisation front. The resultant decrease in fitness is known as expansion load. An Allee effect is known to reduce the loss of genetic diversity of expanding populations, by changing the nature of the expansion from "pulled" to "pushed". We study the impact of an Allee effect on the formation of an expansion load with a new model, in which individuals have the genetic structure of a Mullers ratchet. A key feature of Mullers ratchet...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sat Jul 18, 2020 03:00
Phylogenetic diversification of sirtuin genes with a description of a new family member [NEW RESULTS]
Studying the evolutionary history of gene families is a challenging and exciting task with a wide range of implications. In addition to exploring fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of genes, disentangling their evolution is also critical to those who do functional/structural work, as the correct interpretation of their results needs to be done in a robust evolutionary context. The sirtuin gene family is a group of genes that are involved in a variety of biological functions mostly...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
The adaptive potential of the middle domain of yeast Hsp90 [NEW RESULTS]
The distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations across different environments quantifies the potential for adaptation in a given environment and its cost in others. So far, results regarding the cost of adaptation across environments have been mixed, and most studies have sampled random mutations across different genes. Here, we quantify systematically how costs of adaptation vary along a large stretch of protein sequence by studying the DFEs of the same {approx}2300 amino-acid changing...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Gene-level, but not chromosome-wide, divergence between a very young house fly proto-Y chromosome and its homologous proto-X chromosome [NEW RESULTS]
X and Y chromosomes are usually derived from a pair of homologous autosomes, which then diverge from each other over time. Although Y-specific features have been characterized in sex chromosomes of various ages, the earliest stages of Y chromosome evolution remain elusive. In particular, we do not know whether early stages of Y chromosome evolution consist of changes to individual genes or happen via chromosome-scale divergence from the X. To address this question, we quantified divergence between...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Transmissible cancers and the evolution of sex under the Red Queen hypothesis [NEW RESULTS]
The predominance of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes remains paradoxical in evolutionary theory. Of the hypotheses proposed to resolve this paradox, the "Red Queen hypothesis" emphasizes the potential of antagonistic interactions to cause fluctuating selection, which favours the evolution and maintenance of sex. While empirical and theoretical developments have focused on host-parasite interactions, the premises of the Red Queen theory apply equally well to any type of antagonistic interactions....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Sex-biased gene expression in rhesus macaque and human brains [NEW RESULTS]
Sexually dimorphic traits (i.e. phenotypic differences between males and females) are largely produced by sex-biased gene expression (i.e. differential expression of genes present in both sexes). These expression differences may be the result of sexual selection, although other factors (e.g., relaxed purifying selection, pleiotropy, dosage compensation) also contribute. Given that humans and other primates exhibit sex differences in cognition and neuroanatomy, this implicates sex differences in brain...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Antiquity and fundamental processes of the antler cycle in Cervidae (Mammalia) [NEW RESULTS]
The origins of the regenerative nature of antlers, being branched and deciduous apophyseal appendages of frontal bones of cervid artiodactyls, have long been associated with permanent evolutionary precursors. In this study, we provide novel insight into growth modes of evolutionary early antlers. We analysed a total of 34 early antlers affiliated to ten species, including the oldest known, dating from the early and middle Miocene (approx. 19 to 12 million years old) of Europe. Our findings provide...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Colormesh: A novel method for quantifying variation in complex color patterns [NEW RESULTS]
Color variation is one of the most obvious examples of variation in nature. Objective quantification and interpretation of variation in color and complex patterns is challenging. Assessment of variation in color patterns is limited by the reduction of color into categorical measures and lack of spatial information. We present Colormesh as a novel method for analyzing complex color patterns that offers unique capabilities. Compared to other methods, Colormesh maintains the continuous measure of color...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Fri Jul 17, 2020 03:00
Trade-off between reducing mutational load and increasing commitment to differentiation determines tissue organization [NEW RESULTS]
Species-specific differences control cancer risk across orders of magnitude variation in body size and lifespan, e.g., by varying the copy numbers of tumor suppressor genes. It is unclear, however, how different tissues within an organism can control somatic evolution despite being subject to markedly different constraints but sharing the same genome. Hierarchical differentiation, characteristic of self-renewing tissues, can restrain somatic evolution both by limiting divisional load, thereby reducing...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Sun Jul 19, 2020 03:00
Pathogen-driven coevolution across CBP60 plant immune regulator subfamilies confers resilience on the regulator module [NEW RESULTS]
Among eight Arabidopsis CaM-Binding Protein (CBP) 60 family members, AtCBP60g and AtSARD1 are partially functionally redundant, major positive immune regulators while AtCBP60a is a negative immune regulator. Phylogenetic analysis of CBP60 protein sequences of 247 diverse land plant species indicated that the immune regulator CBP60a, CBP60g, and SARD1 subfamilies diversified at divergence of Angiosperms and have been evolving very fast, suggesting strong selection pressure from pathogen effectors....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Jul 16, 2020 03:00
Effect of fluorescent and nonfluorescent glaze pastes on lithium disilicate pressed ceramic color at different thicknesses
Publication date: Available online 19 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Marta Revilla-León, John A. Sorensen, Leonard Y. Nelson, Iñaki Gamborena, Yu Michael Yeh, Mutlu Özcan
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Stress distribution with extra-short implants in an angled frictional system: A finite element analysis study
Publication date: Available online 18 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Edelcio de Souza Rendohl, William Cunha Brandt
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Does HIV infection affect the survival of dental implants? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: Available online 18 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Indumathi Sivakumar, Sivakumar Arunachalam, Suchismita Choudhary, Muaiyed Mahmoud Buzayan
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Biologically oriented preparation technique for surgically extruded teeth: A clinical report
Publication date: Available online 18 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Marc Llaquet Pujol, Andres Pascual La Rocca, Jaume Casaponsa Parerols, Francesc Abella Sans
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Using existing interim complete dentures as an aid for an interocclusal record to align edentulous intraoral scans for implant-retained overdentures
Publication date: Available online 18 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Yue Sa, Dean Morton, Wei-Shao Lin
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Bond strength and quality of bond interface of multifilament fiberglass posts luted onto flat-oval root canals without additional dentin wear after biomechanical preparation
Publication date: Available online 18 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Rafael S. Assis, Fabiane Carneiro Lopes, Renato Roperto, Yara Teresinha Corrêa Silva Sousa, Elisabeth Helena Brazão, Aloísio O. Spazzin, Gabriel K.R. Pereira, Daniela Meira Alves, Paulo César Saquy, Manoel Damião Sousa-Neto
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Sun Jul 19, 2020 21:28
Zirconia and radioactivity: An in vitro study to establish the presence of radionuclides in dental zirconia
Publication date: Available online 17 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Aritza Brizuela-Velasco, Yelko Chento-Valiente, David Chávarri-Prado, Esteban Pérez-Pevida, Markel Diéguez-Pereira
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Fri Jul 17, 2020 19:00
Long-term outcomes of different loading protocols for implant-supported mandibular overdentures: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: Available online 17 July 2020Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Guilherme Almeida Borges, Raphael Cavalcante Costa, Bruna Egumi Nagay, Marcela Baraúna Magno, Lucianne Cople Maia, Valentim Adelino R. Barão, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Fri Jul 17, 2020 19:00
Revealing winners and losers in projected future climates
Evolutionary biologists have shown that resilience or vulnerability to future climates is influenced by the thermal conditions of the climatic regions where species evolved.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Fri Jul 10, 2020 17:09

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