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Τετάρτη 18 Μαρτίου 2020

Wiederbesiedlung von Quellen im Südschwarzwald nach einem Austrocknungsereignis
Durch die Bohrung eines Sondierstollens während der Planung eines Pumpspeicherkraftwerks im Südschwarzwald kam es zu einem starken Bergwassereinfall, infolgedessen umliegende Quellen trocken fielen. Die Quellen des Quellkomplexes „Möslequellen“ sprangen nach fast einem Jahr im Frühjahr 2012 wieder an. In dieser Studie wurde die Wiederbesiedlung dieser Quellen über drei Jahre verfolgt. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Quellfauna rasch wieder erholte und viele krenobionte Taxa die Quellen wieder besiedelten....
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Camel fossils from the El Kowm Basin, Syria : diversity and evolution
Camelidae is a family of Artiodactyla which includes a depleted diversity of extant species, divided into two tribes: the Camelini consist of two domestic species (Bactrian camel, Camelus bactrianus, and dromedary, C. dromedarius; the former is also represented by a wild subspecies, C. bactrianus ferus), and the Lamini consist of two domestic (Lama glama and Vicugna pacos) and two wild species (Lama guanicoe and Vicugna vicugna). The natural distribution of Camelini is in Eurasia and Africa, while...
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Promoting Circular International Migration of the Highly Skilled
remittances and the return of migrants with new skills can offset the loss of migrants and may even lead to a brain-gain. Metka Hercog and Melissa Siegel discuss policy approaches designed to stimulate the return of highly skilled migrants. They debunk the myth that restrictive measures, such as limiting options for longer migration from developing countries, are an effective tool to avert brain drain and encourage migrants’ return or other engagement in development activities in the country of origin....
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The translational validation as novel approach to intergration of neuroscience and psychiatry
Introduction and Aim: Contemporary psychopathology has adopted various approaches to establishment of validity, such as content, criteria, convergent, divergent etc. validity and respective validation procedures. However regardless to the progress of neuroscience it has not been incorporated yet in psychiatric diagnosis as a possible source of external validity. In this paper we aim at defining the construct of translational validity which may eventually bridge the two fields of inquiry separated...
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Biodiversity meets the atmosphere: A global view of forest canopies
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Synthesis of a six-year study of calcareous grassland responses to in situ CO2 enrichment
We exposed species-rich temperate calcareous grassland to elevated CO2 (600 muL/L) for six growing seasons and studied carbon (C) and nutrient (nitrogen [N] and phosphorus [PI) cycling, water relations, and plant community structure and diversity. CO2, enrichment stimulated leaf- and ecosystem-level daytime CO2 uptake and increased plant community productivity; relative CO2 effects on aboveground biomass were predicted with r > -0.98 (r(2) > 0.95) by precipitation prior to biomass harvests....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Water relations in grassland and desert ecosystems exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2
Atmospheric CO2 enrichment may stimulate plant growth directly through enhanced photosynthesis or indirectly, through reduced plant water consumption and hence slower soil moisture depletion, or the combination of both. Herein we describe gas exchange, plant biomass and species responses of five native or semi-native temperate and Mediterranean grasslands and three semi-arid systems to CO2 enrichment, with an emphasis on water relations. Increasing CO2 led to decreased leaf conductance for water...
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Seducing with words. The role of language in the pick-up artist's make-believe
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Hilfe für die digitale Hilfswissenschaft. Von den Digital Humanities verspricht man sich wahre Wunder, obwohl sie nur eine einfache Hilfswissenschaft sind
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Polycyclic- and sulfurcontaining-compounds: from polycyclic hydrocarbons to thiaspherophane
This thesis contains the examination of four, in first glance, unrelated topics. However, the overarching motivation behind these subjects are the same: The Art and Challenge of Organic Chemistry. I. The first chapter deals with the design, based on theoretical principles, and preparation of unsaturated spirocyclic compounds bearing sulfur functionalities with the aim of elucidating the charge-transport properties of such molecules on the level of single molecules. In collaboration with the Group...
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«Der wirkliche Fortschritt läge in der Abschaffung der Ehe»
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Kategorien des Wissens. Zur Wissensgeschichte der Nutzung von Common Pool Resources im Urserntal (Uri, Schweiz)
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Emerson's Speculative Pragmatism
In their introduction to Aesthetics in the 21 st Century, a special issue of Speculations, Askin, Hägler, and Schweighauser argued that the recent speculative turn in continental philosophy is but 'German Idealism redux' (38). Graham Harman rejected this idea in a recent interview, at least with respect to his own project, and suggested that the speculative turn owed much to Romanticism instead. If one follows Frederick Beiser's account of Romanticism as a particular variant of German Idealism, however,...
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Editor's Introduction
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Intervista sul libro Inchiesta sul testo. Esercizi di interpretazione da Dante a Marino (Roma, Carocci editore, 2018)
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Funzione delle cattedre di italianistica in Svizzera
Intervento alla tavola rotonda Italianistica: quo vadis? Futuro e prospettive dell'insegnamento dell'italiano a livello universitario , tenutasi a Berna, a Palazzo Federale, il 7 marzo 2017 durante la Sessione primaverile dell'intergruppo parlamentare Italianità (pubblicato qui nelle tre lingue ufficiali). L'intervento si concentra sulla funzione delle cattedre di italianistica in Svizzera, mostrando come queste abbiano un'insostituibile funzione di produzione e diffusione della cultura in lingua...
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JFB, Vol. 11, Pages 20: Pullulan for Advanced Sustainable Body- and Skin-Contact Applications
JFB, Vol. 11, Pages 20: Pullulan for Advanced Sustainable Body- and Skin-Contact Applications Journal of Functional Biomaterials doi: 10.3390/jfb11010020 Authors: Maria-Beatrice Coltelli Serena Danti Karen De Clerk Andrea Lazzeri Pierfrancesco Morganti The present review had the aim of describing the methodologies of synthesis and properties of biobased pullulan, a microbial polysaccharide investigated in the last decade because of its interesting potentialities...
Journal of Functional Biomaterials
JFB, Vol. 11, Pages 19: Optimization of Polydopamine Coatings onto Poly–ε–Caprolactone Electrospun Fibers for the Fabrication of Bio-Electroconductive Interfaces
JFB, Vol. 11, Pages 19: Optimization of Polydopamine Coatings onto Poly–ε–Caprolactone Electrospun Fibers for the Fabrication of Bio-Electroconductive Interfaces Journal of Functional Biomaterials doi: 10.3390/jfb11010019 Authors: Simona Zuppolini Iriczalli Cruz-Maya Vincenzo Guarino Anna Borriello In recent years, mussel adhesive proteins have attracted much attention because they can form strong adhesive interface interactions with various substrates in a wet environment....
Journal of Functional Biomaterials

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