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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Apatinib as targeted therapy for advanced bone and soft tissue sarcoma: a dilemma of reversing multidrug resistance while suffering drug resistance itself
Abstract Bone and soft tissue sarcomas are rare malignant tumors originated from mesenchymal tissues. They harbor more than 50 distinct subtypes and differ in pathological features and clinical courses. Despite the significant improvements in modern multi-modality treatment, the outcomes and overall survival rates remain poor for patients with advanced, refractory, metastatic, or relapsed diseases. The growth and metastasis of bone and soft tissue sarcoma...
Latest Results for Angiogenesis
Exploration of isoxanthohumol bioconversion from spent hops into 8-prenylnaringenin using resting cells of Eubacterium limosum
Hops is an almost unique source of the potent phytoestrogen 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN). As hops contain only low levels of 8-PN, synthesis may be more attractive than extraction. A strain of the Gram-positive Euba...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Development of a standardized method to evaluate the protective efficiency of cosmetic packaging against microbial contamination
Doubts surrounding the potential adverse effects of antimicrobial preservatives have modified the demand of consumers, who increasingly insist on the production of low-level and even preservative-free cosmetic...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Synthesis, characterization and assessment of anti-quorum sensing activity of copper(II)-ciprofloxacin complex against Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Quorum sensing (QS) inhibition by metal-antibiotic complexes is a promising strategy for the management and control of multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. We investigated the anti-quorum sensin...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Therapeutic effect of GLP-1 engineered strain on mice model of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) characterized by progressive degeneration of the central nervous system, and few medications are available to halt the...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Why and When to Treat Snoring
It is estimated that half of the adult population older than 60 years snores. This article discusses the many aspects of snoring, including impacts on bed partners, the individual who snores, and when and how to appropriately evaluate, diagnose, and treat the perpetrator. The goal is for clinicians to expand their knowledge regarding diagnosis and treatment of the phenomenon of snoring.It is estimated that half of the adult population over the age of 60 years of age snores. This chapter discusses...
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Clinical trials in allergen immunotherapy in the age group of children and adolescents: current concepts and future needs
Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only treatment option available for allergic patients with disease-modifying intention. Both efficacy and safety has been demonstrated for multiple trials in children, adole...
Clinical and Translational Allergy - Latest Articles
Brain-wide resting-state connectivity regulation by the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex is associated with fluid intelligence
Abstract The connectivity hub property of the hippocampus (HIP) and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is essential for their widespread involvement in cognition; however, the cooperation mechanism between them is far from clear. Herein, using resting-state functional MRI and Gaussian Bayesian network to describe the directed organizing architecture of the HIP–MPFC pathway with regions in the brain, we demonstrated that the HIP and the MPFC have central roles as the driving hub...
Latest Results for Brain Structure and Function
Tonal marking of absolutive case in Samoan
Abstract Samoan is an ergative-marking, (reportedly) non-tonal Polynesian language in which ergative case is marked segmentally, but absolutive case has been said to be unmarked. This paper shows that in fact, a high edge tone co-occurs with absolutive arguments, based on converging evidence from the phonetic and phonological analysis of intonational patterns in the spoken utterances of a systematically varied set of syntactic structures. This empirical observation raises puzzles...
Latest Results for Natural Language
<i>UNBRANCHED3</i> Expression and Inflorescence Development is Mediated by <i>UNBRANCHED2</i> and the Distal Enhancer, <i>KRN4</i>, in Maize
by Yanfang Du, Lei Liu, Yong Peng, Manfei Li, Yunfu Li, Dan Liu, Xingwang Li, Zuxin Zhang Enhancers are cis-acting DNA segments with the ability to increase target gene expression. They show high sensitivity to DNase and contain specific DNA elements in an open chromatin state that allows the binding of transcription factors (TFs). While numerous enhancers are annotated in the maize genome, few have been characterized genetically. KERNEL ROW NUMBER4 (KRN4), an intergenic quantitative trait locus...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Translesion synthesis polymerases are dispensable for <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> reproduction but suppress genome scarring by polymerase theta-mediated end joining
by Ivo van Bostelen, Robin van Schendel, Ron Romeijn, Marcel Tijsterman Bases within DNA are frequently damaged, producing obstacles to efficient and accurate DNA replication by replicative polymerases. Translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases, via their ability to catalyze nucleotide additions to growing DNA chains across DNA lesions, promote replication of damaged DNA, thus preventing checkpoint activation, genome instability and cell death. In this study, we used C. elegans to determine the...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Ultraviolet-C and other methods of decontamination of filtering facepiece N-95 respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0PP00131G, PerspectiveAngeli Eloise Torres, Alexis B. Lyons, Shanthi Narla, Indermeet Kohli, Angela Parks-Miller, David Ozog, Iltefat H. Hamzavi, Henry W. LimDuring global heath emergencies such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, the decontamination of single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) becomes a necessary means to keep up with the growing demand from...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Online COVID-19 resource now available for radiographers
A global team of radiography leaders has released free, online materials to...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: Lung finding in chest CT can predict outcome in COVID-19 How to protect radiographers from COVID-19 Researchers to test AI for COVID-19 diagnosis France releases pediatric guidance on COVID-19 U.K. radiographer dies of COVID-19
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
The new article is now available. Endocrine Journal
[ Advance Publication ] [ Title ] The influence of thyroid autoimmunity on pregnancy outcome in infertile women: a prospective study [ Author ] Yuko Inagaki,Ken Takeshima,Masahiro Nishi,Hiroyuki Ariyasu,Asako Doi,Chiaki Kurimoto,Shinsuke Uraki,Shuhei Morita,Yasushi Furukawa,Hidefumi Inaba,Hiroshi Iwakura,Toshio Shimokawa,Tomoko Utsunomiya,Takashi Akamizu [ Advance Pub. date ] 2020-04-25 [ DOI ] https://doi.org/10.1507/endocrj.EJ19-0604
Coronavirus: Lockdown's heavy toll on Italy's mental health
Coronavirus: Lockdown's heavy toll on Italy's mental health - BBC News. What started as a physical health emergency is morphing into a psychological one:From BBC: "Italy’s coronavirus death toll is the second highest in the world, and its lockdown is the strictest and longest in Europe.Doctors say both things are creating a mental health emergency. The BBC has been given access to a psychological support centre run by the Red Cross, where staff say they’re overwhelmed by calls from people struggling....
CasesBlog - Medical and Health Blog
c-Src kinase impairs the expression of mitochondrial OXPHOS complexes in liver cancer
Publication date: Available online 23 April 2020Source: Cellular SignallingAuthor(s): Caroline A. Hunter, Hasan Koc, Emine C. Koc
Cellular Signalling
RIG-I-like receptor activation drives type I IFN and antiviral signaling to limit Hantaan orthohantavirus replication
by Alison M. Kell, Emily A. Hemann, J. Bryan Turnbull, Michael Gale Jr Pathogenic hantaviruses, genus Orthohantaviridae, are maintained in rodent reservoirs with zoonotic transmission to humans occurring through inhalation of rodent excreta. Hantavirus disease in humans is characterized by localized vascular leakage and elevated levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines. Despite the constant potential for deadly zoonotic transmission to humans, specific virus-host interactions of hantaviruses...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Broad spectrum immunomodulatory effects of <i>Anopheles gambiae</i> microRNAs and their use for transgenic suppression of <i>Plasmodium</i>
by Shengzhang Dong, Xiaonan Fu, Yuemei Dong, Maria L. Simões, Jinsong Zhu, George Dimopoulos Malaria, caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, represents a major threat to human health. Plasmodium’s infection cycle in the Anopheles vector is critical for transmission of the parasite between humans. The midgut-stage bottleneck of infection is largely imposed by the mosquito’s innate immune system. microRNAs (miRNAs, small noncoding RNAs that bind to...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Epithelium intrinsic vitamin A signaling co-ordinates pathogen clearance in the gut via IL-18
by Namrata Iyer, Mayara Grizotte-Lake, Kellyanne Duncan, Sarah R. Gordon, Ana C. S. Palmer, Crystle Calvin, Guo Zhong, Nina Isoherranen, Shipra Vaishnava Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) are at the forefront of host-pathogen interactions, coordinating a cascade of immune responses to protect against pathogens. Here we show that IEC-intrinsic vitamin A signaling restricts pathogen invasion early in the infection and subsequently activates immune cells to promote pathogen clearance. Mice blocked...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Impact of workplace injury on opioid dependence, abuse, illicit use and overdose: a 36-month retrospective study of insurance claims
ObjectivesTo examine the impact of workplace injury on opioid dependence, abuse and overdose (opioid-related morbidity) and if severity of injury increases the hazard of these health effects.MethodsWe used MarketScan databases to follow injured and propensity score matched non-injured workers, both without prior opioid-related diagnoses. Using a Cox proportional hazard model, we examined the impact of workplace injury on opioid-related morbidity.ResultsThe hazard of opioid-related morbidity for injured...
OEM Online First
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
BackgroundPast research in population health trends has shown that injuries form a substantial burden of population health loss. Regular updates to injury burden assessments are critical. We report Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 Study estimates on morbidity and mortality for all injuries.MethodsWe reviewed results for injuries from the GBD 2017 study. GBD 2017 measured injury-specific mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) using the Cause of Death Ensemble model. To measure non-fatal injuries,...
Injury Prevention Online First
TRAP{gamma}-CDG shows asymmetric glycosylation and an effect on processing of proteins required in higher organisms
Newly synthesised glycoproteins enter the rough endoplasmic reticulum through a translocation pore. The translocon associated protein (TRAP) complex is located close to the pore. In a patient with a homozygous start codon variant in TRAP (SSR3), absence of TRAP causes disruption of the TRAP complex, impairs protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum and affects transport, for example, into the brush-border membrane. Furthermore, we observed an unbalanced non-occupancy of N-glycosylation...
JMG Online First
Remember the null hypothesis?
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy may simply be an inert, non-toxic, non-propagating deposition of tau.Few principles are as essential to the education of developing scientists as the role of the null hypothesis in inferential statistics and research in general. This is often taught as directly analogous to the principle of being considered innocent in a court of law until proven guilty. In at least some cases, the consequences of ignoring this scientific principle and embracing an alternate hypothesis...
JNNP Online First
Clinical and neuropsychological profile of patients with dementia and chronic traumatic encephalopathy
ObjectiveTo determine whether subjects with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and dementia have distinct clinical features compared to subjects with pathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease (AD).MethodsAmong 339 subjects assessed for CTE in the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center dataset, 6 subjects with CTE and 25 subjects with AD neuropathologic change matched for age (±5 years) and sex were identified. All subjects had a clinical diagnosis of dementia. Neurological examination, neuropsychological...
JNNP Online First
Declining Emergency Medicine publications from the UK: the glass is half empty and may be leaking
Although I am usually a hopeless optimist, after reading the great work of Smith et al reporting trends in the publication of research in the emergency medicine literature over the past 20 years, I could not help but feel that this glass may be at least half empty.1 Reading Table 1, I was heartened to see that the number of publications has increased consistently almost across the board: numbers has grown steadily in the USA, Europe, Canada, Australasia and other countries.There was just one exception....
Emergency Medicine Journal Online First
Academic emergency medicine in the UK
In the linked paper, Professor Taylor and his colleagues describe an interesting trend over the last 20 years of increasing research publications from other countries but a reduction from the UK.1 There is much to celebrate in the results, including a global increase in multicentre studies, international collaboration and improved methodological rigour in emergency research. Emergency medicine is growing as a specialty internationally, and research in this field is growing in parallel—and therefore...
Emergency Medicine Journal Online First
Top 10 evidence-based countermeasures for night shift workers
Emergency edicine providers are responsible for ensuring the emergency department is staffed 24 hours a day. As such, providers must efficiently transition between day, swing and night shift on an almost weekly basis. There is no formal education in medical school or residency on how to approach the transition to and from night shift, remain alert and productive and maximise sleep during the day. There are a multitude of blogs and online sources discussing night shift, but few, if any, provide an...
Emergency Medicine Journal Online First
Unusual radiological sign in a gentleman with recurrent dysphagia
IntroductionA 42-year-old man with long-standing achalasia presented with recurrent dysphagia over 2 years. This is in the context of a laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy and partial fundoplication 12 years prior for dysphagia symptoms which provided relief for some time. Dysphagia occurred with all oral intake and was most pronounced with bread and meat. His Eckardt score was 4. He scored 3 for dysphagia, 1 for regurgitation, 0 for retrosternal pain and 0 for loss of weight. Despite this, he had minimal...
BMJ Frontline Gastroenterology Online First
Effects of pirfenidone, vitamin E, and pirfenidone–vitamin E combination in paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract Paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and fatal interstitial lung disease, a condition for that, there is no effective treatment and its prognosis is appalling. Since multiple coactivated pathways are involved, targeting these pathways using combination regimens is plausible for successful therapy. So, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of pirfenidone–vitamin E combination therapy in (paraquat) PQ-induced lung fibrosis...
Latest Results for Comparative Clinical Pathology
Complete blood count evaluation of dogs treated with four different antineoplastic chemotherapy protocols
Abstract This retrospective study aimed to evaluate potential hematological alterations in dogs treated with four different antineoplastic protocols. We selected 69 dogs that received at least four chemotherapy sessions and divided them into four groups: vinblastine (VBL) (n = 30), doxorubicin (DOX) (n = 15), combined CHOP protocol (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone) (n = 11), and vincristine group (VCR) (n = 13). Hematological parameters were recorded...
Latest Results for Comparative Clinical Pathology
The dynamics of closure following excisional mid-palatal mucoperiosteal wound in a rat model
Abstract Objectives The aim of the present study was to assess macroscopically the time-related dimensional pattern of excisional palatal mucoperiosteal wound closure in rats, concomitantly with microscopic analysis of the density of inflammatory infiltrate and myofibroblasts. Materials and methods Excisional palatal wounds, 4.2 mm in diameter, were made...
Clinical Oral Investigations
Variations in pulp volume between normotensive and hypertensive individuals on CBCT imaging
Abstract Objectives To compare the pulp volume of individuals with altered and normal systemic blood pressure (BP) in order to verify if high BP promotes dimensional modifications in the pulp space. Materials and methods Cone beam computed tomography scans of 91 patients (49 females and 42 males, mean age 31.7 ± 6.38 years) who had a healthy maxillary canine...
Clinical Oral Investigations
The periodontopathic bacteria in placenta, saliva and subgingival plaque of threatened preterm labor and preterm low birth weight cases: a longitudinal study in Japanese pregnant women
Abstract Objectives This study determined the quantity of periodontopathic bacteria in saliva, subgingival plaque, and placenta on the threatened preterm labor (TPL) and preterm low birth weight (PLBW) subjects in order to identify specific periodontal pathogens with high association to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Methods We used real-time PCR with TaqMan...
Clinical Oral Investigations
Epidemiological, clinical, and 3-dimentional CBCT radiographic characterizations of supernumerary teeth in a non-syndromic adult population: a single-institutional study from 60,104 Chinese subjects
Abstract Objective This study was aimed to delineate the prevalence, clinical, and 3-dimentional radiographic characteristics of adult supernumerary teeth (ST found) in a Chinese non-syndromic, dental population. Materials and methods Medical records and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were utilized to identify adult patients with ST in a tertiary...
Clinical Oral Investigations
Photobiomodulation effect on angiogenic proteins produced and released by dental pulp cells
Abstract Objective To verify the photobiomodulation effect on angiogenic proteins produced and released by dental human pulpal fibroblasts (HPFs). Material and methods HPFs were irradiated with 660-nm low-level laser at fluences of 2.5 J/cm2 and 3.7 J/cm2. The control group was not irradiated. MTT, crystal violet, and ELISA assays respectively verified viability,...
Clinical Oral Investigations
Response to letter to the editor by Jan Kühnisch
Clinical Oral Investigations
A 3D finite element analysis of stress distribution on different thicknesses of mineral trioxide aggregate applied on various sizes of pulp perforation
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution on different thicknesses of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) placed on various widths of pulp perforations during the condensation of the composite resin material. Materials and methods The mandibular molar tooth was modeled by COSMOSWorks program (SolidWorks, Waltham, MA)....
Clinical Oral Investigations
Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood—Hope and Fear Across a Century of Cinema
This Arts and Medicine feature tallies the appearance of infectious disease outbreaks in cinema since 1914, and identifies common themes, such as stigmatization and physician heroism, that characterize the films.
JAMA Online First
Ventilator Management of Patients With COVID-19
This JAMA Insights Clinical Update discusses the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2–related respiratory failure, distinguishing unique L and H phenotypes and their implications for ventilator strategies and settings.
JAMA Online First

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