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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Efficacy of the Combined Administration of Systemic and Intra-Articular Tranexamic Acid in Total Hip Arthroplasty Secondary to Femoral Neck Fracture: A Retrospective Study
Background. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is associated with substantial blood loss in the postoperative course. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a potent antifibrinolytic agent, routinely administered by intravenous (IV) and topical (intra-articular, IA) route, which can possibly interrupt the cascade of events due to hemostatic irregularities close to the source of bleeding. However, scientific evidence of combined administration of TXA in THA secondary to a femoral neck fracture is still meagre. The present...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
On Compound Distributions for Natural Disaster Modelling in Kenya
Kenyan communities are exposed to natural disasters by an amalgamation of factors such as poverty, aridity, and settlements in areas susceptible to natural disasters or in areas with poor infrastructure. This is expected to increase due to the effects of climate change. In an attempt to explain some of these variabilities, we model the extreme damages from natural disasters in Kenya by developing a compound distribution that takes into account both the frequency and the severity of the extreme events....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Argatroban and Heparins Reduces Granulocyte Migration: Possible Impact on ECLS-Therapy?
Introduction. Anticoagulants such as argatroban and heparins (low-molecular-weight and unfractionated) play an immense role in preventing thromboembolic complications in clinical practice. Nevertheless, they can also have a negative effect on the immune system. This study is aimed at investigating the influence of these substances on polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), whose nonspecific defense mechanisms can promote thrombogenesis. Methods. Blood samples from 30 healthy volunteers were investigated,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Study on Compaction Effect and Process of Reclaimed Soil of Nonmetallic Mines in Xinjiang, China
Reclaimed soil is the key substrate for land reclamation and ecological restoration in the mine areas. The change of the density of reclaimed soil of the nonmetallic mines in Xinjiang during the land reclamation process was studied in this paper. Firstly, the in situ test method of static load was used to simulate the compaction of reclaimed soil with different thickness of overlying soil by different compaction times of mines reclamation machinery, and field in situ test compaction data were obtained....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Nonlinear Stability of the Periodic Traveling Wave Solution for a Class of Coupled KdV Equations
In this paper, by applying the Jacobian ellipse function method, we obtain a group of periodic traveling wave solution of coupled KdV equations. Furthermore, by the implicit function theorem, the relation between some wave velocity and the solution’s period is researched. Lastly, we show that this type of solution is orbitally stable by periodic perturbations of the same wavelength as the underlying wave.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
An Edge-Based Smoothed Finite Element for Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous (FGP) Plates on Elastic Foundation Taking into Mass (EFTIM)
In this paper, free vibration analysis of the functionally graded porous (FGP) plates on the elastic foundation taking into mass (EFTIM) is presented. The fundamental equations of the FGP plate are derived using Hamilton’s principle. The mixed interpolation of the tensorial components (MITC) approach and the edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) is employed to avoid the shear locking as well as to improve the accuracy for the triangular element. The EFTIM is a foundation model based...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Intelligent Operation of Wheel Loader Based on Electrohydraulic Proportional Control
In this paper, the wheel loader with electrohydraulic proportional control technology is used as the carrier. For the first time, the dual-angle sensor is used for intelligent operation, which allows the wheel loader working device to be precisely controlled. First, the theoretical analysis of the electrohydraulic proportional control technology on the wheel loader studied in this paper is carried out. Next, according to the feedback of the boom and bucket angle sensor signals, the electrohydraulic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Numerical Analysis of the Coupling between Hydrogen Diffusion and Mechanical Behavior near the Crack Tip of Titanium
Hydrogen plays a detrimental effect on the degeneration of titanium and its alloys, and it is very important to quantify the hydrogen concentration when estimating the microstructure evaluation of titanium and its alloys in a hydrogen environment. In this paper, the hydrogen atoms are assumed to reside in interstitial sites and in trapping sites such as dislocations, and a mechanic-diffusion coupled model was proposed to describe the stress effects on the diffusion of hydrogen in titanium. A titanium...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Collaborative Innovation with Dynamic Incentive Contracts in a Supply Chain
The collection and sharing of consumers’ knowledge by retailers can help manufacturers improve the innovation level of products, thereby improving the performance of supply chain. However, due to the cost of collecting consumers’ knowledge, the wholesale price contract can no longer coordinate supply chain members effectively. It is necessary to study the problem how the retailers are encouraged to make more efforts for the cooperative innovation with manufacturers. This paper introduces two dynamic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Sirtuin 1: A Dilemma in Transplantation
Sirtuin 1, a member of sirtuin family of histone deacetylase enzymes, has been implicated in a variety of physiologic and pathologic events, including energy metabolism, cell survival, and age-related alterations. In view of the anti-inflammatory properties of sirtuin 1 along with its protective role in ischemia reperfusion injury, it might be considered as contributing to the promotion of transplantation outcome. However, the potential ability of sirtuin 1 to induce malignancies raises some concerns...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Near Crack Line Elastic-Plastic Field for Mode I Cracks under Plane Stress Condition in Rectangular Coordinates
By using the crack line analysis method, this paper carries out an elastic-plastic analysis for mode I cracks under plane stress condition in an elastic perfectly plastic solid and obtains the general form of matching equations of the elastic stress field and the plastic stress field near the crack line in rectangular coordinate form. The analysis in rectangular coordinates in this paper avoids the conversion from rectangular coordinates into polar coordinates in the existing analysis and greatly...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Feasibility of Homotopy Continuation Method for a Nonlinear Matrix Equation
In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of homotopy continuation method for the nonlinear matrix equations with . This iterative method does not depend on a good initial approximation to the solution of matrix equation.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Gas Pressure Effect on Sand Collapse in Kinetic Zone of Lost-Foam Casting
Pressure of the kinetic zone is an essential factor for making defect-free castings in lost-foam casting process. The extremely high pressure causes many problems, such as reducing the melt velocity and inclusion of residual decomposition of the pattern in the castings, and very low pressure causes sand collapse. Therefore, the minimum gas pressure for preventing sand collapse is required. When the minimum gas pressure can be predicted, computer simulation becomes possible. Successful computer simulations...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Effect of High Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitor Doses on the Development and Treatment of Sarcoid-Like Reaction
Sarcoidosis is a systemic disorder characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas that are most commonly observed in the lungs. Sarcoid-like reaction has been reported to develop in response to several immune modulator agents and antidepressants. In this report, a case of pulmonary sarcoidosis that was strongly related to the use of more than the average recommended dose of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications has been described. The patient, a 37-year-old, single,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Use of Machine Learning Approaches for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is one of the most common emergency diseases in general surgery clinics. It is more common, especially between the ages of 10 and 30 years. Additionally, approximately 7% of the entire population is diagnosed with acute appendicitis at some time in their lives and requires surgery. The study aims to develop an easy, fast, and accurate estimation method for early acute appendicitis diagnosis using machine learning algorithms. Retrospective clinical records were analyzed with predictive...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Cemented Uranium Tailing Backfill Based on Alkali-Activated Slag
Backfilling disposal based on cement solidification is one of the ways to solve the environmental and safe problems of uranium tailing surface stacking. Alkali-activated slag, especially sodium silicate activated geopolymer, has become the preferred cementing material for the uranium tailing backfilling system because of its advantages of corrosion resistance and high strength. In this paper, uranium tailings and slag are taken as research objects, and the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Efficacy and Safety of Non-Vitamin K Anticoagulants for Atrial Fibrillation in Relation to Different Renal Function Levels: A Network Meta-Analysis
Background. We performed a network meta-analysis (NMA) comparing the efficacy (stroke or systemic embolism) and safety (major bleeding) among different non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and renal impairment, with the aim of recommending the proper drug and the dose based on renal function. Methods. We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library with the items “dabigatran, edoxaban, apixaban, rivaroxaban, warfarin, and...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Study on Distribution Characteristics of Damage Range along Smooth Blasting Hole Based on PPV
The damage range of surrounding rock has an important influence on optimization of blasting parameters. This study, based on the vibration attenuation law near the blasting source and the characteristics of the load acting on the wall of the smooth blasting hole, derives the distribution formulas of the damage range along the borehole during the expansion and quasistatic processes of detonation gas, respectively. More importantly, the quantitative relationship between the damage range and the charge...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Simplified C-Logit Stochastic User Equilibrium Model on Bimodal Transportation Network
This paper investigates the C-logit stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) problem on a bimodal transportation network with road and rail travel modes. The C-logit model captures the overlapping effect among the different paths via commonality factors; sequentially, it has ability to obtain a more realistic traffic flow distribution pattern. In this paper, when we redefine the link travel cost functions and employ a binary Logit model for the mode split, the bimodal C-logit SUE model can be simplified...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Gait Recognition Based on the Feature Extraction of Gabor Filter and Linear Discriminant Analysis and Improved Local Coupled Extreme Learning Machine
A gait energy image contains much gait information, which is one of the most effective means to recognize gait characteristics. The accuracy of gait recognition is greatly affected by covariates, such as the viewing angle, occlusion of clothing, and walking speed. Gait features differ somewhat by angles. Therefore, how to improve the recognition accuracy of a cross-view gait is a challenging task. This study proposes a new gait recognition algorithm structure. A Gabor filter is used to extract gait...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Microstructure and Properties of Sulfoaluminate Cement-Based Grouting Materials: Effect of Calcium Sulfate Variety
Effect of calcium sulfate variety on the microstructure and properties of cement-based grouting materials made by sulfoaluminate cement clinker, calcium sulfate resource, and quicklime was investigated in this paper. Isothermal calorimetric, XRD, DTA-TG, and SEM-EDS were used to characterize the reaction process of cement-based grouting materials. The mechanical property and expansion of the harden body were also tested. The results showed that (1) the formation of ettringite can be completed during...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Study on Hesitant Fuzzy Multiattribute Quality Evaluation Based on Surface Defect Information of Autobody Panels
Surface defects of autobody panels have the greatest impact on the surface quality of the automobile body, but many enterprises lack a scientific and reasonable evaluation method of surface quality, relying solely on the subjective judgment of decision makers which will lead to an increase in the probability of misjudgment. In this paper, the subjective weight is determined by the genetic algorithm based on optimization, and the objective weight is determined by the improved deviation maximization...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Moment-Independent Importance Analysis of Structural Seismic Requirements Based on Orthogonal Polynomial Estimation
The structural damping ratio, structural quality, yield strength, and elastic modulus of section steel, compressive strength, elastic modulus of concrete, yield strength, and elastic modulus of steel bars play important roles in the stability of the steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) frame structure, which are usually uncertain. However, their importance influence on the different seismic demands of SRC is rarely investigated simultaneously. In order to investigate the effects of the above parameters...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Development of a Novel Soft Sensor with Long Short-Term Memory Network and Normalized Mutual Information Feature Selection
In this paper, a novel soft sensor is developed by combining long short-term memory (LSTM) network with normalized mutual information feature selection (NMIFS). In the proposed algorithm, LSTM is designed to handle time series with high nonlinearity and dynamics of industrial processes. NMIFS is conducted to perform the input variable selection for LSTM to simplify the excessive complexity of the model. The developed soft sensor combines the excellent dynamic modelling of LSTM and precise variable...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Evidence-Based Optimal Cutoff Values with the Validation of Criterion-Referenced Standards for Sarcopenic Elderly Fitness Improvement
This study provides a newly updated perspective of information on severely screened 21 previous studies of the various measurement methods for improving physical fitness and providing determined cutoff values from our reserved elderly human database. We aimed to provide scientific evidence-based information regarding physical fitness standards for developing useful prognostics, promoting and maintaining health programs for sarcopenic elderly. 21 previous studies emphasizing criterion referenced standards...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Acute Toxicity of Leaf Extracts of Enydra fluctuans Lour in Zebrafish (Danio rerio Hamilton)
The present study was focused on the concentration-dependent changes in oral acute toxicity of leaf extracts of E. fluctuans in zebrafish. The study was also aimed at the details of histopathological changes in the gill, liver, brain, and intestine of zebrafish exposed to the leaf extracts of the plant E. fluctuans. Enydra fluctuans Lour is an edible semiaquatic herbaceous plant used widely for the alleviation of the different diseases. Since there were no toxicity studies conducted on this plant,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Some New Refinements of Hermite–Hadamard-Type Inequalities Involving -Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integrals and Applications
The main objective of this article is to establish some new fractional refinements of Hermite–Hadamard-type inequalities essentially using new -Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals, where . Using this new fractional integral, we also derive two new fractional integral identities. Applications of the obtained results are also discussed.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Knowledge towards Strabismus and Associated Factors among Adults in Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia
Introduction. Strabismus/squint is an ocular misalignment in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. It is an avoidable cause of blindness and has a global prevalence which ranges from 2% to 6%. Knowledge of eye diseases is important in encouraging people to seek early treatment, which further helps in reducing the burden of visual impairment. Studies in Ethiopia showed that the level of good knowledge was 37%. There is a lack of information regarding knowledge and related factors...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Universal Trajectory Planning Method for Automated Lane-Changing and Overtaking Maneuvers
Lane-changing and overtaking are conventional maneuvers on roads, and the reference trajectory is one of the prerequisites to execute these maneuvers. This study proposes a universal trajectory planning method for automated lane-changing and overtaking maneuvers, in which the trajectory is regarded as the combination of a path and its traffic state profiles. The two-dimensional path is represented by a suitable curve to connect the initial position with final position of the ego vehicle. Based on...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Exploring the Occurrence Mechanisms of Acute Primary Angle Closure by Comparative Analysis of Ultrasound Biomicroscopic Data of the Attack and Fellow Eyes
Purpose. To explore the anatomical characteristics and occurrence mechanisms of acute primary angle closure (APAC) by comparing the quantitative data of UBM images of the APAC and fellow eyes. Methods. 131 patients (262 eyes) were studied over five years by retrospective analysis. The quantitative data from UBM images including angle opening distance at 500 μm (AOD500), trabecular-iris angle (TIA), iris convexity (IC), iris span (IS), iris-lens angle (ILA), iris-lens contact distance (ILCD), iris-ciliary...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Recent Progress on Lipid Intake and Chronic Kidney Disease
The incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with major abnormalities in circulating lipoproteins and renal lipid metabolism. This article elaborates on the mechanisms of CKD and lipid uptake abnormalities. The viewpoint we supported is that lipid abnormalities directly cause CKD, resulting in forming a vicious cycle. On the theoretical and experiment fronts, this inference has been verified by elaborately elucidating the role of lipid intake and accumulation as well as their influences...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Dynamic Behaviors of a Class of High-Order Fuzzy Difference Equations
The purpose of this paper is to give the conditions for the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions and the asymptotic stability of equilibrium points for the following high-order fuzzy difference equation: where is the sequence of positive fuzzy numbers and the parameters and initial conditions are positive fuzzy numbers. Besides, some numerical examples describing the fuzzy difference equation are given to illustrate the theoretical results.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Seismic Behavior of the Removable Links in Eccentrically Braced Frames with Semirigid Connections
Eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) have good elastic stiffness, while semirigid joints can provide greater ductility and make all components easy to fabricate. With application of semirigid connections to EBFs, a seismic structure can be formed. After earthquake, damaged components can be easily replaced, and repair costs and maintenance time can be reduced. In order to study the seismic performance of this type of structure, four single-story plane specimens were tested under low-cycle cyclic loads....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Interaction of miR-181b and IFNA1 Polymorphisms on the Risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Introduction. A previous work has discovered that chromosome 1q32 locus linked to the risk of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and miR-181b located on the susceptibility site with downregulation inversely correlating to its target molecular interferon alpha 1 (IFNA1). The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of miR-181b and IFNA1 polymorphisms with IS risk. Methods. The miR-181b rs322931, IFNA1 rs1332190, and rs10811543 were genotyped using a Multiplex SNaPshot assay. miR-181b...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Could the Novel Oral Anticoagulants Be Used for Coronary Artery Aneurysm?
Coronary artery aneurysms (CAAs) are uncommon in coronary angiography, and left main coronary artery aneurysms are rare. There is no consensus for the treatment of CAAs. A young patient with left coronary artery aneurysm diagnosed by coronary angiography and with recurrent acute myocardial infarction was treated with rivaroxaban and aspirin. The patient had no angina for 6 months. Novel oral anticoagulants combined with antiplatelet agents may be appropriate for the treatment of CAAs.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Complexity and Risk of Adverse Events in relation to High Bleeding Risk among Patients Receiving Drug-Eluting Stents: Insights from a Large Single-Center Cohort Study
Background/Aim. The relation between complex percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), high bleeding risk (HBR), and adverse events after coronary artery implantation of drug-eluting stents has been incompletely characterized. This study sought to investigate the ischemic and bleeding events after complex PCI including stratification according to HBR estimated by PARIS bleeding risk score. Methods. Between January 2013 and December 2013, 10,167 consecutive patients undergoing PCI were prospectively...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The GRACE Scale in the Prognosis of Patients with Takotsubo Syndrome
Background. The prognosis of Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is comparable to that of the non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). The GRACE scale is used to assess the risk of premature and long-term mortality in patients with NSTEMI in order to select the most favorable treatment strategy. Methods. 101 patients with TTS hospitalized in four centers of invasive cardiology in Podlaskie Voivodeship during the period 2008–2012 were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups:...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Type 1 Choroidal Neovascularization Evolution by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Long-Term Follow-Up
Purpose. To evaluate structural changes in response to antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) treatment in patients with long-term type 1 choroidal neovascularization (CNV) by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA). Method. This is a longitudinal study that involved a total of 51 eyes with type 1 CNV (35 female and 16 male eyes). Structural OCT and OCTA were performed on all the subjects. AngioVue OCTA (XR Avanti, Optovue, Inc., Fremont, CA) was used to obtain qualitative...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Impervious Surface Area and Water Quality Response in the Fuxian Lake Watershed
The increase of urbanization level has led to the rapid increase of impervious surface area (ISA). The aim of this work is to clarify the relationship between the ISA and water quality and lay a foundation for the improvement and protection of the water quality in the basin. Taking the Fuxian Lake Basin in Yunnan Province as an example, based on the Landsat ETM+ remote sensing image and the Gram–Schmidt (GS) image fusion algorithm, the four-terminal model and the linear spectral mixture model (LSMM)...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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