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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Redefining euthyroidism: A biopsychosocial construct
Sanjay Kalra, AG Unnikrishnan, Atul KalhanThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):2-3
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
ITSCON 2019 Abstracts
Thyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):27-42
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
Coronavirus disease 2019 and thyroid disease: Position statement of Indian Thyroid Society
Rajesh Rajput, Amit Agarwal, Mohd Ashraf Ganie, CS Bal, DC Sharma, Krishna Seshadri, Jabbar Puttiyaveettil, Narendra Kotwal, KM Prasanna Kumar, RV Jayakumar, Sarita Bajaj, Shashank Joshi, Subhankar Chowdhury, Sujoy GhoshThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):4-6
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
Vanishing pituitary macroprolactinoma and secondary hypothyroidism due to pituitary apoplexy
Deep Dutta, Meha Sharma, KS Shivaprasad, Manoj KumarThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):19-21 Macroprolactinomas usually need long-term cabergoline therapy, often lifelong, as complete resolution of these tumors is rare. We present a vanishing pituitary macroprolactinoma which evolved into a complete empty sella following 2 years of cabergoline therapy. A 17-year-old girl with primary amenorrhea, chronic headache, and galactorrhea for 2 months was diagnosed to have pituitary macroprolactinoma...
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
Pattern of autoimmune thyroiditis in Egyptian children and adolescence
Kotb Abbass Metwalley, Mohamed Kotb Abbass MetwalleyThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):7-13 Background: Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) is the most common thyroid disorder in the pediatric age range. Aim: The aim of the retrospective study is to analyze the demographic, clinical, ultrasonographical, hormonal, immunological, and histopathological characteristics of 362 children and adolescents with a diagnosis of AIT. Patients and Methods: Data relating to the patient demographic and...
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
An unusual cause of periodic weakness
Abhishek Juneja, Kuljeet Singh AnandThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):25-26
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
A comparison of liquid-based cytology and conventional smears in fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid lesions: Diagnostic efficacy and pitfalls
Manju Kumari, Mukul SinghThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):14-18 Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology is an unrivalled method of preoperative triage of thyroid lesions. The use of liquid-based cytology (LBC) is now extended to nongynecological samples due to the advantages of lesser screening time, clearer background, and potential use of leftover material for ancillary investigations. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is cytomorphological comparison of LBC and conventional...
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
ITSCON 2020 Abstracts
Thyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):43-50
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
Profiling of Patients with COPD for Adequate Referral to Exercise-Based Care: The Dutch Model
Abstract A loss of physical functioning (i.e., a low physical capacity and/or a low physical activity) is a common feature in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To date, the primary care physiotherapy and specialized pulmonary rehabilitation are clearly underused, and limited to patients with a moderate to very severe degree of airflow limitation (GOLD stage 2 or higher). However, improved referral rates are a necessity to lower the burden for patients...
Latest Results for Sports Medicine
Direct-to-consumer misleading information on cancer risks calls for an urgent clarification of health genetic testing performed by commercial companies
Publication date: June 2020Source: European Journal of Cancer, Volume 132Author(s): Antoine de Pauw, Mathias Schwartz, Chrystelle Colas, Lisa Golmard, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet
European Journal of Cancer
Genomic analysis in short- and long-term patients with malignant pleura mesothelioma treated with palliative chemotherapy
Publication date: June 2020Source: European Journal of Cancer, Volume 132Author(s): Federica Torricelli, Alka Saxena, Rosamond Nuamah, Michael Neat, Leanne Harling, Wen NG, James Spicer, Alessia Ciarrocchi, Andrea Bille
European Journal of Cancer
Fatal association of fulminant myocarditis and rhabdomyolysis after immune checkpoint blockade
Publication date: Available online 24 April 2020Source: European Journal of CancerAuthor(s): Raluca Tomoaia, Ruxandra Ș. Beyer, Dana Pop, Ioan A. Minciună, Alexandra Dădârlat-Pop
European Journal of Cancer
Clinical practice: chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells: a major breakthrough in the battle against cancer
Abstract Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy has come of age, offering a potentially curative option for patients who are refractory to standard anti-cancer treatments. The success of CAR T cell therapy in the setting of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and specific types of B cell lymphoma led to rapid regulatory approvals of CD19-directed CAR T cells, first in the United States and subsequently across the globe. Despite these major milestones in the field of immuno-oncology,...
Latest Results for Clinical and Experimental Medicine
[Urogenital votive offerings and diseases in ancient healing temples of Greco-Roman culture].
[Urogenital votive offerings and diseases in ancient healing temples of Greco-Roman culture]. Urologe A. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Guner E Abstract In polytheistic antiquity, people went to the temples, which were dedicated to different gods and goddesses, to seek healing for their diseases. There were also anatomical votive offerings that symbolized their affected organs. In this article, votive offerings in the field of urology and the diseases they point...
pubmed: antiquity
Accurate compound-specific 14C dating of archaeological pottery vessels.
Accurate compound-specific 14C dating of archaeological pottery vessels. Nature. 2020 Apr;580(7804):506-510 Authors: Casanova E, Knowles TDJ, Bayliss A, Dunne J, Barański MZ, Denaire A, Lefranc P, di Lernia S, Roffet-Salque M, Smyth J, Barclay A, Gillard T, Claßen E, Coles B, Ilett M, Jeunesse C, Krueger M, Marciniak A, Minnitt S, Rotunno R, van de Velde P, van Wijk I, Cotton J, Daykin A, Evershed RP Abstract Pottery is one of the most commonly recovered...
pubmed: antiquity
Death attitudes among older Asian and Pacific Islander Americans: The role of religiosity, spirituality, and psychosocial health factors
Death Studies: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
MicroRNA-93 Targets p21 and Promotes Proliferation in Mycosis Fungoides T Cells
Background: Mycosis fungoides (MF), the most common form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), is a lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by proliferation of malignant T cells in a chronic inflammatory environment in the skin. The nature of MF is still not fully understood, but aberrant microRNA (miR) expression and function seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis and disease progression and have been proposed as a putative disease marker. Recent studies have reported aberrant expression...
DRM : Last 10 articles
(LEFT) Partial Contents; (RIGHT) Elsevier E-alert 1/2 pg vertical BW filler
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Editorial Board
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Instructions for Authors
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients with Sepsis and Severe Acute Respiratory Failure. The CITRIS-ALI Randomized Clinical Trial: Fowler III AA, Truwit, JD, Hite RD, et al. <em>JAMA.</em> 2019;322(13):1261-1270
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Meredith K. Von Dohlen, Jerrilyn Jones
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Optimal Timing of Coronary Intervention in Patients Resuscitated From Cardiac Arrest Without ST-Segment Elevation Myocardia Infarction (NSTEMI): A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis: Barbarawi M, Zayed Y, Kheiri B, et al. <em>Resuscitation</em>. 2019;144:137-144
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Ryan Matthews, Amanda Young
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Effect of a Fluid Bolus on Cardiovascular Collapse Among Critically Ill Adults Undergoing Tracheal Intubation (PrePARE): A Randomized Controlled Trial: Janz DR, Casey JD, Semler MW, et al. <em>Lancet Respir Med</em>. 2019;7(12):1039–1047
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Alex Rahnema, Jerrilyn Jones
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Cold-stored Whole Blood: A Better Method of Trauma Resuscitation?: Hazelton JP, Cannon JW, Zatorski C, et al. <em>Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery</em> 2019; 87(5):1035-1041
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Matthew Harrison, Amanda Young
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Emergency Department to ICU Time Is Associated With Hospital Mortality: A Registry Analysis of 14,788 Patients From Six University Hospitals in The Netherlands: Groenland CNL, Termorshuizen F, Rietdijk WJR, et al. <em>Critical Care Medicine</em>. 2019;47(11):1564-1571
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Laura Werline, Amanda Young
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Effect of Fresh vs Standard-issue Red Blood Cell Transfusions on Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial: Spinella PC, Tucci M, Fergusson DA, et al. <em>JAMA.</em> 2019;322(22):2179-2190
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Bethany Dalby, Jerrilyn Jones
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Dan Danzl the Paradox: Cool Dude, Warm Heart
Publication date: February 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 58, Issue 2Author(s): Tej Dhindsa, Martin Huecker
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and Other Human Coronaviruses: (Trends in Immunology <em>41</em>, 355–359; 2020)
Publication date: Available online 24 April 2020Source: Trends in ImmunologyAuthor(s): Shibo Jiang, Christopher Hillyer, Lanying Du
ScienceDirect Publication: Trends in Immunology
Murine cellular model of mucopolysaccharidosis, type IIIB (MPS IIIB) – A preliminary study with particular emphasis on the non-oxidative <span class="small-caps">l</span>-cysteine metabolism
Publication date: Available online 23 April 2020Source: BiochimieAuthor(s): Marta Kaczor-Kamińska, Krystyna Stalińska, Kamil Kamiński, Aleksandra Pisarek, Urszula Maziarz, Arleta Feldman, Maria Wróbel
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimie
SPCA1 governs the stability of TMEM165 in Hailey-Hailey disease
Publication date: Available online 23 April 2020Source: BiochimieAuthor(s): Anne-Sophie Roy, Snaigune Miskinyte, Anne Garat, Alain Hovnanian, Marie-Ange Krzewinski-recchi, François Foulquier
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimie
The effect of megavoltage field size on intrafraction cone-beam CT image quality
Abstract To investigate the effects of scatter from a megavoltage treatment beam on intrafraction cone beam CT (CBCT) image quality. The effects of treatment beam field size and phantom geometry were investigated as well as the clinical success of IFI. Intrafraction imaging (IFI) was performed on four phantoms with four different MV field sizes using a 6 MV FFF source. The image quality of the intrafraction CBCT images was compared to that of a baseline CBCT (i.e. with no treatment...
Latest Results for Australasian Physical
Fucosidases from the human gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus
Abstract The availability and repartition of fucosylated glycans within the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the adaptation of gut bacteria species to ecological niches. To access this source of nutrients, gut bacteria encode α-l-fucosidases (fucosidases) which catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal α-l-fucosidic linkages. We determined the substrate and linkage specificities of fucosidases from the human gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus. Sequence similarity network identified...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Circulating tumor cells as Trojan Horse for understanding, preventing, and treating cancer: a critical appraisal
Abstract Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are regarded as harbingers of metastases. Their ability to predict response to therapy, relapse, and resistance to treatment has proposed their value as putative diagnostic and prognostic indicators. CTCs represent one of the zeniths of cancer evolution in terms of cell survival; however, the triggers of CTC generation, the identification of potentially metastatic CTCs, and the mechanisms contributing to their heterogeneity and aggressiveness...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
[Correspondence] The political nature of medicine
“What should we expect of scientists in society?” This is the question we read in Richard Horton's Comment,1 which is quite important since the answer will be the same as for other similar questions: what should we expect of people having professions in different fields, such as engineers, musicians, economists, or soldiers in society? We agree that to achieve great science, there needs to be excellence in the field. We need to be able to provide the best diagnosis, best design, best music, best...
The Lancet
[Comment] Antiplatelet strategies in ageing patients with acute coronary syndromes
Older patients who present with a non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) are at particular risk of recurrent ischaemic events, but also of bleeding complications.1 Choosing the optimal dual antiplatelet strategy for the ageing patient with ACS can thus present a dilemma in daily practice. Should dual antiplatelet therapy in an older patient include the less potent P2Y12 inhibitor clopidogrel, thus minimising bleeding risk, or should a more potent P2Y12 inhibitor such as ticagrelor...
The Lancet
[Comment] Reducing malaria transmission with reactive focal interventions
A massive scale-up of investments in malaria control resulted in an estimated 663 million lives saved in sub-Saharan Africa between 2000 and 2015,1 and 11 countries have been certified malaria-free in the current millennium.2 Unfortunately, progress has stalled recently, and increases in malaria incidence were observed in several endemic countries.3 Continuing with business as usual is likely to jeopardise gains made in the past 20 years, and slow the progress towards elimination goals. Innovative...
The Lancet
[Correspondence] Bodily distribution of projectile injuries in Chilean protests
On Oct 14, 2019, a series of protests began in Chile after the Ministry of Transport introduced a fare increase for riding in the Metropolitan Public Transport Network, which led to an escalation of confrontations between local police, military forces, and protestors, in turn leading to a record number of patients with projectile-related injuries and severe ocular trauma.
The Lancet

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