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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Effects of the Characteristics and Duration of Chronic Pain on Psychosomatic Function in the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population.
Effects of the Characteristics and Duration of Chronic Pain on Psychosomatic Function in the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population. Pain Res Manag. 2020;2020:4714527 Authors: Hida M, Nakamura M, Imaoka M, Nakao H, Tasaki F, Omizu T, Takeda M, Ohnishi T, Wada C Abstract Catastrophic thinking is related to pain intensity and the degree of disability and influences pain care significantly. However, only few studies have investigated the impact of catastrophic...
pubmed: sleep
Non-motor Symptoms in Chinese Patients With Isolated Generalized Dystonia: A Case-Control Study.
Non-motor Symptoms in Chinese Patients With Isolated Generalized Dystonia: A Case-Control Study. Front Neurol. 2020;11:209 Authors: Li S, Wang L, Yang Y, Qiao L, Zhang D, Wan X Abstract Background: Previous studies have indicated that non-motor symptoms are primary problems in focal dystonia, but limited data are available about non-motor problems and their correlation with motor severity in generalized dystonia (GD). Methods: In the present study, we...
pubmed: sleep
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Narcolepsy: A Possible Connection That Deserves to Be Investigated.
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Narcolepsy: A Possible Connection That Deserves to Be Investigated. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:265 Authors: Posar A, Visconti P, Blunda V, Pizza F, Plazzi G Abstract Narcolepsy in childhood-adolescence is characterized by a high occurrence of psychiatric comorbidities. The most frequent psychiatric disorders reported in these patients are attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia....
pubmed: sleep
Prostatic irradiation-induced sexual dysfunction: a review and multidisciplinary guide to management in the radical radiotherapy era (Part I defining the organ at risk for sexual toxicities).
Prostatic irradiation-induced sexual dysfunction: a review and multidisciplinary guide to management in the radical radiotherapy era (Part I defining the organ at risk for sexual toxicities). Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2020 May-Jun;25(3):367-375 Authors: Ramirez-Fort MK, Rogers MJ, Santiago R, Mahase SS, Mendez M, Zheng Y, Kong X, Kashanian JA, Niaz MJ, McClelland S, Wu X, Bander NH, Schlegel P, Mulhall JP, Lange CS Abstract Prostate cancer is the most...
pubmed: sleep
The Nonsurgical Sleep Medicine Physician Role in the Development of an Upper Airway Stimulation Program.
The Nonsurgical Sleep Medicine Physician Role in the Development of an Upper Airway Stimulation Program. Fed Pract. 2020 Apr;37(4):177-181 Authors: Kogan D Abstract Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder in the US and other industrialized countries. Untreated OSA is associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, poor workplace productivity, increased health...
pubmed: sleep
Risk factors for astigmatic components and internal compensation: the Nanjing Eye Study.
Risk factors for astigmatic components and internal compensation: the Nanjing Eye Study. Eye (Lond). 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Wang Z, Tong H, Hao Q, Chen X, Zhu H, Huang D, Li R, Hu Z, Liu H Abstract PURPOSE: To determine the risk factors for total astigmatism (TA), anterior corneal astigmatism (ACA), and internal compensation in Chinese preschool children. METHODS: In the population-based Nanjing Eye Study, children were measured for noncycloplegic...
pubmed: sleep
Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Triggers a Senescence-like Phenotype in Human White Preadipocytes.
Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Triggers a Senescence-like Phenotype in Human White Preadipocytes. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 22;10(1):6846 Authors: Polonis K, Becari C, Chahal CAA, Zhang Y, Allen AM, Kellogg TA, Somers VK, Singh P Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder associated with obesity. Emerging evidence suggest that OSA increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality partly via accelerating the process of cellular...
pubmed: sleep
Progressive changes in sleep and its relations to amyloid-β distribution and learning in single App knock-in mice.
Progressive changes in sleep and its relations to amyloid-β distribution and learning in single App knock-in mice. eNeuro. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Maezono SEB, Kanuka M, Tatsuzawa C, Morita M, Kawano T, Kashiwagi M, Nondhalee P, Sakaguchi M, Saito T, Saido TC, Hayashi Y Abstract Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients often suffer from sleep disturbances. Alterations in sleep, especially rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), can precede the onset of dementia. To...
pubmed: sleep
Associations between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk factors in young African-origin adults from the five-country modeling the epidemiologic transition study (METS).
Associations between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk factors in young African-origin adults from the five-country modeling the epidemiologic transition study (METS). Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 19;: Authors: Rae DE, Dugas LR, Roden LC, Lambert EV, Bovet P, Plange-Rhule J, Forrester T, Riesen W, Korte W, Crowley SJ, Reutrakul S, Luke A Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate associations between self-reported sleep duration and cardiometabolic...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep disturbance mediates the link between childhood trauma and clinical outcome in severe mental disorders.
Sleep disturbance mediates the link between childhood trauma and clinical outcome in severe mental disorders. Psychol Med. 2020 Apr 23;:1-10 Authors: Laskemoen JF, Aas M, Vaskinn A, Berg AO, Lunding SH, Barrett EA, Melle I, Simonsen C Abstract BACKGROUND: The experience of childhood trauma is linked to more severe symptoms and poorer functioning in severe mental disorders; however, the mechanisms behind this are poorly understood. We investigate the...
pubmed: sleep
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: associations with sleep duration, insomnia, and inflammation.
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: associations with sleep duration, insomnia, and inflammation. Psychol Med. 2020 Apr 23;:1-10 Authors: Dolsen MR, Prather AA, Lamers F, Penninx BWJH Abstract BACKGROUND: Sleep disturbance has been consistently identified as an independent contributor to suicide risk. Inflammation has emerged as a potential mechanism linked to both sleep disturbance and suicide risk. This study tested associations between sleep duration,...
pubmed: sleep
Prevalence of depression and anxiety and correlations between depression, anxiety, family functioning, social support and coping styles among Chinese medical students.
Prevalence of depression and anxiety and correlations between depression, anxiety, family functioning, social support and coping styles among Chinese medical students. BMC Psychol. 2020 Apr 22;8(1):38 Authors: Shao R, He P, Ling B, Tan L, Xu L, Hou Y, Kong L, Yang Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Medical students experience depression and anxiety at a higher rate than the general population or students from other specialties. While there is a growing literature...
pubmed: sleep
NK cell-derived exosomes carry miR-207 and alleviate depression-like symptoms in mice.
NK cell-derived exosomes carry miR-207 and alleviate depression-like symptoms in mice. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Apr 22;17(1):126 Authors: Li D, Wang Y, Jin X, Hu D, Xia C, Xu H, Hu J Abstract BACKGROUND: Depression is a common mental disease that mainly manifests as bad mood, decreased interest, pessimism, slow thinking, lack of initiative, poor diet and sleep. Patients with severe depression have suicidal tendencies. Exosomes are small vesicles released...
pubmed: sleep
Successful implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol reduces nausea and vomiting after infratentorial craniotomy for tumour resection: a randomized controlled trial.
Successful implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol reduces nausea and vomiting after infratentorial craniotomy for tumour resection: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurol. 2020 Apr 22;20(1):150 Authors: Lu D, Wang Y, Zhao T, Liu B, Ye L, Zhao L, Zhao B, Li M, Ma L, Li Z, Niu J, Lv W, Zhang Y, Zheng T, Xue Y, Chen L, Chen L, Sun X, Gao G, Chen B, He S Abstract BACKGROUND: Infratentorial craniotomy patients have a high...
pubmed: sleep
Micturition Syncope: A Personal Experience With a Novel Explanation.
Related ArticlesMicturition Syncope: A Personal Experience With a Novel Explanation. Ann Emerg Med. 2020 02;75(2):312-313 Authors: Auerbach AJ PMID: 31959316 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: sleep
High glycemic index and glycemic load diets as risk factors for insomnia: analyses from the Women's Health Initiative.
Related ArticlesHigh glycemic index and glycemic load diets as risk factors for insomnia: analyses from the Women's Health Initiative. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 02 01;111(2):429-439 Authors: Gangwisch JE, Hale L, St-Onge MP, Choi L, LeBlanc ES, Malaspina D, Opler MG, Shadyab AH, Shikany JM, Snetselaar L, Zaslavsky O, Lane D Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown mixed results on the association between carbohydrate intake and insomnia. However,...
pubmed: sleep
The Resilience Bank Account: Skills for Optimal Performance.
Related ArticlesThe Resilience Bank Account: Skills for Optimal Performance. Ann Thorac Surg. 2020 01;109(1):18-25 Authors: Maddaus M Abstract The day-to-day life of a cardiothoracic surgeon and other high-stakes occupations is riddled with chronic stress punctuated by acute, sometimes life-threatening, crises. Additional stress from the realms of a surgeon's personal life can add to the silent burden surgeons often carry. The tolls paid for poor management...
pubmed: sleep
Enhanced Keap1-Nrf2 signaling protects the myocardium from isoproterenol-induced pathological remodeling in mice.
Related ArticlesEnhanced Keap1-Nrf2 signaling protects the myocardium from isoproterenol-induced pathological remodeling in mice. Redox Biol. 2019 10;27:101212 Authors: Shanmugam G, Challa AK, Litovsky SH, Devarajan A, Wang D, Jones DP, Darley-Usmar VM, Rajasekaran NS Abstract Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NFE2L2/Nrf2) is an inducible transcription factor that is essential for maintenance of redox signaling in response to stress. This...
pubmed: sleep
Glutamine Metabolism Is Required for Collagen Protein Synthesis in Lung Fibroblasts.
Related ArticlesGlutamine Metabolism Is Required for Collagen Protein Synthesis in Lung Fibroblasts. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2019 11;61(5):597-606 Authors: Hamanaka RB, O'Leary EM, Witt LJ, Tian Y, Gökalp GA, Meliton AY, Dulin NO, Mutlu GM Abstract Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β-dependent differentiation of lung fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, leading to excessive deposition of extracellular...
pubmed: sleep
Characterization and implications of the lingual process of the sphenoid bone: a cadaveric and radiographic study
Background The surgical significance of the lingual process of the sphenoid bone (LPSB) has not been sufficiently addressed. The purpose of this study was to describe the anatomical details of the LPSB in relation to the quadrangular space. Moreover, the incidence of the LPSB and its correlation with the pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus and the development of the lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus (LRSS) were also evaluated. Methods A dissection and exposure of the LPSB and the...
Allergy & Rhinology
Self‐reported olfactory loss associates with outpatient clinical course in Covid‐19
Background : Rapid spread of the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus has left many health systems around the world overwhelmed, forcing triaging of scarce medical resources. Identifying indicators of hospital admission for Covid‐19 patients early in the disease course could aid the efficient allocation of medical interventions. Self‐reported olfactory impairment has recently been recognized as a hallmark of Covid‐19 and may be an important predictor of clinical outcome. Methods : A retrospective review...
Allergy & Rhinology
Specific sublingual immunotherapy in children with perennial rhinitis; a systemic review and meta‐analysis
Background Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a major public health problem and is increasing worldwide. Allergic rhinitis affects children's learning efficiency, sleep quality and other major aspects of life. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is effective and safe for children with seasonal allergic rhinitis, but for children with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) caused by house dust mites (HDM), its effectiveness and safety is less convincing. Methods Medical literature databases up to 2019 were...
Allergy & Rhinology
Protective effects of dietary fish‐oil supplementation on skin inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers induced by fine particulate air pollution: A pilot randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial
Summary Background Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution has been associated with skin‐related diseases or disorders. Objectives To evaluate the potential skin protective effects of fish‐oil supplementation against PM2.5 exposure. Methods This is an exploratory analysis based on a pilot randomised, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial among 65 healthy young adults between September 2017 and January 2018 in Shanghai, China. We randomly assigned participants...
British Journal of Dermatology
Retrospective Cohort Study of Pregnancy Outcomes in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Abstract Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) disproportionately affects women of childbearing age; however, there has been a paucity of literature in the field of HS and pregnancy.1 The objective of this study was to examine pregnancy complications, pregnancy outcomes, and neonatal outcomes in patients with HS.
British Journal of Dermatology
Clinical forensic dermatology in cases of torture
Abstract In many European countries the number of asylum seekers has increased in parallel with increasing numbers of migrants and refugees. Recent experiences in providing medical assessment, care and corroborating evidence for people seeking asylum in France motivated us to review the basic principles of forensic dermatology, an essential skill for the attribution of skin lesions to different mechanisms of torture and for proposing appropriate diagnosis.
British Journal of Dermatology
Pathogenic variants of DNAJC12 and evaluation of the encoded co‐chaperone as a genetic modifier of hyperphenylalaninemia
ABSTRACT Biallelic variants of the gene DNAJC12, which encodes a co‐chaperone, were recently described in patients with hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA). This paper reports the retrospective genetic analysis of a cohort of unsolved cases of HPA. Biallelic variants of DNAJC12 were identified in 20 patients (generally neurologically asymptomatic) previously diagnosed with phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) deficiency (phenylketonuria, PKU). Further, mutations of DNAJC12 were identified in four carriers of...
Human Mutation
EFTUD2 missense variants disrupt protein function and splicing in Mandibulofacial Dysostosis Guion‐Almeida type
Abstract Pathogenic variants in the core spliceosome U5 snRNP gene EFTUD2/SNU114 cause the craniofacial disorder Mandibulofacial Dysostosis Guion‐Almeida type (MFDGA). MFDGA‐associated variants in EFTUD2 comprise large deletions encompassing EFTUD2, intragenic deletions and single nucleotide truncating or missense variants. These variants are predicted to result in haploinsufficiency by loss‐of‐function of the variant allele. While the contribution of deletions within EFTUD2 to allele loss‐of‐function...
Human Mutation
Rare mutations in the autophagy‐regulating gene AMBRA1 contribute to human neural tube defects
Abstract Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe congenital malformations caused by failed neural tube closure. Recently, autophagy is revealed to play a vital role in neuroepithelium development and neurulation. Ambra1 is a crucial regulator of autophagy initiation, and its deficiency in mice leads to exencephaly and/or spina bifida. However, the genetic contribution of AMBRA1 to the etiology of human NTDs remains unknown. In this study, we identified five rare missense mutations of AMBRA1 in 352...
Human Mutation
The EAHAD Blood Coagulation Factor VII Variant Database
Abstract Hereditary blood coagulation Factor VII (FVII) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive bleeding disorder resulting from variants in the gene encoding FVII (F7). Integration of genetic variation with functional consequences on protein function is essential for the interpretation of the pathogenicity of novel variants. Here, we describe an integration of previous locus specific databases for F7 into a single curated database with enhanced features. The database provides access to in silico...
Human Mutation
Bi‐allelic mutations in HARS1 severely impair histidyl‐tRNA synthetase expression and enzymatic activity causing a novel multi‐system ataxic syndrome
ABSTRACT Mutations in histidyl‐tRNA synthetase (HARS1), an enzyme that charges tRNA with the amino acid histidine in the cytoplasm, have only been associated to date with autosomal recessive Usher syndrome type III and autosomal dominant Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth disease type 2W. Using massive parallel sequencing, we identified bi‐allelic HARS1 variants in a child (c.616G>T, p.Asp206Tyr and c.730delG, p.Val244Cysfs*6) and in two sisters (c.1393A>C, p.Ile465Leu and c.910_912dupTTG, p.Leu305dup),...
Human Mutation
A novel long-range deletion spanning STX16 and NPEPL1 causing imprinting defects of the GNAS locus discovered in a patient with autosomal-dominant pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1B
Abstract Background Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a rare disorder characterized by hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH). According to different GNAS mutations, PHP is divided into several subtypes, among which autosomal-dominant PHP1B (AD-PHP1B) is caused by STX16 deletion and epigenetic alteration of GNAS. Although the deletion of STX16 exons 2−6 is commonly observed, other mutations involving...
Latest Results for Endocrine
Comparative distribution of somatostatin and somatostatin receptors in PTU-induced hypothyroidism
Abstract Purpose Propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroidism is a well-established model for assessing hormonal and morphological changes in thyroid as well as other central and peripheral tissues. Somatostatin (SST) is known to regulate hormonal secretion and synthesis in endocrine tissues; however, nothing is currently known about the distribution of SST and its receptor in hypothyroidism. ...
Latest Results for Endocrine
The role of AIP variants in pituitary adenomas and concomitant thyroid carcinomas in the Netherlands: a nationwide pathology registry (PALGA) study
Abstract Purpose Germline mutations in the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) have been identified often in the setting of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA). To date there is no strong evidence linking germline AIP mutations to other neoplasms apart from the pituitary. Our primary objective was to investigate the prevalence of AIP gene mutations and mutations in genes that have been associated with neuroendocrine...
Latest Results for Endocrine
Large intrathyroidal lipoma with radioiodine uptake
Latest Results for Endocrine
Soluble Klotho: a possible predictor of quality of life in acromegaly patients
Abstract Purpose Although quality of life (QoL) is improved in patients with acromegaly after disease control, QoL correlates only weakly with traditional biomarkers. Our objective is to investigate a potential relation between the new serum biomarker soluble Klotho (sKlotho), GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, and QoL. Methods In...
Latest Results for Endocrine
Efficacy and safety of statin use in children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials
Abstract Purpose Statins are the mainstay of treatment for patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). However, their efficacy and safety in children and adolescents with FH has not been well-documented. The purpose of this study was to systematically investigate and meta-analyze the best available evidence from randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) regarding the efficacy and safety of statins in this population. ...
Latest Results for Endocrine
Audiologist 74-2
Administers and interprets behavioral measures of the peripheral auditory system; administers and interprets electro-acoustic measures of the ...
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Download Evaluation Of The Effects Of Industrial Noise On The Peripheral Auditory Apparatus ...
9 Feb 2019 propagate through the auditory system and result in unique patterns of AN ... Peripheral Auditory Mechanisms, part 1 - Sensory Systems.
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Origin of human language may be 25 million years old: Study
... had an evolutionary basis in the auditory system of nonhuman primates. ... It also generated original new brain scans that are globally shared to ...
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