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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Protocol for a systematic review of health promotion interventions for African Americans delivered in US barbershops and hair salons
IntroductionAfrican American adults are disproportionately burdened by chronic diseases, particularly at younger ages. Developing culturally appropriate interventions is paramount to closing the gap in these health inequities. The purpose of this systematic review is to critically evaluate health promotion interventions for African Americans delivered in two environments that are frequented by this population: barbershops and hair salons. Characteristics of effective interventions will be identified...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Text messages for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: the TextMe2 randomised controlled trial protocol
IntroductionMobile health may be an effective means of delivering customised individually directed health promotion interventions for cardiovascular disease (CVD) primary prevention. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a lifestyle-focused text messaging programme for primary CVD prevention. Methods and analysisSingle-blind randomised controlled trial with 6 months’ follow-up in 246 patients with moderate-high absolute cardiovascular risk and without coronary heart disease...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Correction: Transcultural mediation programme in a paediatric hospital in France: qualitative and quantitative study of participants experience and impact on hospital costs
Lachal J, Escaich M, Bouznah S, et al. Transcultural mediation programme in a paediatric hospital in France: qualitative and quantitative study of participants’ experience and impact on hospital costs. BMJ Open 2019;9:e032498. The name of the co-author of this paper was misspelt. Clémence Rousselle is the correct name.
BMJ Open Current Issue
Paediatricians attitudes and beliefs towards transgender people: a cross-sectional survey in Israel
ObjectiveThe number of transgender and gender non-conforming children is on the rise. For these children, the timing of medical intervention is crucial, yet transgender children report poorer overall physical and mental health outcomes compared with their cisgender peers. We aim to describe how paediatricians perceive transgender people. SettingThe ‘Transgender Attitudes and Beliefs Scale’, which consists of 29 items in three domains—human value, interpersonal comfort and sex/gender beliefs—was...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Evolution of hot zone care: MARA
Modern conflict and terrorist events have moved from linear two-dimensional battlespaces into complex, continuously evolving three-dimensional environments. Contested spaces make traditional definitions of zones of response confusing and lead to delays in care. The presence of actual or perceived ongoing threats creates an environment in which the initiation of tactical field care (TFC) may be inappropriate, despite the absence of an immediate risk to life. This risks a ‘time and space gap’ between...
Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps Online First
Heat acclimatisation on UK exercise SAIF SAREEA 3
UK Exercise SAIF SAREEA 3 saw components of first Armoured Infantry Brigade conduct kinetic armoured infantry manoeuvres in Oman in temperatures that at times exceeded 50°C. This paper presents the methods of acclimatisation, recreational physical training in the heat, and reacclimatisation training conducted in theatre during this exercise. In order to reduce the risk of heat illness, individuals underwent either validated heat acclimatisation training in accordance with current policy, or adapted...
Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps Online First
Rare association of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with Hirschsprungs disease in an infant with hypoglycemia
Hypoglycaemic due to congenital hyperinsulinism in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is commonly seen. It is usually transient and is managed by enteral feeds, high glucose-containing intravenous fluids and medications like diazoxide. We describe a case of an infant with genetically proven Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with prolonged hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia. Despite treatment with high glucose-containing intravenous fluids, diazoxide and octreotide, her hypoglycaemia persisted. In addition to this,...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Submandibular lymphadenitis due to Mycobacterium malmoense: first reported case from Greece
An 8-year-old girl with subacute submandibular lymphadenitis and no other complaints is described. After failure of parenteral antistaphylococcal therapy, she underwent incision and drainage of the involved lymph node. The responsible pathogen was identified as Mycobacterium malmoense by GenoType CM assay and sequencing of the 16S ribosomalRNA (rRNA) gene. The patient remains healthy, 11 months after surgery, even though it took approximately 4 months for the surgical incision to heal completely....
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Sand injuries associated with the landslide
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Cystic lymphangioma of breast: a rare presentation
A 36-year-old woman presented to the radiology department with a history of gradual increase in the size of her left breast and greenish discolouration of the skin over it since 1.5 months. Physical examination revealed a soft non-tender mass involving the whole of the left breast. Radiological investigations further established the presence of multiple well-defined lobulated multiseptated and cystic fluid-containing lesions involving the entire left breast and extending to the axillary tail. Successful...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Interrupting the trajectory of frailty in dementia with Lewy bodies with anabolic exercise, dietary intervention and deprescribing of hazardous medications
An 87-year-old man with dementia with Lewy bodies, living in residential aged care, exhibited rapid functional decline and weight loss associated with injurious falls over 9 months. Independent clinicians (geriatrician and exercise physiologist) assessed him during an extended wait-list period prior to his commencement of a pilot exercise trial. The highly significant role of treatable factors including polypharmacy, sarcopenia and malnutrition as contributors to frailty and rapid functional decline...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Recurrent syncope while eating: an unusual presentation of a diaphragmatic hernia
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
A scoping review of pre-hospital technology to assist ambulance personnel with patient diagnosis or stratification during the emergency assessment of suspected stroke
Pre-hospital identification of key subgroups within the suspected stroke population could reduce delays to emergency treatment. We aimed to identify and describe technology with existing proof of concept for d...
BMC Emergency Medicine - Latest Articles
Thyroid® Open Access Articles
Latest Impact Factor: 7.786 The Official Journal of: American Thyroid Association® FREE ACCESS through May 8, 2020. Structural Doubling Time Predicts Overall Survival in Patients with Medullary Thyroid Cancer in Patients with Rapidly Progressive Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Cancer Treated with Molecular Targeted Therapies Tiffany Yeh, Michele Yeung, Eric J. Sherman, R. Michael Tuttle, and Mona M. Sabra  Spatiotemporal Changes of Cerebral Monocarboxylate Transporter 8 Expression Nina-Maria...
American Thyroid Association
The long noncoding RNA Arrl1 inhibits neurite outgrowth by functioning as a competing endogenous RNA during neuronal regeneration in rats [Cell Biology]
The intrinsic regeneration ability of neurons is a pivotal factor in the repair of peripheral nerve injury. Therefore, identifying the key modulators of nerve regeneration may help improve axon regeneration and functional recovery after injury. Unlike for classical transcription factors and regeneration-associated genes (RAGs), the function of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation of neuronal regeneration remains mostly unknown. In this study, we used RNA-Seq–based transcriptome profiling...
JBC Papers in Press
D-alanine-D-alanine ligase as a model for the activation of ATP-grasp enzymes by monovalent cations [Protein Structure and Folding]
The ATP-grasp superfamily of enzymes shares an atypical nucleotide-binding site known as the ATP-grasp fold. These enzymes are involved in many biological pathways in all domains of life. One ATP-grasp enzyme, D-alanine–D-alanine ligase (Ddl), catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of the D-alanyl–D-alanine dipeptide essential for bacterial cell-wall biosynthesis, and is therefore an important antibiotic drug target. Ddl is activated by the monovalent cation (MVC) K+, but despite its clinical relevance...
JBC Papers in Press
Knockout mouse models reveal the contributions of G protein subunits to complement C5a receptor-mediated chemotaxis [Immunology]
G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling is required for the navigation of immune cells along chemoattractant gradients. However, chemoattractant receptors may couple to more than one type of heterotrimeric G protein, each of which consists of a Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunit, making it difficult to delineate the critical signaling pathways. Here we used knockout mouse models and time-lapse microscopy to elucidate Gα and Gβ subunits contributing to complement C5a receptor–mediated chemotaxis. Complement...
JBC Papers in Press
Inhibition of the epigenetic suppressor EZH2 primes osteogenic differentiation mediated by BMP2 [Cell Biology]
Bone-stimulatory therapeutics include bone morphogenetic proteins (e.g. BMP2), parathyroid hormone, and antibody-based suppression of WNT antagonists. Inhibition of the epigenetic enzyme Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2) is both bone-anabolic and osteo-protective. EZH2 inhibition stimulates key components of bone-stimulatory signaling pathways, including the BMP2 signaling cascade. Because of high costs and adverse effects associated with BMP2 use, here we investigated whether BMP2 dosing can be...
JBC Papers in Press
Ethylene signalling in plants [Plant Biology]
Ethylene is a gaseous phytohormone and the first of this hormone class to be discovered. It is the simplest olefin gas and is biosynthesized by plants to regulate plant development, growth, and stress responses via a well-studied signaling pathway. One of the earliest reported responses to ethylene is the triple response. This response is common in eudicot seedlings grown in the dark and is characterized by reduced growth of the root and hypocotyl, an exaggerated apical hook, and a thickening of...
JBC Papers in Press
Evolution, role in inflammation, and redox control of leaderless secretory proteins [Immunology]
Members of the interleukin (IL)-1 family are key determinants of inflammation. Despite their role as intercellular mediators, most lack the leader peptide typically required for protein secretion. This lack is a characteristic of dozens of other proteins that are actively and selectively secreted from living cells independently of the classical endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi exocytic route. These proteins, termed leaderless secretory proteins (LLSPs), comprise proteins directly or indirectly involved...
JBC Papers in Press
Chronic treatment with the complex I inhibitor MPP+ depletes endogenous PTEN-induced kinase 1(PINK1) via upregulation of BCL-2-associated athanogene 6 [Neurobiology]
Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in sporadic and familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the mechanisms that impair homeostatic responses to mitochondrial dysfunction remain unclear. Previously, we found that chronic, low dose administration of the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) dysregulates mitochondrial fission-fusion, mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis. Given that PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) regulates mitochondrial function, dynamics and turnover,...
JBC Papers in Press
The structure of the extracellular domains of human interleukin 11 {alpha}-receptor reveals mechanisms of cytokine engagement [Molecular Biophysics]
Interleukin 11 (IL-11) activates multiple intracellular signalling pathways by forming a complex with its cell surface α-receptor, IL-11Rα, and the β-subunit receptor, gp130. Dysregulated IL-11 signalling has been implicated in several diseases, including some cancers and fibrosis. Mutations in IL-11Rα that reduce signalling are also associated with hereditary cranial malformations. Here we present the first crystal structure of the extracellular domains of human IL-11Rα, and a structure of human...
JBC Papers in Press
S-Glutathionylation of human inducible Hsp70 reveals a regulatory mechanism involving the C-terminal {alpha}-helical lid [Protein Structure and Folding]
Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) proteins are a family of ancient and conserved chaperones. Cysteine modifications have been widely detected among different Hsp70 family members in vivo, but their effects on Hsp70 structure and function are unclear. Here, we treated HeLa cells with diamide, which typically induces disulfide bond formation except in the presence of excess GSH when glutathionylated cysteines predominate. We show that in these cells, HspA1A (hHsp70) undergoes reversible cysteine modifications...
JBC Papers in Press
Glycolaldehyde is an endogenous source of lysine N-pyrrolation [Lipids]
Lysine N-pyrrolation converts lysine residues to N-pyrrole-L-lysine (pyrK) in a covalent modification reaction that significantly affects the chemical properties of proteins causing them to mimic DNA. pyrK in proteins has been detected in vivo, indicating that the pyrrolation occurs as an endogenous reaction. However, the source of pyrK remains unknown. In this study, on the basis of our observation in vitro that pyrK is present in oxidized low-density lipoprotein and in modified proteins with oxidized...
JBC Papers in Press
Comparison of Drugs in the Metastatic and Adjuvant Settings
This study found a substantial difference in the number of agents available for use in the metastatic and adjuvant settings for non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Infection Rate May Indicate a Future Diagnosis of Cancer
In this study, researchers found data that suggested immune suppression and increased infection could occur during the precancerous period. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Young Adults with Cancer History More Likely to Use and Report Usage of Electronic Cigarettes
This study examined electronic cigarette usage among young adults with a history of cancer, comparing the data to young adults without a history of cancer via the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Safe and Healthy Nutritional Practices to Follow During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rachel Wong, RD, SCO, LD, an outpatient oncology dietician at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, discussed nutrition practices that patients with cancer can follow to remain healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Positive Results from Phase III PROfound Trial of Olaparib Demonstrate Improvements in OS
Results from the trial showed a statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in overall survival with olaparib versus enzalutamide or abiraterone in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer selected for BRCA1/2 or ATM gene mutations. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Risk of Breast Cancer in Latinas May Be Due to Subtype-Specific Genetic Risk Variants
This study observed a positive association between Indigenous American genetic ancestry and HER2-positive breast cancer, suggesting that the high incidence of HER2-positive subtypes in Latinas may be due to population and subtype-specific genetic risk variants. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Effects of hourly levels of ambient air pollution on ambulance emergency call-outs in Shenzhen, China
Abstract Some researches have shown the associations between air pollution and hospital-based emergency department visits, while the evidence about the acute effects of air pollution on emergency ambulance dispatches for the whole population is rarely available, especially on an hourly time scale. This paper aimed to investigate the effects of hourly concentrations of ambient air pollution on hourly number of ambulance emergency call-outs (AECOs) in Shenzhen, China. AECO data were...
Latest Results
The relationship between environmental awareness, environmental behaviors, and carbon footprint in Turkish households
Abstract Having knowledge about household environmental behaviors is important for planning and conducting efforts to reduce carbon footprint. In this study, the relationship between environmental awareness, purchasing, household practices, and carbon footprint was investigated, and the impact of demographics on these variables was determined. The analysis shows that sensitivity dimension of environmental awareness is related to few environmental behavior variables (purchasing...
Latest Results
A research on urban eco-security evaluation and analysis: complex system’s brittle structure model
Abstract Urban ecosystem has become a critical part of ecological security and draws much attention worldwide. It is both a result of natural ecological system development, and also an inevitable outcome of human ecological system development within a certain stage, with the objective of identifying the possible improvement space for unban ecological security evaluation from complex system perspective. Based on the brittle structure model and set pair theory, this paper firstly...
Latest Results
Biodegradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and the climbazole fungicide by Trichoderma species
Abstract Filamentous fungi Trichoderma have been able to efficiently degrade fluoroquinolone antibiotics namely ciprofloxacin (CIP) and ofloxacin (OFL) as well as the fungicide climbazole (CLB) that are persistent in conventional activated sludge processes. All targeted compounds were biotransformed by whole cells of Trichoderma spp., exactly T. harzanium and T. asperellum, and biosorption played a limited role in their elimination. However, contrasting results were obtained with...
Latest Results
Optimization of hybrid treatment of olive mill wastewaters through impregnation onto raw cypress sawdust and electrocoagulation
Abstract This research investigation proposes a new method for sustainable olive mill wastewater (OMW) treatment and handling. It is based on the combination of its impregnation onto raw cypress sawdust (RCS) followed by electrocoagulation. The retention of OMW compounds onto various RCS doses show an important decrease of its chemical oxygen demand (COD) and its main cation and anion content. The maximum retention efficiencies of COD, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, \( {PO}_4^{3-} \),...
Latest Results
Ecological treatment technology for agricultural non-point source pollution in remote rural areas of China
Abstract Agricultural non-point source pollution is one of the important reasons for rural water pollution, and it is also an important source of water eutrophication. In recent years, with the rapid economic growth and social changes in rural areas, large amounts of untreated domestic sewage and agricultural wastewater entering farmland require high efficiency, low operating costs, and minimal maintenance of treatment systems in rural and remote areas to minimize their impact...
Latest Results
Exploring the distinctiveness of biomass and biomolecules from limnic microalgae of unexplored waters of Noyyal River, Western Ghats, for exploitation
Abstract Oleaginous microalgae with high biomass productivity, lipid content, and lipid productivity are desirable for sustainable biofuel production. Rapid and accurate quantification of lipid content facilitates the identification of promising microalgae candidates. In the present study, 23 freshwater microalgae species from river Noyyal were isolated and identified based on their morphological and molecular (18S rRNA) features and recorded as Karunya Algae Culture Collection...
Latest Results
Effects of soil properties on the remediation of diesel-contaminated soil by Triton X-100-aided washing
Abstract Although nonionic surfactant is widely used for petroleum-contaminated soil washing, there is no definite conclusion on the main soil factors which determine the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons from the soil. In this study, the influences of soil properties on Triton X-100-aided soil washing were investigated using 12 soils in China. The sorption characteristic of Triton X-100 on soils was described as well. The sorption isotherms of Triton X-100 on 12 typical soils...
Latest Results
Analyzing carbon emission transfer network structure among provinces in China: new evidence from social network analysis
Abstract Domestic trade plays a key role in China’s rapid economic progress. However, the increased domestic trade causes significant variations in carbon emission transfer among provinces. This study adopted the multi-region input-output (MRIO) model and social network analysis (SNA) to estimate the carbon emission transfer. Furthermore, the carbon emission transfer network characteristics among 30 provinces and 27 sectors were analyzed by using interprovincial input-output tables...
Latest Results

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