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Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2020


Detailed analyses of the crucial functions of Zn transporter proteins in alkaline phosphatase activation [Enzymology]
Numerous zinc ectoenzymes are metalated by zinc and activated in the compartments of the early secretory pathway before reaching their destination. Zn transporter (ZNT) proteins located in these compartments are essential for ectoenzyme activation. We have previously reported that ZNT proteins, specifically ZNT5–ZNT6 heterodimers and ZNT7 homodimers, play critical roles in the activation of zinc ectoenzymes, such as alkaline phosphatases (ALPs), by mobilizing cytosolic zinc into these compartments....
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
X-ray structures of catalytic intermediates of cytochrome c oxidase provide insights into its O2 activation and unidirectional proton-pump mechanisms [Molecular Biophysics]
Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) reduces O2 to water, coupled with a proton-pumping process. The structure of the O2-reduction site of CcO contains two reducing equivalents, Fea32+ and CuB1+, and suggests that a peroxide-bound state (Fea33+–O−–O−–CuB2+) rather than an O2-bound state (Fea32+–O2) is the initial catalytic intermediate. Unexpectedly, however, resonance Raman spectroscopy results have shown that the initial intermediate is Fea32+–O2, whereas Fea33+–O−–O−–CuB2+ is undetectable. Based on X-ray...
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
ER stress increases store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and augments basal insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells [Molecular Bases of Disease]
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and increased peripheral insulin resistance. Unremitting endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress can lead to beta-cell apoptosis and has been linked to type 2 diabetes. Although many studies have attempted to link ER stress and T2DM, the specific effects of ER stress on beta-cell function remain incompletely understood. To determine the interrelationship between ER stress and beta-cell function, here we treated...
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
Correction: A dual druggable genome-wide siRNA and compound library screening approach identifies modulators of parkin recruitment to mitochondria. [Additions and Corrections]
VOLUME 295 (2020) PAGES 3285–3300An incorrect graph was used in Fig. 5C. This error has now been corrected. Additionally, some of the statistics reported in the legend and text referring to Fig. 5C were incorrect. The F statistics for Fig. 5C should state Fken(3,16) = 7.454, p < 0.01; FCCCP(1,16) = 102.9, p < 0.0001; Finteraction(3,16) = 7.480, p < 0.01. This correction does not affect the results or conclusions of this work.jbc;295/17/5835/F5F1F5Figure 5C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
Correction to: Determinants of none-exclusive breast feeding practice among HIV positive women at selected Health Institutions in Ethiopia: case control study
The authorship list on the original article [1] was incorrect and should instead show as Aklilu Abera Ayele, Kemal Ahmed Seid and Oumer Sada Muhammed. The authors apologise for this error.
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Associations of Prescribed ADHD Medication in Pregnancy with Pregnancy-Related and Offspring Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Abstract Background Increasing numbers of reproductive-aged women are using attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications. Findings from studies exploring the safety of these medications during pregnancy are mixed, and it is unclear whether associations reflect causal effects or could be partially or fully explained by other factors that differ between exposed and unexposed offspring. ...
Latest Results for CNS Drugs
Risikofaktoren und primäre Präventionsstrategien des Zervixkarzinoms
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Hauptrisikofaktor für die Entstehung eines invasiven Zervixkarzinoms ist eine persistierende Infektion mit humanen Papillomviren (HPV). Die beiden High-Risk-Typen HPV 16 und 18 sind in fast allen Zervixkarzinomfällen nachweisbar. Weltweit ist Gebärmutterhalskrebs die vierthäufigste Krebserkrankung bei Frauen. Im Jahr 2018 starben rund 311.000 Frauen weltweit an einem invasiven Zervixkarzinom. ...
Latest Results
Publisher's Note
Eur Thyroid J
ETJ : Last 20 articles
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Scalp: Our Experience in a Single Tertiary Care Centre
Abstract Cutaneous cancer is a rare entity accounting for less than 1% of all diagnosed cancers in India. In contrast to the West, squamous cell carcinoma is the commonest skin cancer in India, often affecting the scalp. However, due to their rarity, not much is known regarding their biological behavior and prognosis. The present study is a retrospective cohort study undertaken in a tertiary cancer centre on 19 consecutive cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp over a period...
Latest Results
Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Academic Anesthesiology
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Paloma Toledo, Choy R. Lewis, Elizabeth M.S. Lange
Anesthesiology Clinics
Effects of Gender and Race/Ethnicity on Perioperative Team Performance
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Rebecca D. Minehart, Erica Gabrielle Foldy
Anesthesiology Clinics
Role of Gender and Race in Patient-Reported Outcomes and Satisfaction
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Natalie Kozlov, Honorio T. Benzon
Anesthesiology Clinics
Considerations for Transgender Patients Perioperatively
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Luis E. Tollinche, Christian Van Rooyen, Anoushka Afonso, Gregory W. Fischer, Cindy B. Yeoh
Anesthesiology Clinics
Racial Differences in Pregnancy-Related Morbidity and Mortality
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Rebecca D. Minehart, Jaleesa Jackson, Jaime Daly
Anesthesiology Clinics
Special Considerations Related to Race, Sex, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status in the Preoperative Evaluation: Part 2: Sex Considerations and Homeless Patients
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Jenna Swisher, Jeanna Blitz, BobbieJean Sweitzer
Anesthesiology Clinics
Special Considerations Related to Race, Sex, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status in the Preoperative Evaluation: Part 1: Race, History of Incarceration, and Health Literacy
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Jeanna Blitz, Jenna Swisher, BobbieJean Sweitzer
Anesthesiology Clinics
Forthcoming Issues
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s):
Anesthesiology Clinics
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s):
Anesthesiology Clinics
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s):
Anesthesiology Clinics
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s):
Anesthesiology Clinics
Gender, Racial, and Socioeconomic Issues in Perioperative Medicine
Publication date: June 2020Source: Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2Author(s): Katherine T. Forkin, Lauren K. Dunn, Edward C. Nemergut
Anesthesiology Clinics
Elizabeth Rang
bmj;369/apr24_10/m1650/FAF1faElizabeth Rang (née Clapham) was born in Oxford where her father, botanist Arthur Roy Clapham FRS, had a teaching post at the university. After the onset of war in 1940,...
Latest headlines from BMJ
David Oliver: Let’s not forget care homes when covid-19 is over
Care homes have been very badly hit by the covid-19 pandemic. This has highlighted their historical neglect and marginalisation and has belatedly brought them into the spotlight. We should not forget...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Margaret Elmes
bmj;369/apr24_8/m1647/FAF1faMargaret Elmes (née Staley) was a supportive, generous doctor who combined her medical research with raising the profiles of women and associate specialists in the medical...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Anthony David Barry Chant
After qualifying Anthony David Barry Chant (“Tony”) worked in Cardiff under the supervision of Archie Cochrane, publishing an early randomised controlled trial comparing venous sclerotherapy with...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: environmental health officers and retired doctors step up to fill contact tracing void
Hundreds of environmental health professionals have offered their time and expertise to help with contact tracing in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, in the hope of getting the covid-19 outbreak...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Administration of end-of-life drugs by family caregivers during covid-19 pandemic
Doctors, nurses, and family caregivers worldwide are facing tough decisions concerning the supply and administration of medications to manage symptoms when patients are dying from covid-19 or other...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Elizabeth Rang
bmj;369/apr24_10/m1650/FAF1faElizabeth Rang (née Clapham) was born in Oxford where her father, botanist Arthur Roy Clapham FRS, had a teaching post at the university. After the onset of war in 1940,...
Latest headlines from BMJ
David Oliver: Let’s not forget care homes when covid-19 is over
Care homes have been very badly hit by the covid-19 pandemic. This has highlighted their historical neglect and marginalisation and has belatedly brought them into the spotlight. We should not forget...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Margaret Elmes
bmj;369/apr24_8/m1647/FAF1faMargaret Elmes (née Staley) was a supportive, generous doctor who combined her medical research with raising the profiles of women and associate specialists in the medical...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Anthony David Barry Chant
After qualifying Anthony David Barry Chant (“Tony”) worked in Cardiff under the supervision of Archie Cochrane, publishing an early randomised controlled trial comparing venous sclerotherapy with...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: environmental health officers and retired doctors step up to fill contact tracing void
Hundreds of environmental health professionals have offered their time and expertise to help with contact tracing in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, in the hope of getting the covid-19 outbreak...
Latest headlines from BMJ
What is happening to non-covid deaths?
Concerns are being raised that one possible consequence of efforts to contain covid-19 could be an increase in deaths from other causes. It’s still relatively early in the spread of the pandemic....
Latest headlines from BMJ
Administration of end-of-life drugs by family caregivers during covid-19 pandemic
Doctors, nurses, and family caregivers worldwide are facing tough decisions concerning the supply and administration of medications to manage symptoms when patients are dying from covid-19 or other...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Pernicious anaemia
What you need to knowConsider pernicious anaemia in patients complaining of unexplained fatigue, memory loss, poor concentration, or paraesthesiaAbout a third of patients may have normal B12 levels...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Doctors performing resuscitation need higher level of PPE, says royal college
Doctors and nurses carrying out resuscitation on patients with covid-19 must be given the highest level of personal protective equipment (PPE), the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Trust withdraws guidance that doctors need not put “covid-19” on death certificates
An NHS hospital trust has been forced to withdraw guidance telling doctors that they need not write “covid-19” on the death certificates of patients who have died with the virus, after it was faced...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis in an Egyptian boy with Pendred syndrome
Kotb Abbass Metwalley, Hekma Saad Farghaly, Mohamed Kotb Abbass MetwalleyThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):22-24 Pendred syndrome (PDS) is manifested by congenital sensorineural deafness in association with goiter due to defective organic binding of iodine in the thyroid gland. Herein, we report on an unusual case of a 14-year-old Egyptian boy with PDS presenting with hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis.
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)
Indian Thyroid Society: Glimpse into thyroid research from India and way forward
Rajesh RajputThyroid Research and Practice 2020 17(1):1-1
Thyroid Research and Practice : 2014 - 11(1)

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